Sep 27, 2024  
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • SPED 4242 - Collaboration and Transition Planning of Students with Disabilities

    2 Hours.  

    A review of intrapersonal/interpersonal characteristics which serve students with disabilities, advocating for students with disabilities, communicate with IEP teams, and collaboration with all other service providers of children with disabilities will be reviewed.  Effective planning procedures to guide students with disabilities during transitional phases that include curricular, interagency, self-determination, and family aspects of transition will be discussed.   Prerequisite: Pre-requisites: 2.75 GPA or higher and successful completion (grade C or better) in EDUC 3113 and EDUC 3313.   

  • SPED 4253 - Instructional Evaluations and Implementation for Students with Disabilities

    3 Hours.  

    Focus on implementation and evaluation of skills in design, curriculum, and strategies of instruction for students with disabilities in a variety of general and special education settings in public school field experiences.  A field experience will be integrated into this course so application of knowledge is demonstrated by the students in their ability to deliver research-based interventions, including RTI, use effective instructional strategies, apply behavioral modifications, administer informal evaluations and monitor IEP progress for students with disabilities.   Prerequisite: Pre-requisite: 2.75 GPA or higher and successful completion (grade C or better) in EDUC 3113, EDUC 3313, AND successful completion of SPED 4233.  Taken prior to or concurrently with EDUC 4032.

  • SPED 4263 - Assistive Technology Strategies and Universal Design for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    3 Hours.  

    Provides information pertaining to assistive technology strategies and alternative/augmentative communication systems that are useful for the academic and social progress of students with disabilities, especially students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).   A synopsis of the characteristics, identification, history, causes, interventions, and current issues regarding students with Autism Spectrum Disorders will be reviewed.
    Prerequisite: 2.75 GPA or higher and successful completion (grade C or better) in EDUC 3113 and EDUC 3313.

  • SPED 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity.  All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors student, SPED 4402,
  • SPED 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing and SPED 3402.
  • SPED 4433 - Introduction to Education of Children with Exceptionalities

    3 Hours. The course will give an overview of all areas of exceptionality. Emphasis will be given to the integration of special education and general education. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 hours and successful completion of EDUC 3313 and EDUC 3113 with a “C” or better or concurrently enrolled in EDUC 3313 and EDUC 3113. 
  • SPED 4483 - Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Special Education

    3 Hours. Addresses multi-disciplinary related service issues for individuals with exceptionalities.  Students will fulfill clinical observation requirements in various related service disciplines.  Course will consist of classroom lecture and clinical observation. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • SPED 4540 - Seminar in Individual Studies

    1-2 Hours.  

    Individual and/or group projects related to topics relevant to the total field of Special Education. Course designed to meet individual needs of the student with regard to certification and to strengthen knowledge in research strategies.
  • SPED 4553 - Survey of Individuals with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

    3 Hours. Review of the history of emotional and behavioral disorders, study of theoretical perspectives, clinical models, diagnostic issues, classification systems and characteristics of individuals with emotional and behavioral disorders. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • SPED 4563 - Methods and Case Studies in Special Education

    3 Hours. A review of educational programming and curriculum development for individuals with exceptionalities. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA; fully admitted to Teacher Education.  Taken prior to or concurrently with EDUC 4032.
  • SPED 4573 - Identification and Assessment of Children with Exceptionalities

    3 Hours. Development of educational plans for individuals in special education through the administration and interpretation of diagnostic instruments. Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA; fully admitted to Teacher Education.
  • TECH 3003 - Concepts of Industry

    3 Hours. The application of quantitative concepts to solving industrial problems. Topics will include calculations for machining operations, electronics, strength of materials, financial calculations, and industrial applications of solid geometry and trigonometry.
  • TECH 3013 - Industrial Processes

    3 Hours. A comprehensive survey of industrial processes employed by manufacturing and service industries. Processes include industrial materials and conventional (turning, millings, grinding) and non-traditional machining and forming processes. Students will learn to select processes based on material, methods, time and cost criteria.
  • TECH 3023 - Technology and Society #

