Sep 27, 2024  
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • SAFM 3413 - Applied Safety Engineering

    3 Hours. Covers technical information vital to the safety and health professional. Topics include design, construction and maintenance of industrial facilities, handling of materials and storage and industrial machinery.
  • SAFM 3423 - Industrial Hygiene

    3 Hours. Presents principles and practices of environmental hazard recognition, assessment and control of hazards, industrial hygiene programs and government regulations and compliance.
  • SAFM 4413 - Machine and Materials Safety

    3 Hours. A continuation of Applied Safety Engineering. Topics include industrial machinery, processing of industrial materials, energy source safety and management, and fire protection. Prerequisite: SAFM 3413.
  • SAFM 4423 - Industrial Hygiene Management

    3 Hours. A continuation of Industrial Hygiene. Topics include case studies and resultant problems, how to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control workplace hazards, presents start-up plans and operation of successful industrial hygiene programs. Prerequisite: SAFM 3423.
  • SAFM 4433 - Ergonomics

    3 Hours. A study of the equipment and training variables influencing the human-machine systems and design concepts to achieve optimum adjustment of the work environment to fit the people.
  • SAFM 4443 - Life Safety and Building Codes

    3 Hours. A survey of regulations and standards pertaining to the Engineering and design of Life Safety systems and Codes that apply to industrial facilities construction and design. Other pertinent topics may be included.
  • SAFM 4453 - Process Safety Management

    3 Hours. A study of management practices and governmental regulations associated with highly hazardous chemicals. Topics include components of 29CFR1910.119, hazard analysis techniques, auditing and written programs. The twelve technical elements of process safety management are also covered.
  • SAFM 4513 - Workers’ Compensation Management

    3 Hours. Provides a working knowledge of workers’ compensation management systems and develops proactive strategies designed to reduce costs and improve the experience of affected employees.  Includes strategies, current trends, and integrates technology-based solutions. Prerequisite: TECH 3053 or MGMT 3183
  • SCI 0120 - Concepts in Science

    1-5 Hours. Basic principles of science intended to stimulate an academic interest in science, increase powers of observation and enrich cultural appreciation of science. Course subject matter will concentrate on the biological or physical sciences. High school deficiency in science may be satisfied by the successful completion of this course. (No college credit)
  • SCI 1111 - General Physical Science Lab#

    1 Hours. This laboratory course focuses on the processes of scientific investigations and the nature of scientific explanations in the Physical Sciences.  No major or minor credit.  This course taken with SCI 1113 satisfies the general education requirement in the Physical Sciences, including the laboratory requirement.  Students cannot receive credit for SCI 1114 and SCI 1111.  Two hours of lab per week. Prerequisite: Prerequisite or co-requisite:  SCI 1113.
  • SCI 1113 - General Physical Science Lecture#

    3 Hours. An introductory course concerned with fundamental physical science principles, including force and motion, energy, the structure of matter, chemical and physical properties of matter, astronomy, and earth processes.  No major or minor credit.  This course satisfies the general education requirement in Physical Sciences, except for the laboratory requirement.  General education requirements include one laboratory course in either Physical or Biological Sciences.  Students cannot receive credit for SCI 1114 and SCI 1113.  Three hours of lecture per week.
  • SCI 1114 - General Physical Science #

    4 Hours. An introductory course concerned with fundamental physical science principles, including force and motion, energy, the structure of matter, chemical and physical properties of matter, astronomy, and earth processes.  The laboratory component focuses on the processes of scientific investigations and the nature of scientific explanations in the Physical Sciences.  This course satisfies the general education requirement in Physical Sciences, including the lab requirement.  Students cannot receive credit for SCI 1114 and SCI 1113 or SCI 1111.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week. No major or minor credit.
  • SCI 1314 - Astronomy #

    4 Hours. Topics include theories of the formation of the planets, stellar evolution, and cosmology. Laboratory work is a major part of the course and includes various aspects of practical Astronomy such as the locations of the constellations and the use of a telescope.
  • SCI 3113 - Science & Medical Terminology #

    3 Hours. Greek and Latin used in the scientific vocabulary with emphasis on terminology used in allied health and medical fields.. No major or minor credit in Biology.
  • SCI 4110 - Special Topics in Science #

