Sep 27, 2024  
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • ART 4173 - Web Graphics I #

    3 Hours. Basic design and web aesthetic concepts, nomenclature, software, and processes used in the design and creation of websites.  Includes introduction to HTML, CSS and optimization issues.


      Prerequisite: ART 1233, ART 1173

  • ART 4203 - Advanced Photography

    3 Hours. A course designed to familiarize students with advanced photographic techniques and to develop photo skills comparable to that of the professional photographer. Prerequisite: M C 2243. Student must furnish a 35mm single lens reflex camera or equivalent plus film and photographic paper.
  • ART 4233 - Secondary Art Education

    3 Hours. Study of the functions of art in secondary (7-12) schools; curricula in art education; supervised experimentation in media and teaching methods. Prerequisite: Junior standing and ART 3542.
  • ART 4273 - Web Graphics II #

    3 Hours. Advanced exercises and problem solving in creating information architecture, user navigation and graphic layouts along with an introduction to motion graphics and the motion editing software Adobe Flash.  The course includes a survey of common flash formats which include web banners, web site creation, slide shows and kiosk interfaces. Prerequisite: ART 4173
  • ART 4283 - History of American Art #

    3 Hours. A comprehensive survey of North American painting, sculpture, architecture and minor arts from the Colonial Period to the present. Ethnic influences, European foundations, and uniquely American traditions in the arts will be emphasized.
  • ART 4303 - Individual Studio: Painting

    3 Hours. Opportunity for advanced and graduate art majors to continue the study of painting after completing Painting I-III. Prerequisite: Art 4123 plus instructor’s permission.
  • ART 4323 - Individual Studio: 2D Design

    Advanced study in the student’s choice of pictorial media after completing a basic course in that specific area. Prerequisite: one course in the area and instructor’s permission.
  • ART 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity,  All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors student, ART 4402 
  • ART 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity.  Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing, ART 3402 
  • ART 4403 - Lithography #

    3 Hours. Supervised hand processes, technique and design in the fine art medium of plate and stone lithography. Studies involve artistic design preparations, lithographic stone processes, press operations and editioning. Prerequisite: Art 1213, 3563.
  • ART 4423 - Individual Studio: Ceramics

    3 Hours. Provides for advanced and graduate art majors to continue study in ceramics after completing the required course. Prerequisite: Art 3423 and instructor’s permission.
  • ART 4443 - Individual Studio: Sculpture

    3 Hours. Independent projects to further the skill of advanced and graduate students after having completed a first course in the medium. Prerequisite: Art 2443 and instructor’s permission.
  • ART 4453 - Contemporary Art History #

    3 Hours. Continuation of Art 3213 and Art 3223. From late nineteenth century to the present. Dual-listed: HUM 4453
  • ART 4463 - Sculpture III #

    3 Hours. Experimentation and creative design in sculpture media. Study and production of sculptural works using advanced techniques and processes. Prerequisite: Art 3443.
  • ART 4473 - Ceramics III #

    3 Hours. Exploration of form and function of the potter’s wheel.  Emphasis on surface design, focus on sups, englobes, glazes, overglazes, and luster used as a painting medium on ceramic form.

      Prerequisite: ART 3423, 3433

  • ART 4513 - Asian Art #

    3 Hours. Study of the major artistic traditions and achievements in one or more Asian Countries - including China, Japan, Korea, and/or India - with a focus on the art’s styles, functions, themes, and iconography within its cultural, historical, philosophical, and religious contexts.
  • ART 4563 - Sculpture IV #

    3 Hours. A continuation of Sculpture III with advanced exploration of form.  Advanced art criticism and development of a personal style, advanced modeling, casting, carving, and assembling. Prerequisite: ART 4463
  • ART 4573 - Ceramics IV #

    3 Hours. Ceramics IV is a continuation of ceramics III with advanced exploration of form, finish, glazing, firing, and portfolio presentation.  Glazing process to include raku, low fire salt, sup resist, sagear firing, and oxidation/reduction stoneware.