    3 Hours. A critical analysis of the relationship between science and technology with human values, political and economic forces, and cultural world views.
  • TECH 3033 - Fundamentals of Supervision

    3 Hours. Fundamental principles of supervision and leadership are presented. Topics covered include: The duties and responsibilities of line supervisors and group leaders; and relationships with employees, supervisors, and management.
  • TECH 3203 - Engineering Graphics

    3 Hours. An introductory course in the fundamentals of computer-aided drawings as it applies to the field of drafting and design. Emphasis will be placed on developing orthographic and technical working drawings.
  • TECH 3223 - Architectural Planning#

    3 Hours. A study of the principles and practices of architectural planning and design. An emphasis is placed on the study of design as a total process which includes aesthetics and environmental considerations as well as various mechanical, electrical and legal requirements.
  • TECH 3233 - Facilities Layout (CAD)

    3 Hours. A study in the techniques necessary to design and layout an industrial plant facility. Emphasis is placed on the production process and material flow, utility requirements of gas, electric and water, BOCA building codes and ADA requirements. Prerequisite: TECH 3203.
  • TECH 3503 - Leadership in Organizations

    3 Hours. A study of factors that influence leadership in supervision. These include characteristics of leaders, positive thinking, speaking, writing, planning meetings, worker training, interviewing, building morale, making decisions, and motivating workers.
  • TECH 3513 - Employee Supervisor Relationships

    3 Hours. A study of the interpersonal relationships between supervisors and employees. Emphasis is placed on leadership responsibilities relative to communication and motivation in meeting daily obligations.
  • TECH 3523 - Computers and Supervisors

    3 Hours. A course designed to enhance the supervisor’s problem solving ability by utilizing computer software. Topics covered will include CAD/CAM inventory management, project planning, process planning, forecasting, and quality management.
  • TECH 3533 - Industrial Relations

    3 Hours. A study of factors which human resources supervisors deal with in manufacturing organizations. Focus will be on problems such as selection, rejection, promotion, fairness, team work, and conflict among employees and supervisors in the industrial plant.
  • TECH 3573 - Manufacturing Organization and Management

    3 Hours. This course is an introduction to manufacturing management. Emphasis will be placed on such topics as: organization and planning for manufacturing, design of manufacturing processes, industrial equipment, methods, materials, physical facilities, control, maintenance, cost and research and development in manufacturing.
  • TECH 3583 - Power and Transportation Technology

    3 Hours. A study of the generation, transmission, conversion, and application of basic power systems, including the interrelationships of hydraulics, pneumatics, and internal combustion engines.
  • TECH 3733 - Lean Concepts in Organizations

    3 Hours. A survey of methods and techniques being employed by world class industries to compete in a global market through identification and removal of waste and non-value added activities. Specific topics will include value stream mapping, employee involvement, total quality, group technology, manufacturing work cells, setup time reduction, lot size reduction, work flow, and line balancing. The application of lean concepts in diverse industry settings is examined. Student cannot earn credit in both TECH 3733 and SCM 3773. Dual-listed: SCM 3733
  • TECH 4003 - Production Planning

    3 Hours. A course designed to introduce modern theory of planning, and control methods of industrial production. Analysis is made to determine machine, process, and production sequence requirements needed to produce a product.
  • TECH 4013 - Quality Assurance Systems

    3 Hours. A survey of the process and activities required to assure an organization produces a quality product. The course includes statistical applications, sampling plans, quality cost, auditing considerations and ISO:9000:2000
  • TECH 4023 - Occupational and Environmental Safety

    3 Hours. An overview of the occupational and environmental safety concerns of modern industry. Emphasis will be placed on safe practice in the use of industrial machinery, chemicals, and materials to protect workers and the environment.
  • TECH 4043 - Senior Seminar

    3 Hours. A capstone course for all Industry majors. Included in the course is the development of student portfolios, industrial survey of employment opportunities, required writing experiences in the major and assessment.
  • TECH 4503 - Human Factors in Supervision #