    1-6 Hours. Selected studies in Science. Course may be repeated with the change of subject matter for a maximum of 6 hours.
  • SCI 4124 - Earth Science #

    4 Hours. A survey of basic concepts in geology, astronomy, and meteorology. Where appropriate, emphasis will be made of contemporary environmental and societal concerns in these three areas. Laboratory includes mineral and rock identification, astronomical observation techniques, and the use of weather instruments in forecasting. Junior or above standing required.
  • SCI 4214 - Science in the Elementary School

    4 Hours. Further treatment of fundamentals concepts in life science, physical science and earth space science designed for the elementary teacher. Concepts are taught through lecture, discussion, and laboratory experiences, including inquiry.  Prerequisite:  SCI 1114, BIOL 1114 and admission to Teacher Education. This course may not be used for Secondary Science Certification.
  • SCI 4343 - History of Science I#

    A survey of Western man’s efforts to understand the natural world, from earliest historical times to the 17th Century. May count as credit in science majors.
  • SCI 4413 - History of Science II #

    3 Hours. The historical and intellectual development of modern science. May count as credit in science majors.
  • SCI 4513 - Methods in Teaching Secondary Science

    3 Hours. This course focuses on methods of teaching middle school and high school science including planning for instruction, teaching strategies, inquiry-based instruction, assessment, reflective practice, and laboratory management and safety. Field experiences in a middle school or high school classroom are embedded in the curriculum. This course is required of Science Education majors and must be taken concurrently with EDUC 4032 Pre-Internship II.
  • SCI 4613 - Inquiry-Based Science for the Elementary Teacher

    3 Hours. Further treatment of biological and physical sciences designed for the elementary teacher. Prerequisite: SCI 1114 and BIOL 1114, or their equivalents and junior standing (60 hours). Content will be taught through inquiry, lecture, discussion, and laboratory experiences.
  • SCM 3113 - Principles of Transportation

    3 Hours. Study of types of domestic and international transportation modes, their operating characteristics, economic and regulatory environments, costing and pricing, and strategies for both carriers and shippers.
  • SCM 3213 - SAP Enterprise Resource Planning Across the Supply Chain

    3 Hours. Introduces the deployment of the SAP R/3 Enterprise software in the supply chain. It relates R/3 Enterprise (formerly known as SAP R/3 System) to an information systems framework, examining its technical structure and considers general implementation issues.
  • SCM 3401 - Honors Research I

    1 Hours. Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above.
  • SCM 3402 - Honors Research II

    2 Hours. Research and development of scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above, SCM 3401.
  • SCM 3553 - Purchasing, and Inventory Management

    3 Hours. This course is a study of purchasing and inventory management decision making in an international economy. It focuses on inventory control and management, including service level issues, along with purchasing strategies. Prerequisite: MKT 3213 and BADM 3933 or MATH 3513. Student cannot earn credit in both SCM 3553 and MKT 3553. Dual-listed: MKT 3553
  • SCM 3733 - Lean Concepts in Organizations

    3 Hours. A survey of methods and techniques being employed by world class industries to compete in a global market through identification and removal of waste and non-value added activities. Specific topics will include value stream mapping, employee involvement, total quality, group technology, manufacturing work cells, setup time reduction, lot size reduction, work flow, and line balancing. The application of lean concepts in diverse industry settings is examined. Student cannot earn credit in both SCM 3733 and TECH 3733. Dual-listed: TECH 3733
  • SCM 4050 - Supply Chain Management Study Tour

    1-3 Hours. Tours to various businesses which may include: retail stores, manufacturing facilities, warehousing facilities, distribution facilities, company headquarters and other sites related to supply chain management.
  • SCM 4353 - Marketing Logistics

    3 Hours. Planning, implementing, and controlling marketing systems for the flow of materials and final goods from points of origin to points of use to meet customer requirements at a profit. Involves coordinating the activities of suppliers, purchasing agents, manufacturers, transportation modes, marketers, channel, members, and customers in domestic and international markets. Prerequisite: MKT 3213. Student cannot earn credit in both SCM 4353 and MKT 4353. Dual-listed: MKT 4353
  • SCM 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity. All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors students, SCM 4402.
  • SCM 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing, SCM 3402.
  • SCM 4443 - Special Topics in Supply Chain Management