      Prerequisite: ART 4473

  • ART 4801 - Capstone Senior Exhibition

    1 Hours. Guided planning, preparations, and production for Capstone experiences of senior exhibition, professional portfolio and resume for the graduating art student. Prerequisite: Art or Art Education Major in Senior year
  • ART 4803 - Senior Exhibition

    3 Hours. A capstone course for studio art majors highlighting professional business practices and self-promotion and culminating in the preparation and production of a gallery exhibition comprised of the student’s work.



  • ART 4913 - Graphic Design Internship

    3 Hours. A working internship with actual clients, projects and deadlines. Designed to provide the graphic design major an opportunity to work side by side with design professionals. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • ART 4973 - Portfolio

    3 Hours. Designed to prepare students for entrance into the art-related job market. Projects include résumé writing, organizing a traditional and digital portfolio, and designing a website of personal work. Prerequisite: Art  1173, 1273
  • BADM 1113 - Introduction to Business

    3 Hours. A survey of business in the global environment with emphasis on the stakeholders involved and the issues confronting managers. The course examines the functional areas of the enterprise in addition to providing an overview of the business system. Not open to junior or senior business students.
  • BADM 3023 - Gender in a Global Marketplace

    3 Hours. This practical, “how to” course covers inter-gender and cross-gender business etiquette, communication, professionalism, and career development. Modern mixed-role placement makes this a relevant course for both genders. Dual-listed: IBUS 3023
  • BADM 3253 - Management Analysis and Control

    3 Hours.  Students investigate management control issues in entrepreneurial and existing businesses.  Students learn to perform financial statement analyses (as they relate to management issues); to develop and use budgets, understand the relationships among business transactions, and how financial statement information can be used to solve managerial problems.
    Prerequisite:  FIN 3213
  • BADM 3320 - Business Administration Seminar

    1-3 Hours. Special studies, research, and/or activities. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. May be on campus or in field.
  • BADM 3351 - Professional Development

    1 Hours. The student will focus on the assessment of personal qualities necessary for professional success, including leadership, communication, and team skills.  Alternatives for development of weaker areas will be discussed.
  • BADM 3361 - Career Development

    1 Hours. Students will develop a career goal, build a resume, and participate in a mock interview.  Guest speakers from a variety of business and technology professionals will present their perspective on career development.
  • BADM 3371 - Business Etiquette

    1 Hours. Students will focus on appropriate behavior in a professional setting, including employment literacy skills, appropriate dress, and dining etiquette.
  • BADM 3401 - Honors Research I

    1 Hours. Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above
  • BADM 3402 - Honors Research II

    2 Hours. Research and development of scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above, BADM 3401.
  • BADM 3933 - Business Statistics #

    3 Hours. Analysis of data using descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics will include graphical descriptors, numerical measures, probability distributions, sampling distributions, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing and regression and correlation. Spreadsheet software will be used. Prerequisite: Math 1513 and computer proficiency. Students may not receive credit in both MATH 3513 and BADM 3933. Dual-listed: MATH 3513
  • BADM 3963 - Quantitative Methods for Business Decision Making

    3 Hours. A problem-solving course which teaches students the development and exploration of computer-based, quantitative decision making models.  The course will cover methodologies of decision making, such as linear regression, multiple regression, ANOVA, linear programming, decision analysis and project management. Prerequisite: BADM 3933 or MATH 3513.
  • BADM 4003 - Contemporary Business Issues

    3 Hours. Business trends. Upper division seminar devoted to an investigation, analysis, and discussion of American business trends, policies, and current issues. Junior standing or above.
  • BADM 4310 - Special Topics in Business Administration

    1-4 Hours. Study of a business administration topic of current or special interest. The following conditions must be met: (1) Junior, Senior or Graduate student, (2) a major from one of the Business Division areas, and (3) permission from the instructor.
  • BADM 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity. All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors students, BADM 4402.
  • BADM 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing, BADM 3402.
  • BADM 4423 - Business Statistics II #

    3 Hours. Chi-square and nonparametric tests, the F distribution, and analysis of variance, decision-making under uncertainty, Bayesian decision theory; time series analysis and regression analysis. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above and BADM 3933.
  • BADM 4911 - Business Administration Capstone