    3 Hours. A study of the factors that affect the performance and attitude of the industrial worker in a modern technological environment.
  • TECH 4513 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

    3 Hours. An introduction to bargaining and negotiation in public, business, personal and legal settings. Interests, options, alternatives, relationships and commitments in principled-based versus position-based negotiations are examined as they influence negotiations and the resolution of conflict to achieve a win-win result for the bargaining parties. Studies will engage in on-line, or face-to-face, case based negotiations. Student cannot earn credit in both TECH 4513 and SCM 4513. Dual-listed: SCM 4513
  • TECH 4523 - Contemporary Issues in Manufacturing #

    3 Hours. This course is designed to study the contemporary problems related to social, environmental, economic and political activity that affect manufacturing on the local, regional, national and world scene.
  • TECH 4533 - Supervision and Unions #

    3 Hours. A course designed to review labor and management relations, basic theories, relationships, objectives, practices and strategies of both labor and management in industrial organizations.
  • TECH 4543 - Workplace Training Methods

    3 Hours. An examination of methods, materials and concepts currently used in employee training in the workplace. This course is designed to aid the supervisor in establishing, executing, supervising and evaluating programs of instruction and training for employees.
  • TECH 4563 - Applied Statistical Process Control

    3 Hours. A study of statistical methods and techniques used to control quality in organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the application of advanced statistical process control to measure, monitor, and improve various processes.
  • TECH 4583 - Quality for Profits

    3 Hours. This course will survey the potential savings and increased profitability possible by company-wide adoption of a quality improvement system. Emphasis will be placed on the financial gains possible through quality management practices.
  • TECH 4640 - Industrial Seminar

    1-3 Hours. A seminar designed to meet the immediate needs or current problems in industry.
  • TECH 4650 - Industrial Problems

    1-6 Hours. Designed to meet individual student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of industry.
  • TECH 4663 - Technology Seminar

    3 Hours. Designed to meet individual student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of industry.
  • TECH 4670 - Industrial Problems

    1-6 Hours. Designed to meet individual student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of industry.
  • TECH 4680 - Industrial Problems

    1-6 Hours. Designed to meet individual student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of industry.
  • TECH 4693 - Industrial Internship

    3 Hours. Employment in an approved industry related to the student’s technology major consisting of experiences in the various levels of the industry in which he/she is assigned for a cooperative education experience. Prerequisite: 75 semester hours earned (30 hours at NSU); With advisor approval.
  • TECH 4696 - Industrial Internship

    6 Hours. Employment in an approved industry related to the student’s technology major consisting of experiences in the various levels of the industry in which he/she is assigned for a cooperative education experience. Prerequisite: 75 semester hours earned (30 hours at NSU); With advisor approval.
  • TECH 4723 - Materials Management Handling

    3 Hours. The study of the concepts, models, and systems for material management and production planning. Materials flow from raw material acquisition through the finished product is examined. Materials management covers the basics of supply chain management, manufacturing planning and the control systems, purchasing, vendor-managed inventory, inventory evaluation, physical distribution, and performance metrics. Student cannot earn credit in both TECH 4723 and SCM 4723. Prerequisite: TECH 4003 or equivalent Dual-listed: SCM 4723
  • TECH 4743 - Integrated Manufacturing

    3 Hours. This course will illustrate the integration of a manufacturer’s production and operations system with their financial system. Specific course topics will include the basic budgeting process for a manufacturer and will illustrate other contemporary performance measures for the industrial entity. Prerequisite: TECH 4003 or equivalent.
  • TECH 4753 - Process of Purchasing

    3 Hours. This course addresses what firms must do to achieve a competitive advantage in the global economy from their procurement and sourcing processes. The course examines the interdependent relation of a firms strategic planning and purchasing strategies. Student cannot earn credit in both TECH 4753 and SCM 4753. Prerequisite: TECH 4003 or equivalent. Credit cannot be earned in both TECH 4753 and SCM 4753 Dual-listed: SCM 4753
  • THTR 2503 - Theatre Make-up #