    3 Hours. Special studies, research, and/or activities in supply chain management. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be on campus or in the field.
  • SCM 4513 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

    3 Hours. An introduction to bargaining and negotiation in public, business, personal, and legal settings. Interests, options, alternatives, relationships and commitments in principled-based versus position-based negotiations are examined as they influence negotiations and the resolution of conflict to achieve a win-win result for the bargaining parties. Students will engage in online, or face-to-face, case-based negotiations. Student cannot earn credit in both SCM 4513 and TECH 4513. Dual-listed: TECH 4513
  • SCM 4533 - International Supply Chain Management

    3 Hours. International aspects of supply chain management including transportation, logistics, supplier, and other issues unique to a worldwide environment.
  • SCM 4633 - Advanced Supply Chain Strategy

    3 Hours. Advanced examination of varied aspects of the supply chain including strategic dimensions of logistics, transportation, materials handling, and inventory control. Prerequisite: MKT 4353, senior status. Capstone course.
  • SCM 4723 - Materials Management Handling

    3 Hours. The study of the concepts, models, and systems for material management and production planning. Material flow from raw material acquisition through the finished product is examined. Materials management covers the basics of supply chain management, manufacturing, planning and control systems, purchasing, vendor-managed inventory, inventory evaluation, physical distribution, and performance metrics. Student cannot earn credit in both SCM 4723 and TECH 4723. Dual-listed: TECH 4723
  • SCM 4753 - Process of Purchasing

    3 Hours. This course addresses what firms must do to achieve a competitive advantage in the global economy from their procurement and sourcing processes. The course examines the interdependent relation of a firms strategic planning and purchasing strategies. Credit cannot be earned in both SCM 4753 and TECH 4753. Dual-listed: TECH 4753
  • SCM 4950 - Internship

    3 or 6 Hours. Work in an approved business position related to supply chain management. Consists of applying knowledge which has been gained while working toward a degree. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above and approval of department chair.
  • SLP 2113 - Accent Modification for Non-English Speakers

    3 Hours. This course focuses on accent modification for students who speak different dialects and languages.  Emphasis will be on pronunciation, grammar, and conversational skills.  Listening and speaking exercises will be practiced during class.  One hour a week will be set aside for small group speaking instruction to reduce accents.
  • SLP 2443 - Materials/Methods for Clinical Practice

    3 Hours. Presentation of procedures for SLP clinicians in clinic.  Procedures include:  Philosophy of learning, reinforcement techniques, therapy techniques and paperwork. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in SLP 3213, SLP 3313.
  • SLP 3213 - Language Disorders in Children

    3 Hours. A study of the clinical point-of-view approach to various types of language deviations. Prerequisite: SLP 3813.
  • SLP 3223 - Clinical Phonetics

    3 Hours. A detailed study of the specific anatomical process in producing sounds.
  • SLP 3313 - Introduction to Communication Disorders

    3 Hours. A survey of the field of speech/language pathology. Emphasis is placed on characteristics, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of various communication disorders.
  • SLP 3363 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Mechanism

    3 Hours. Major emphasis on the respiration system in speech, the structure for phonation, the larynx, the trachea, the palate, the pharynx, the nose and sinuses, and the structure for articulation.
  • SLP 3401 - Honors Research I

    1 Hours. Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above.
  • SLP 3402 - Honors Research II

    2 Hours. Research and development of scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above, SLP 3401.
  • SLP 3413 - Hearing Science

    3 Hours. Anatomy and physiology of the hearing mechanism; nature of sound; overview of hearing, hearing loss, hearing disorders & screening procedures. Prerequisite: SLP 3313.
  • SLP 3443 - Materials and Methods for Clinical Practices

    3 Hours. Presentation of procedures for S clinicians in clinic. Procedures include: Philosophy of learning, reinforcement techniques, therapy techniques and paperwork. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in SLP 3213, SLP 3313.
  • SLP 3473 - Aural Rehabilitation

    3 Hours. Habilitation and rehabilitation of hearing disorders and hearing loss. Prerequisite: SLP 4413.
  • SLP 3532 - Supervised Clinical Practicum