    1 Hours. Students majoring in Business Administration will compile a senior portfolio that provides evidence of achievement of learning outcomes for the BADM major. Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: Senior status, available only to Business Administration majors.
  • BADM 4950 - Business Internship

    1-6 Hours. Work in an approved business related to the student’s major. Consists of applying knowledge which has been gained while working toward a degree. Prerequisite: Junior standing or above and approval of the department chair. Maximum of 3 hours can apply as a Business elective.
  • BIOL 470A - Internship

    11 Hours. Internship in an approved professional facility.  Designed to meet the requirements of the optional internship program in the B.S. Biology, Fisheries and Wildlife emphasis.  Approval by the Natural Science Department Head and the college dean required.  Before enrollment, the student must have been accepted by the coordinator of the appropriate program of facility.  Credit:  Biology 470B for regular semester, full-time credit; 12 hours credit.  For summer full-time or regular semester half-time credit, BIOL 4706.
  • BIOL 470B - Internship

    12 Hours. Internship in an approved professional facility.  Designed to meet the requirements of the optional internship program in the B.S. Biology, Fisheries and Wildlife emphasis.  Approval by the Natural Science Department Head and the college dean required.  Before enrollment, the student must have been accepted by the coordinator of the appropriate program of facility.  Credit:  Biology 470B for regular semester, full-time credit; 12 hours credit.  For summer full-time or regular semester half-time credit, BIOL 4706.
  • BIOL 1111 - General Biological Science Lab#

    1 Hours. This laboratory course focuses on the processes of scientific investigations and the nature of scientific explanations in the Biological Sciences.  No major or minor credit.  This course taken with BIOL 1113 satisfies the general education requirement in the Biological Sciences, including the laboratory requirement.  Students cannot receive credit for BIOL 1114 and BIOL 1111.  Prerequisite or corequisite:  BIOL 1113.  Two hours of lab per week.
  • BIOL 1113 - General Biological Science (Lecture)#

    3 Hours. An introductory course concerned with fundamental biological principles, including form, function, and diversity of living things; genetics; evolution; and ecology.  No major or minor credit.  This course satisfies the general education requirement in Biological Sciences, except for the lab requirement.  General education requirements include on laboratory course in either Physical or Biological Sciences.  Students cannot receive credit for BIOL 1114 and BIOL 1113.  Three hours of lecture per week. 
  • BIOL 1114 - General Biological Science #

    4 Hours. An introductory course concerned with fundamental biological principles, including form, function, and diversity of living things; genetics; evolution and ecology.  The laboratory component focuses on the processes of scientific investigations and the nature of scientific explanations in the Biological Sciences.  This course satisfies the general education requirement in Biological Sciences, including the lab requirement.  Students cannot receive credit for BIOL 1114 and BIOL 1113 or BIOL 1111.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 1123 - Evolution and Diversity#

    3 Hours. An introduction to the origins of living organisms and the mechanisms of evolution that gave rise to the current diversity of species.  Includes coverage of the origins and characteristics of major groups in the three domains of living organisms. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1123 recommended.
  • BIOL 1131 - Investigative Laboratory#

    1 Hours. A practical introduction to scientific inquiry, including hypothesis development, experimental design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation. Prerequisite: MATH 1513 or concurrent enrollment recommended.
  • BIOL 2154 - Human Anatomy#

    4 Hours. A study of the structure of the human body with emphasis on terminology and organ systems. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.  Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week.


  • BIOL 3003 - Plant Biology#

    3 Hours. A study of plant growth and development including cellular organization, metabolism, and responses to the environment.  Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 3124
  • BIOL 3013 - Animal Biology#

    3 Hours. A study of the physiology of homeostasis, reproduction, growth, and development in different groups of animals.  Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 3124
  • BIOL 3114 - Genetics #

    4 Hours. Basic principles of genetics including classical transmission, molecular, and population genetics. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123, and CHEM 1123, 1131.
  • BIOL 3124 - Cell Biology #

    Basic principles of cell biology including metabolism, macromolecular structure and function, and cellular structure and function. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123, CHEM 1223, 1231
  • BIOL 3133 - Evolution of Land Plants#

