Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2017-18 NSU Undergraduate Catalog Program: Early Childhood Education B.S.Ed. * Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Early Childhood Education B.S.Ed. *

OSRHE Program Code: 023
CIP Code: 131210

Major Code: 3195
Option Codes:

  • 3196 Certification
  • 3197 Non-Certification
  • 319A Early Care: American Sign Language
  • 319B Early Care: Cherokee Cultural Studies
  • 319C Early Care: Ethnic Studies
  • 319D Early Care: Social Welfare
  • 319E Early Care: Spanish

4x12 Requirements for ECED, ELED, SPED majors

Degree requirements and guidelines for teacher education programs require that students majoring early childhood, elementary, and special education successfully complete a minimum of 12 semester hours in liberal arts and sciences course work in each of the academic core areas: English, mathematics, sciences and social sciences (OSHRE policy 3.20.4A).  At NSU, many of the courses in the 4x12 requirement can also count toward the university’s General Education requirements, and students are encouraged to select courses carefully to facilitate progress through their programs.  More information about NSU’s General Education Requirements can be found here. General Education Requirements 

English (12 hrs)

Students must successfully complete 12 hours of English / communication courses with a grade of C or higher.  Courses which are also counted in General Education are noted.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 1113 - Freshman Composition I # (General Education requirement)
ENGL 1213 - Freshman Composition II # (General Education requirement)
COMM 1113 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication # (General Education Written & Oral Comm course)
OR  COMM 2213 - Public Speaking # (General Education Written & Oral Comm course)

Additional 3 hours ENGL or COMM course

Mathematics (12 hrs)

Students must successfully complete 12 hours of mathematics with a grade of C or higher.  Courses which are also counted in General Education are noted.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
MATH 1473 - Applied Mathematics # (General Education Quantitative Analysis course)
OR  MATH 1513 - College Algebra # (General Education Quantitative Analysis course)
MATH 3413 - Geometry and Measurement #

Additional 6 hours MATH course

Science (12 hrs)

Students must successfully complete 12 hours of science with a grade of C or higher.  Courses which are also counted in General Education are noted.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed


BIOL 1114 - General Biological Science # (General Education Natural Sciences course)
OR  BIOL 1113 - General Biological Science (Lecture)# (General Education Natural Sciences course)
and  BIOL 1111 - General Biological Science Lab# (General Education Natural Sciences course)


SCI 1114 - General Physical Science # (General Education Natural Sciences course)
OR  SCI 1113 - General Physical Science Lecture# (General Education Natural Sciences course)
and  SCI 1111 - General Physical Science Lab# (General Education Natural Sciences course)


SCI 4124 - Earth Science #

Social Sciences (12 hrs)

Students must successfully complete 12 hours of social sciences with a grade of C or higher.  Courses which are also counted in General Education are noted.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
POLS 1113 - American Federal Government # (General Education requirement)
HIST 1483 - American History to 1877 # (General Education Social & Behavioral Science course)
OR  HIST 1493 - American History since 1877 # (General Education Social & Behavioral Science course)
PSYC 1113 - Introduction to Psychology # (General Education Social & Behavioral Sciences course)

Additional 3 hours in Social Sciences: ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, PSYC, or SOC courses.

Second Language Requirement for Teacher Education Majors

Teacher candidates must demonstrate listening and speaking skills at the novice-high level, as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, for a language other than English, including American Sign Language. (OSHRE policy 3.20.4E.)  Students may use foreign language courses to also meet the Global Perspectives category (3 hrs) in General Education requirements. See General Education Requirements for more information. General Education Requirements .

Early Childhood Education Core - 32 hrs

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ECED 4113 - Creative Expression for Early Childhood
ECED 4153 - Early Childhood Literacy
ECED 4213 - Cognitive Development of Young Children & the Integrated Curriculum
ECED 4313 - Development of Early Childhood Programs
ECED 4563 - Classroom Management for Early Childhood
ECED 4813 - Birth To Two Development
LIBM 4023 - Materials for Children (Formerly Children’s Literature)
P ED 4232 - Motor Skill Development of the Young Child
READ 4013 - Content Literacy K-8
READ 4023 - Reading and Language Development of the Young Child
READ 4063 - Introduction to Reading and Writing Assessment

Select one of the following options:

Certification (3196) Professional Educ Requirements - 29 hrs

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
EDUC 3313 - Clinical Teaching/Pre-Internship I
EDUC 3113 - Educational Psychology
SPED 4433 - Introduction to Education of Children with Exceptionalities
ECED 4513 - Organization & Implementation of Early Childhood Programs
EDUC 4823 - Emerging Technologies
EDUC 4032 - Pre-Internship II
EDUC 4044 - Elementary Intern Teaching
EDUC 4054 - Elementary Intern Teaching (Full Internship Program)
EDUC 4172 - Assessment and Evaluation
EDUC 4252 - Seminar

Non-Certification (3197) Professional Educ Requirements - 29 hrs

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
EDUC 3313 - Clinical Teaching/Pre-Internship I
EDUC 3113 - Educational Psychology
SPED 4433 - Introduction to Education of Children with Exceptionalities
ECED 4513 - Organization & Implementation of Early Childhood Programs
EDUC 4823 - Emerging Technologies
EDUC 4032 - Pre-Internship II

Complete 12 additional hours of electives with advisor and department chair approval.  See below for additional information concerning this option.

Early Care - 32 hrs.

The Early Childhood Non-Certification Early Care option prepares students to work in diverse and inclusive environments, including homes, schools, and other community settings which serve children from birth to age eight and their families. This program option uses an integrative approach to the relationships among individuals, families, and communities and the environments in which they function.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ECED 3203 - Birth to Three Ages and Stages
ECED 3413 - Birth to Three Healthy Beginnings
ECED 3623 - Challenges in the Family
ECED 3833 - Family Engagement
ECED 4810 - Practicum (2 hrs)
EDUC 3113 - Educational Psychology
SPED 4433 - Introduction to Education of Children with Exceptionalities

Focus Areas

Complete 12 hours from a focus area listed below.

American Sign Language (319A)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
SPED 3313 - American Sign Language I #
SPED 3323 - American Sign Language II #
SPED 3333 - American Sign Language III
SPED 3343 - American Sign Language IV
SPED 3353 - Deaf Culture
SPED 3363 - Community/Career Seminar in American Sign Language
Cherokee Cultural Studies (319B)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
AIS 4733 - History of the Five Civilized Tribes #
CHER 1113 - Elementary Cherokee I #
CHER 1123 - Elementary Cherokee II #
CHER 2113 - Intermediate Cherokee I #
CHER 2123 - Intermediate Cherokee II #
CHER 4113 - Cherokee Cultural Heritage #
Ethnic Studies (319C)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
AIS 3453 - Ethnology of the American Indian #
or  ANTH 3453 - Ethnology of the American Indian #
or  SOC 3453 - Ethnology of the American Indian #
AIS 4163 - The Magical Worldview #
or  ANTH 4163 - The Magical Worldview #
or  SOC 4163 - The Magical Worldview #
AIS 4463 - Native American Literature I #
or  ENGL 4463 - Native American Literature I #
AIS 4813 - Native American Mythology and Folklore #
or  ENGL 4813 - Native American Mythology and Folklore #
AIS 3723 - Native American History #
or  HIST 3723 - Native American History #
AIS 4743 - History of the Plains Indians #
or  HIST 4743 - History of the Plains Indians #
ANTH 3223 - Racial and Cultural Minorities #
or  SOC 3223 - Racial and Cultural Minorities #
ENGL 3913 - African American Writers #
POLS 4273 - Race and Politics #
Social Welfare (319D)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
SOC 4723 - Social Stratification #
SOWK 2013 - Introduction to Social Work #
SOWK 4613 - Human Diversity and Social Work #
SOWK 4633 - Family and Child Welfare Services #
SOWK 4643 - Case Management #
SOWK 4863 - Social Policy #
Spanish (319E)
Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
SPAN 1113 - Elementary Spanish I #
SPAN 1123 - Elementary Spanish II #
SPAN 2113 - Intermediate Spanish I #
SPAN 2123 - Intermediate Spanish II #
SPAN 2313 - Intermediate Spanish Conversation#
SPAN 3113 - Advanced Composition & Conversation I #
SPAN 3223 - Latino Cultures of the US #
SPAN 4223 - Culture and Civilization of Spanish America #

Totals: Certification - 61 hrs; Non-Certification - 61 hrs; Early Care - 64 hrs

Teacher Education Admission and Certification Policies

 In addition to courses in the discipline, all students completing a BA or BS degree in Education degree must meet the following requirements for certification.