    2 Hours. Under supervision the student clinician gives therapy training to individuals.  Course may be repeated for up to six hours credit with change in assignment – clinical, public school, diagnostic, and supervision
  • SLP 3632 - Introduction to Speech Correction

    2 Hours. Initial course in the diagnosis and treatment of children with various types of speech inadequacies.
  • SLP 3813 - Language Development

    3 Hours. Theory of the development of speech and language from the birth cry to normal acquisition of language; factors influencing speech, i.e., intelligence, environment, age, sex, and hearing; and analysis of current research. Social aspects of language also included.
  • SLP 4213 - Language Disorders in Adolescents

    3 Hours. This course focuses on language disorders in preadolescents and adolescents with emphasis on assessment of and intervention for a variety of spoken and written language difficulties. Prerequisite: SLP 3213, SLP 3813.
  • SLP 4233 - Speech, Hearing and Voice Science

    3 Hours. Presentation of material regarding various anatomic, physiologic, acoustic and perceptual parameters of the human voice. Instrumentation and other methods of acoustic measurement will be included. Prerequisite: SLP 3363, SLP 3223.
  • SLP 4323 - Assessment and Intervention of Communication Differences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations

    3 Hours. The course focuses on accent modification of English language dialects and of English language learners.  Emphasis will be on assessment and intervention of articulation, grammar, and conversational skills.  Cross-cultural competence of students will be included.
  • SLP 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity.  All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors student, SLP 4402.
  • SLP 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing, SLP 3402.
  • SLP 4413 - Audiology

    3 Hours. Assessment of hearing and hearing disorders with emphasis on standard audiological battery, pediatric audiology, and electrophysiological and other special tests. Prerequisite: SLP 3413.
  • SLP 4473 - Aural Rehabilitation

    3 Hours. Treatment of hearing disorders.
  • SLP 4520 - Independent Study

    1-3 Hours. Independent study of topics related to communication disorders.
  • SLP 4521 - Independent Study

    1 Hours. Independent study of topics related to normal communication processes and/or the nature, diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders.
  • SLP 4522 - Independent Study

    2 Hours. Independent study of topics related to normal communication processes and/or the nature, diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders.
  • SLP 4523 - Independent Study

    3 Hours. Independent study of topics related to normal communication processes and/or the nature, diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders.
  • SLP 4530 - Supervised Clinical Practicum

    1-3 Hours. Under supervision the student clinician gives therapy training to individuals. Course may be repeated for up to six hours credit.
  • SLP 4531 - Supervised Clinical Practicum

    1 Hours. Under supervision the student clinician gives therapy training to individuals.  Course may be repeated for up to six hours credit with change in assignment - clinical, public school, diagnostic, and supervision.
  • SLP 4532 - Supervised Clinical Practicum

    2 Hours. Under supervision the student clinician gives therapy training to individuals.  Course may be repeated for up to six hours credit with change in assignment - clinical, public school, diagnostic, and supervision.
  • SLP 4533 - Supervised Clinical Practicum

    3 Hours. Under supervision the student clinician gives therapy training to individuals.  Course may be repeated for up to six hours credit with change in assignment - clinical, public school, diagnostic, and supervision.
  • SLP 4540 - Seminar in Individual Studies

    1-4 Hours. Individual and/or group projects related to topics relevant to the total field of Speech Language Pathology. Course designed to meet individual needs of the student with regard to certification and to strengthen knowledge in research strategies in one or more areas.
  • SLP 4541 - Seminar in Individual Studies

    1 Hours. Individual and/or groups projects related to topics relevant to the total field of Speech Language Pathology.  Course designed to meet individual needs of the student with regard to certification and to strengthen knowledge in research strategies in one or more areas.
  • SLP 4542 - Seminar in Individual Studies

    2 Hours. Individual and/or groups projects related to topics relevant to the total field of Speech Language Pathology.  Course designed to meet individual needs of the student with regard to certification and to strengthen knowledge in research strategies in one or more areas.
  • SLP 4543 - Seminar in Individual Studies