    3 Hours. Evolutionary history of land plants illustrated with vegetative and reproductive morphology, beginning with a description of the major algal division.  Includes some extinct plants, but emphasizes extant forms.  Lecture, laboratory, and field. Prerequisite: BIOL 3003.
  • BIOL 3213 - Oklahoma Flora#

    3 Hours. Classification of plants, especially seed plants of the local flora; field and herbarium. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.
  • BIOL 3214 - General Entomology#

    4 Hours. Fundamental principles of insect morphology, classification, life histories, and economic relations. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.  Lecture, laboratory and field.
  • BIOL 3224 - Microbiology #

    4 Hours. Study of the structure and function, growth and reproduction, metabolism, genetics, ecology, and diversity of microorganisms including prokaryotes, unicellular eukaryotes, and viruses.   Prerequisite: Majors Biology course with laboratory, CHEM 1223 and CHEM 1231 or CHEM 3264. Lecture 3 hours per week; laboratory 3 hours per week.
  • BIOL 3244 - Ichthyology#

    4 Hours. Taxonomy, ecology, and natural history of fishes of the local regions. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.  Lecture, laboratory and field (some overnight camping).
  • BIOL 3252 - Fisheries Research Methods#

    2 Hours. Research project design based upon the Federal Aid to the States program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Sampling with standard inland fishery research gear and data analysis appropriate for various objectives.  Laboratory and field. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123 and a course in Statistics (MATH 3513 recommended).
  • BIOL 3314 - Human Physiology#

    4 Hours. A descriptive and functional analysis of the human nervous, cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory, renal, digestive and endocrine systems with homeostatic, cellular and pathological considerations.  Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123, CHEM 1123, and CHEM 1131.  BIOL 2154 recommended.
  • BIOL 3324 - Pathophysiology #

    4 Hours. Studies of selected aspects of the physiological changes that produce the signs, symptoms and laboratory findings of underlying pathologic states. Prerequisite: BIOL 3314 (Human Physiology) or BIOL 3013 (Animal Biology) Lecture.
  • BIOL 3334 - Plant Physiology#

    4 Hours. An introduction to the functions and interrelations of the various organs of the plant body.  Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 3003.
  • BIOL 3344 - Environmental Physiology#

    4 Hours. A study of the physiological adaptations of vertebrates and invertebrates to their environments.  Topics include metabolism, thermoregulation, osmoregulation, respiration, circulation, movement and sensory physiology.  Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 3013.
  • BIOL 3401 - Honors Research I

    1 Hours. Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above.
  • BIOL 3402 - Honors Research II

    2 Hours. Research and development of scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Junior standing or above, BIOL 3401.
  • BIOL 3413 - Environmental Problems #

    3 Hours. A series of readings, lectures, and discussions providing an insight into human ecology and the environmental problems facing the world within the conceptual frame of the ecosystem. May be taken in lieu of BIOL 1114. (Junior standing required)
  • BIOL 3414 - Invertebrate Zoology#

    4 Hours. Structure, interrelationships, identification, and ecology of invertebrate animals, emphasis on local forms.  Lecture, laboratory, and field. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.
  • BIOL 3423 - Evolution of Vertebrates#

    3 Hours. A study of the evolutionary history of vertebrates as illustrated by the fossil record and comparative study of living organisms.  Includes lecture, discussion, and demonstration exercises. Prerequisite: BIOL 3013
  • BIOL 3433 - Forest Botany#

    3 Hours. Identification, taxonomy, and distribution of forest trees and shrubs of the United States; their environmental conditions and utilization.  Forestry movement in U.S. and relation to industry and conservation. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.  (2 hour lecture, 2 hour lab per week)  Lecture, lab and field.
  • BIOL 3511 - Laboratory Teaching Internship

    1 Hours. For Biology and Biology Education majors who have had at least 18 hours of biological science with no grade below a C. Assignment to laboratories will depend on the student’s previous course work. Permission of instructor required.
  • BIOL 3524 - Ecology #