    3 Hours. Study of and practice in using the materials pertinent to the art of make-up for the stage. Students will be given practical experience in the application of make-up for the purpose of establishing age, type, character, race and period of the stage.
  • THTR 2613 - Technical Theatre I#

    3 Hours. A course focused on practical application of the basic theories of technical theatre production in costuming, properties, and theatrical hair/makeup.  This is a required course.
  • THTR 2623 - Technical Theatre II#

    3 Hours. A course focused on the practical application of the basic theories regarding technical theatre production in stagecraft, sound, and lighting. This is a required course.
  • THTR 2763 - Theatre Appreciation #

    3 Hours. A survey course designed to introduce the student to all phases of dramatic art, including literature, acting, directing and technical procedures. Credit cannot be earned in both THTR 2763 and HUM 2763. Dual-listed: HUM 2763
  • THTR 2843 - Film Appreciation #

    3 Hours. This survey course will explore film from its beginnings to the present. It will study film’s history, form, techniques, process and its impact on society. Credit may not be earned in both THTR 2843 and HUM 2843. Dual-listed: HUM 2843
  • THTR 3003 - Puppetry I #

    3 Hours. A course focused on the art and craft of puppetry including the design and building of puppets, development of a script, and performance of puppet shows.  the historical development of puppetry as well as contemporary uses of puppetry in education and child development will also be discussed.


  • THTR 3263 - Acting Fundamentals #

    3 Hours. A study and utilization of the basic principles and techniques of acting providing the beginning student with the necessary tools of observation, sensibility, imagination, and coordination of body and voice. The student will gain acting experience through presentation of scenes from distinguished dramatic literature.
  • THTR 3401 - Honors Research I

    1 Hours. Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above.
  • THTR 3402 - Honors Research II

    2 Hours. Research and development of scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above,  THTR 3401 
  • THTR 3533 - Design for the Theatre #

    3 Hours. A detailed study of scene design with realistic application in actual designing of theatre sets.
  • THTR 3553 - Fundamentals of Play Direction #

    3 Hours. A study of the selection, casting, rehearsing, and performance of plays with practical experience in directing scenes and one-act plays. Prerequisite: THTR 2763.
  • THTR 3613 - Technical Theatre III#

    3 Hours. A course focused on the application through design of advanced theories of technical theatre production in costuming, properties, and theatrical hair/makeup. Prerequisite: THR 2613 or permission of instructor. This is a required course.
  • THTR 3623 - Technical Theatre IV#

    3 Hours. A course focused on the application through design of advanced theories of technical theatre production in stagecraft, sound, and lighting. Prerequisite: THTR 2623 or permission of instructor. This is a required course.
  • THTR 3703 - Advanced Acting #

    3 Hours. Advanced techniques of acting with emphasis on psychology of character, dialects, and styles for various theatrical periods with extensive analysis of and performance in dramatic selections.   Prerequisite: THTR 3263 or permission of instructor.
  • THTR 3713 - Voice and Diction #

    3 Hours. A study of the non-technical elements of voice production and expressiveness, as well as non-verbal expression.  Attention is directed toward establishing an improved vocal life through a study of the individual speech sounds and special speech problems.
  • THTR 4003 - Arts Management #

    3 Hours. Arts management will explore the various management systems that operate in profit and non-profit arts organizations. Study will include an investigation of management functions operational in theatre, music, art and dance institutions.
  • THTR 4013 - Advanced Play Direction #

    3 Hours. Students will receive extensive experience at directing scenes and/or plays. Prerequisite: THTR 3553.
  • THTR 4104 - Summer Theatre

    4 Hours. Various areas of the theatre are dealt with in this production-oriented course culminating in the presentation of dramatic productions.
  • THTR 4114 - Summer Theatre

    4 Hours. Additional study of the various areas of theatre culminating in the presentation of dramatic productions.
  • THTR 4303 - World Drama #