    3 Hours. Individual and/or groups projects related to topics relevant to the total field of Speech Language Pathology.  Course designed to meet individual needs of the student with regard to certification and to strengthen knowledge in research strategies in one or more areas.
  • SLP 4544 - Seminar in Individual Studies

    4 Hours. Individual and/or groups projects related to topics relevant to the total field of Speech Language Pathology.  Course designed to meet individual needs of the student with regard to certification and to strengthen knowledge in research strategies in one or more areas.
  • SLP 4783 - Articulatory & Phonological Disorders

    3 Hours. In-depth study of the phonetic and phonemic analysis of speech sounds. Prerequisite: SLP 3363, and SLP 3223.
  • SLP 4803 - Neuroanatomy of Communication Disorders

    3 Hours. Continuation of SLP 3363 with emphasis on neuroanatomy and neurological bases for communication.
  • SLP 4813 - Language Development

    3 Hours. Theory of the development of speech and language from the birth cry to normal acquisition of language; factors influencing speech, i.e., intelligence, environment, age, sex, and hearing; and analysis of current research.  Social aspects of language also included.
  • SOC 1113 - Introduction to Sociology #

    3 Hours. Analysis and description of society, culture, the socialization process, social institutions, and social change; consideration of basic sociological theory.
  • SOC 2023 - Social Problems #

    3 Hours. Analysis of some of the more important current social problems and their interrelationships.
  • SOC 3123 - Cultural Anthropology #

    3 Hours. An introduction to the major theories and methods in cultural anthropology. An emphasis on non-Western cultures, in particular, American Indian cultures, is provided in a framework enabling students to compare cross-cultural phenomena to Western society. Topics include: an introduction to ethnography and field work; language systems; subsistence and economic systems; marriage and the family; organization; religion and magic; applied and medical anthropology; culture change; anthropology in the modern world. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 3123 and SOC 3123. Dual-listed: ANTH 3123
  • SOC 3213 - Juvenile Delinquency #

    3 Hours. Systematic examination of the basic nature of juvenile delinquency Emphasis placed on the legal and social foundations, extent, courts, theories of causation, and effects of prevention.
  • SOC 3223 - Racial and Cultural Minorities #

    3 Hours. Course provides exposure to the cultural, racial, and religious diversity of the United States. Theories of race are examined. Also explored is American racial diversity based on the interface of land, labor, and capital in conjunction with the different racial, ethnic, and religious groups. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 3223 and SOC 3223. Dual-listed: ANTH 3223
  • SOC 3233 - Sociology of Deviant Behavior #

    3 Hours. An examination of the factors and conditions which underlie disagreement about fundamental values; their relation to personal and social maladjustment; evaluation of various theories of deviant behavior. Prerequisite: Soc 1113.
  • SOC 3243 - Family Sociology #

    3 Hours. Analysis of the family as a social institution; concentration on the structure and function of the American family.
  • SOC 3323 - Social Statistics #

    3 Hours. Presentation and application of descriptive and inferential statistics commonly used in sociology, social work, and gerontology. Table and chart construction, measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlational analysis and hypothesis testing are covered. Specific applications for survey research are emphasized. Prerequisite: MATH 1473 or Math 1513.
  • SOC 3343 - Corrections #

    3 Hours. A survey of historical and modern corrections. Topics include correctional issues, ideologies, theories, and applications concerning offenders. Field trips. Credit may not be earned in both SOC 3343 and CR J 3343. Dual-listed: CR J 3343
  • SOC 3401 - Honors Research I

    1 Hours. Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above.
  • SOC 3402 - Honors Research II

    2 Hours. Research and development of scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above.   SOC 3401
  • SOC 3413 - Rural Sociology #

    3 Hours. Analysis of the social and technological changes taking place in the rural segment of society and the impact of these changes on the total society.
  • SOC 3453 - Ethnology of the American Indian #

    3 Hours. Course provides exposure to the cultural and linguistic diversity of Native North America, focusing on the ten culture areas of North America, and the similarities and differences of the American Indian peoples who continue to live in these areas. Emphasis is placed on modes of subsistence, kinship, and belief systems of the inhabitants of each culture area. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 3453 and SOC 3453. Dual-listed: ANTH 3453
  • SOC 3463 - Language and Culture #