    4 Hours. The study of interacting groups of organisms and the processes that determine their composition, distribution, rate of turnover, and utilization of resources. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123 and a course in Statistics (MATH 3513 recommended) Lecture, laboratory and field (some overnight and/or weekend field trips possible).
  • BIOL 3554 - Fish Life History and Habitat#

    4 Hours. Theory, methods, and techniques for investigation of life histories of fishes illustrated by examples and data from the literature and exercises on local forms in season.  Relation of life history variables to ecological factors.  Life history aspects of fish culture.  Habitat management as a method for manipulating ecological life histories. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123.
  • BIOL 4103 - Developmental Biology #

    3 Hours. The study of morphological and molecular transitions associated with the development of living systems at the sub-cellular, cellular, and organismal levels. Prerequisite: Two of BIOL 3114, 3124, and CHEM 4214. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4103 and BIOL 5103. Dual-listed: BIOL 5103
  • BIOL 4114 - Systematic Botany#

    4 Hours. Study of the relationships of plants and classification. Prerequisite: BIOL 3003. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4114 and BIOL 5114. Dual-listed: BIOL 5114
  • BIOL 4133 - General Virology #

    3 Hours. Basic principles relevant to bacteriophages, plant, vertebrate and invertebrate viruses; biochemistry of viral infection in hosts; and ecology of viruses. In vitro and in vivo demonstration of basic phenomena associated with replication and biological properties of viruses. Prerequisite: BIOL 3224; BIOL 3114 recommended. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4133 and BIOL 5133. Dual-listed: BIOL 5133
  • BIOL 4154 - Advanced Human Anatomy #

    4 Hours. Lectures on human gross anatomy combined with a cadaver dissection laboratory.  Coverage of topics is arranged by body region with emphasis on neuromuscular anatomy, cardiovascular anatomy, and anatomy of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Laboratory required. Prerequisite: 8 hours of biology; a previous course in anatomy is strongly recommended.  Preference will be given to students enrolled in the NSU-BA prehealth post-baccalaureate certification program.
  • BIOL 4164 - Medical Microbiology #

    4 Hours. Discussion of general microbial aspects of infectious diseases including special bacteriology, rickettsiology, virology, medical mycology, protozoology, and helminthology. Principles of immunology and epidemiology are reviewed in laboratory procedures and lectures. Prerequisite: BIOL 3224 and Junior standing. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4164 and BIOL 5164. Dual-listed: BIOL 5164
  • BIOL 4213 - Ethnobotany#

    3 Hours. A study of plants with emphasis on human uses. Plants important to Native Americans and other cultures will be covered. The dependence upon plants as sources of medicine, spices, essential oils, and fiber crops will be included.  Prerequisite: BIOL 3003 Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4213 and BIOL 5213. Dual-listed: BIOL 5213
  • BIOL 4214 - Animal Parasitology#

    4 Hours. Structure, life history, phylogenetic interrelationships, identification, physiology, and ecology of animal parasites.  Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4214 and BIOL 5214. Dual-listed: BIOL 5214
  • BIOL 4232 - Molecular and Cellular Biology Laboratory #

    2 Hours. Major laboratory techniques of molecular and cellular biology as used in the context of an investigation including protein purification and enzyme characterization, DNA, purification, cloning of DNA, Southern blots and DNA sequencing. Prerequisite: Two of BIOL 3114, BIOL 3124, and CHEM 4214.
  • BIOL 4234 - Mammalogy#

    4 Hours. An introduction to the study of mammals.  Phylogeny, taxonomy, ecology, behavior, anatomy, physiology and life histories of mammals, with an emphasis on North American species. Prerequisite: BIOL 1123 and junior standing. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4234 and BIOL 5234. Dual-listed: BIOL 5234
  • BIOL 4242 - Trends & Issues in Molecular Biology#

    2 Hours. Advanced coverage of a topic in Molecular Biology.  Content and format will be determined by the needs and interests of the participants.  May be repeated with permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: BIOL 3114 and BIOL 3124 Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4242 and BIOL 5242. Dual-listed: BIOL 5242
  • BIOL 4264 - Ornithology#