  • Be accepted for admission to teacher education, pre-II internship, and full internship according to published course sequence and guidelines.
  • Demonstrate proficiency at the high novice level in a language other than English.
  • Develop a portfolio which documents their accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to the competencies, standards, and outcomes established by the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and the Oklahoma State Department of Education.  
  • Complete all courses in the major and Professional Education Core with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • Students entering NSU beginning Fall 2013 must have an overall GPA of 2.75 for admission to teacher education.
  • Once admitted to the teacher education program, all majors must continue to maintain a GPA of 2.5 (overall, in their major field of study, and professional education core) through completion with the exception that Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education majors must maintain a GPA of 2.75 (overall, in their major field of study, and professional education) through completion.
  • 4 X 12 requirement - Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Special Education programs require completion of 12 semester hours with a grade of “C” or better in the following disciplines: Communication Arts (ENGL, COMM, Literature), Math, Science, and Social Science (ECON, GEOG, HIST, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) prior to graduation.
  • All Professional Education majors must complete PSYC 1003 or PSYC 1113.  Advisors recommend those courses be completed as part of the General Education course sequence.

ECED/ELEM/SPED Non-Certification Option

Students admitted to the Teacher Education Program may apply to receive a degree in Education with the Non-Certification Option:

1. When a student realizes that teaching is no longer his/her chosen profession, but he/she wishes to complete an education degree without certification rather than changing major, OR
2. When career goals require a degree in education without teacher certification, OR
3. When circumstances prohibit loss of employment while student teaching.

Students receiving a degree in Education without Certification must:

1. Notify the Director of Clinical Education, in writing, of the desire to pursue an education degree without certification, naming one of the three reasons listed above as the basis for the request;
2. Complete the appropriate agreement form and submit it to the Director. The Director will forward the form, with his or her signature, through the appropriate Chair to the Dean and the Certification Office, where it will be placed in the student’s Clinical Education file.
3. With the exception of student teaching, successfully complete all the courses except for student teaching required for a degree;
4. Follow all policies and procedures and regulations outlined in the Teacher Education Handbook and NSU catalog related to teacher education;
5. Satisfy the full admission requirements for teacher candidacy and the criteria for progression;
6. Successfully complete all courses and field experiences, including Practicum, required for an education degree, with the exception of Student Teaching. With the approval of his/her academic advisor, select and complete twelve (12) additional semester hours of electives. These 12 semester hours of electives replace the student teaching with the approval of his/her advisor and department chair.

Final Semester: Electives- 12 hours

Non Certification Option: With approval of academic advisor, 12 hours may be substituted for the final semester of intern teaching and seminar for a candidate seeking a degree in education without certification. These 12 semester hours of electives replace the final intern teaching requirement.

A student who chooses to receive the Bachelor’s Degree in Education with the Non-Certification Option is not eligible for recommendation for certification by the College of Education until such time the student successfully completes all certification requirements through the College of Education, including the final internship. The student is not considered a program completer for the certification path for which he or she was initially pursuing.


Additional Degree Information - College of Education

In addition to general education and program requirements stated above, additional hours may be needed to satisfy all minimum degree requirements listed below.

  • English Proficiency: Components I and II of English proficiency should be met with grades of “C” or better prior to the completion of 60 credit hours.
  • ​A minimum of 124 hours is required. PE activity is limited to four hours. Prior learning credit (CLEP, Advanced Standing, Military Credit, etc) is limited to 30 hours.
  • ​A minimum of 30 hours in residence (from NSU) is required for graduation. PE activity is limited to four hours. Hours in residence exclude zero-level courses and prior learning credit such as CLEP, Advanced Placement, Advanced Standing, Military Credit, etc.​
  • A minimum of 40 hours of 3000/4000 level courses is required for graduation.  ​
  • A minimum of 60 hours from a 4-year school is required for graduation excluding zero level and PE activity courses.
  • At least fifty percent of the major requirements must be upper division courses (3000 and 4000 level).
  • At least 18 hours or fifty percent of the major, whichever is greater, must be satisfactorily completed at NSU.
  • The minimum number of credit hours required in the Liberal Arts and Sciences varies based on the type of degree.  B.A and B.A.Ed. degrees require at least 80 hours.  B.S. and B.S.Ed. degrees requires at least 55 hours.  Liberal Arts and Science courses are designated with a “#” after the course title.

For more information, see Bachelor’s Degree Requirements.