    3 Hours. Introduction to the cross-cultural study of language and communication from an anthropological perspective. Course will focus upon language as a human attribute, human communication as a part of culture, and the linguistic diversity of our contemporary world. Emphasis is placed on linguistic and ethnic diversity in contemporary American society. Credit may not be earned in both SOC 3463 and ANTH 3463. Dual-listed: ANTH 3463
  • SOC 3813 - Sociology of Aging #

    3 Hours. A comprehensive study of aging in society, including discussions of biology, psychology, and economics as related to the perspective of sociology, with emphasis on the major gerontological theories and research.
  • SOC 4001 - Workshop #

    1 Hours. An opportunity to study in depth one or two selected social issues of current significance, either in seminar or field trip situations. May be repeated with different topics to a maximum 6 hours credit. Soc 4001 graded Pass/Fail.
  • SOC 4002 - Workshop #

    2 Hours. An opportunity to study in depth one or two selected social issues of current significance, either in seminar or field trip.  May be repeated with different topics to a maximum of 6 hours credit. Graded Pass/Fail.
  • SOC 4003 - Workshop #

    3 Hours. An opportunity to study in depth one or two selected social issues of current significance, either in seminar or field trip. May be repeated with different topics to a maximum 6 hours credit. Graded Pass/Fail.
  • SOC 4013 - Drugs in Society #

    3 Hours. Examines critical issues related to drug use, the relationship between drug use and criminal activity, its effect on the criminal justice system, and drug policy in the U.S.  At the conclusion of this course the student should have a basic understanding of policy issues related to drug use and be able to formulate informed ideas about the relationship between drug use and criminal propensities.
  • SOC 4133 - Field Methods in Ethnology #

    3 Hours. Designed to complement Sociology 3453, but may be taken separately. Field work in the study of living Indian groups. Techniques of gathering and processing of data on daily life, family structure, and world view of selected American Indian groups. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 4133 and SOC 4133. Dual-listed: ANTH 4133
  • SOC 4143 - American Indians Today #

    3 Hours. Current social issues affecting Native American peoples are linked to their unique Constitutional relationship to the U.S. Federal Government. Using the ethno-historic method, this class links current Indian issues to Native American history, through an examination of Indian-white relations since Colonial times. Sovereignty and wardship are recurrent themes developed in the class. Credit may not be earned in both SOC 4143 and ANTH 4143. Dual-listed: ANTH 4143
  • SOC 4153 - Archaeology of North America #

    3 Hours. The archaeology of Native North America, with emphasis on major phases of prehistory, from passage across the Bering Straits theory, to early protohistoric horizons. Emphasis on material culture and lifeways through ethnographic analogy. The course begins with the history of American archaeology. Topics include: introduction to archaeology; history of North American archaeology; Paleo-Indians; the Archaic period; the Southwest; Woodland traditions. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 4153 and SOC 4153. Dual-listed: ANTH 4153
  • SOC 4163 - The Magical Worldview #

    3 Hours. A cross-cultural and comparative exploration of religion, magic and supernatural belief systems. Emphasis is also placed on indigenous religions of the Western hemisphere. The course examines how religion permeates other aspects of society and culture. Topics include: the anthropology of religion; symbolism, myth, ritual, and taboo; shamans, priests, and prophets; the religious use of drugs; witchcraft, sorcery, and evil; demons, exorcism, divination, and magic, ghosts, souls, and ancestors–power of the dead; crisis cults. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 4163 and SOC 4163. Dual-listed: ANTH 4163
  • SOC 4173 - Indians of the Plains #

    3 Hours. The course, an examination of the Great Plains from the earliest human occupation to present, focuses on the pre-Columbian Plains from an archaeological perspective, and the post-contact period, from an ethnological perspective. Credit may not be earned in both SOC 4173 and ANTH 4173. Dual-listed: ANTH 4173
  • SOC 4183 - Ancient Mesoamerica #

    3 Hours. The archaeology and ethnography of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, which includes present-day Mexico and Central America. An examination of the major civilization: Olmec, Maya, Teotihuacan, Toltec, and Aztec. Time periods covered from earliest inhabitants to early contact with Europeans after 1502. Credit may not be earned in both ANTH 4183 and SOC 4183. Dual-listed: ANTH 4183

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