    4 Hours. An introduction to the study of birds.  Phylogeny, taxonomy, ecology, anatomy, physiology, behavior, and life histories of birds with emphasis on field identification of Oklahoma species.  Lecture, laboratory, and field trips (some overnight camping). Prerequisite: BIOL 1123 and junior standing. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4264 and BIOL 5264. Dual-listed: BIOL 5264
  • BIOL 4324 - Principles of Fisheries & Wildlife Management#

    4 Hours.
    Introduction to professions of fisheries and wildlife management and an examination of the processes which must be identified, described, measured, analyzed, and predicted in order to manage successfully fish or wildlife populations.  Prerequisite: BIOL 3524 Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4324 and BIOL 5324. Dual-listed: BIOL 5324
  • BIOL 4354 - Immunology #

    4 Hours. The immune mechanism of the animal body involved with resistance to infection, production of allergic conditions, and the use of serological methods. Lab exercises giving experiences in the basic antigen/antibody reactions. Prerequisite: BIOL 3224 and junior standing Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4354 and BIOL 5354. Dual-listed: BIOL 5354
  • BIOL 4401 - Honors Research IV

    1 Hours. All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity.  All other students are expected to attend. Prerequisite: Honors student, BIOL 4402.
  • BIOL 4402 - Honors Research III

    2 Hours. Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. Prerequisite: Honors student, Senior standing, BIOL 3402.
  • BIOL 4410 - Research in Biology #

    1-3 Hours. The student will carry out a research project under the supervision of a member of the biology program. The student should contact the program chair or individual faculty members for a list of available projects before enrolling. Some projects may have specific prerequisites.  In a regular semester the student will be expected to spend an average of three hours per week on the project for each hour of credit. One hour per week will be a scheduled group discussion. The student will produce a written report to be graded by the project supervisor and one faculty member, and will make an oral presentation. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Graded pass or fail. Can be repeated in subsequent semesters up to 6 hours total.
  • BIOL 4480 - Selected Topics in Biological Science Education

    1-3 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education. Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. May be taken in lieu of Science 4513. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4481 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    1 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education.  Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4482 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    2 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education.  Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4483 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    3 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education.  Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4484 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    4 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education.  Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4485 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    5 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education.  Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4486 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    6 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology as they relate to biology education.  Content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. No major or minor credit.
  • BIOL 4500 - Selected Topics in Biology #

    1-6 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology. Specific content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4500 and BIOL 5500. Dual-listed: BIOL 5500
  • BIOL 4501 - Selected Topics in Biology Science Education

    1 Hours. Subject areas to be covered may range over any of the various areas of biology.  specific content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants.
  • BIOL 4514 - Histology#

    4 Hours. Origin, development, structure, and microscopic observation of the various cell types and tissues of organs and organ systems of the body. Prerequisite: BIOL 2154. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4514 and BIOL 5514. Dual-listed: BIOL 5514
  • BIOL 4522 - Ecological Methods #

    2 Hours. Introduction to field and laboratory experimentation on factors that influence distribution and abundance of animals. Development and execution of group and individual projects. Prerequisite: BIOL 3524, or concurrent enrollment or permission of instructor. A previous course in statistics is recommended. Lectures, lab, and field. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4522 and BIOL 5522. Dual-listed: BIOL 5522
  • BIOL 4543 - Molecular Biology #

    3 Hours. Advanced coverage of molecular cell biology and molecular genetics. Lectures describe the molecular and cellular mechanisms used to control differentiation and tissue maintenance. Topics may include: gene regulation, chromosome structure, genome organization, signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, and cell adhesion. Prerequisite: BIOL 3114, 3124. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4543 and BIOL 5543. Dual-listed: BIOL 5543
  • BIOL 4554 - Limnology #

    4 Hours. Origin, evolution, and physical and chemical characteristics of lakes and streams. Structure and function of plant and animal communities and aquatic ecosystems: Limiting factors, nutrient cycles, and trophic dynamics. Water quality aspects of fish culture. Prerequisite: CHEM 1123, CHEM 1131, and BIOL 3524 Lectures, lab, and field. Note: No student may earn credit in both BIOL 4554 and BIOL 5554. Dual-listed: BIOL 5554

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