    3 Hours. World drama is a survey course that covers the history of dramatic literature from the Golden Age of Greece to the present. Included are the historical as well as phenomenological approaches to critical thinking about the literary, production and practical aspects of the theatre events. Students will develop critical skills through written and oral presentations. Credit may not be earned in both ENGL 4333 and THTR 4303. Dual-listed: ENGL 4333
  • THTR 4341 - Seminar in Theatre #

    1 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4342 - Seminar in Theatre #

    2 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4343 - Seminar in Theatre #

    3 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4351 - Seminar in Theatre #

    1 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4352 - Seminar in Theatre #

    2 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4353 - Seminar in Theatre #

    3 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4361 - Seminar in Theatre #

    1 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4362 - Seminar in Theatre #

    2 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4363 - Seminar in Theatre #

    3 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4371 - Seminar in Theatre #

    1 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4372 - Seminar in Theatre #

    2 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4373 - Seminar in Theatre #

    3 Hours. A series of courses in special areas of the theatre. Any combination of this series may be taken for up to six hours maximum credit.
  • THTR 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity,  All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors student,  THTR 4402 
  • THTR 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing,  THTR 3402 
  • THTR 4503 - Period Styles and Study #

    3 Hours. A general overview of the acting styles of each period studied. The student will learn the movement and voice styles, along with the political background, theatre structure, influential playwrights, and major plays throughout the ages. A basic knowledge of the Greek, Medieval, Renaissance, Comedy of Manners, Commedia dell arte’, Pre-Modern and Modern Theatre.
  • THTR 4513 - Playwriting #

    3 Hours. The study of the aesthetics and techniques involved in the writing of plays. Selected reading, lectures and discussions are emphasized upon writing, workshop critiques, and discussion of student plays. This course aids the student in gaining a general knowledge of dramatic structure and basic play terminology.
  • THTR 4523 - Stage Combat #

    3 Hours. A course designed to teach the safe and proper fighting skills for stage presentations. This course will study the areas of unarmed combat and rapier and dagger.
  • THTR 4533 - Audition/Portfolio

    3 Hours. This course is designed to acquaint the student with the process of auditioning for positions in theatre companies. Also included in the course work are the basics of preparing a portfolio of the student’s technical work, such as color renderings, slides from shows, and examples of publicity materials.
  • THTR 4723 - History of the Theatre I #

    3 Hours. The study of the development of theatre from beginnings through 1642.
  • THTR 4733 - History of the Theatre II #

    3 Hours. The study of theatre and drama from 1642 until the present.
  • THTR 4763 - Children’s Theatre #

    3 Hours. Theories and techniques of children’s theatre. The entire production procedure, including play selection, play analysis, and directing techniques emphasized. Practical laboratory experience.
  • THTR 4801 - Professional Semester

    1 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4802 - Professional Semester

    2 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4803 - Professional Semester

    3 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.


  • THTR 4804 - Professional Semester

    4 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4805 - Professional Semester

    5 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4806 - Professional Semester

    6 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4807 - Professional Semester

    7 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4808 - Professional Semester

    8 Hours. Provides in-depth training experience as a member of a professional theatre company involving all aspects of theatrical production.
  • THTR 4993 - Capstone Experience

    3 Hours. The student will design and complete a major project related to theatre. Prerequisite: Completion of 90 hours, including at least 30 in major and approval of the faculty committee. Required of all majors.
  • UNIV 1002 - University Strategies #

    2 Hours. A course required in the university induction program of all freshmen; consideration of academic, social, vocational and other basic concerns common to first-year college students. Students may not earn credit in both MILS 1002 and UNIV 1002.
  • UNIV 2091 - General Education Capstone #

    1 Hours. A general education capstone course in which assessment of general education objectives and student learning outcomes will be measured.
  • VCOM 1003 - Introduction to Visual Communication #

    3 Hours. Course introduces the principles, theories, and language of visual communication, the analysis of visual messages and the development of basic skills necessary to become an effective visual communicator.
  • VCOM 1173 - Media Software #

    3 Hours. This Introductory course introduces current software programs used in digital media, design and photography. Credit cannot be earned in both ART 1173 and VCOM 1173 completed prior to fall 2013.

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