Oct 06, 2024  
2013-14 NSU Graduate Catalog 
2013-14 NSU Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Fees, Expenses, and Financial Aid


Fees, and Expenses


Charge cards are accepted for payment of fees (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express). All fees are subject to change without notice. 

Residence Status of Enrolled Students in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education


(Revised March 24, 1993, and June 28, 1996)

Article XIII-A of the constitution of Oklahoma creates The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education and establishes the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education as the coordinating board of control for all public institutions supported by legislative appropriations. As one of the institutional responsibilities, the Regents annually prepare and submit to the Legislature a schedule of general fees to be paid by residents of Oklahoma and nonresidents alike, and a separate schedule of tuition charges to be made of nonresident students. The policy statement set forth in the paragraphs to follow establishes principles, definitions, criteria, and guidelines to assist institutional officials in the classification of students as residents or nonresidents for fee and tuition-payment purposes. Also, the policy statement should be helpful to prospective students in the determination of their own residence status prior to enrollment or for those nonresident students seeking to be reclassified as residents of Oklahoma after having been classified originally as nonresidents. Determination of residence status for purposes of attendance at the institution in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education is based primarily on the issue of domiciliary intent.  

Section I. Philosophy

Since 1890, it has been public policy in Oklahoma to provide comprehensive, low-cost public higher education for citizens, in order to make educational opportunity available for Oklahoma individuals to improve themselves, to help upgrade the knowledge and skill of the Oklahoma work force, and to enhance the quality of life in Oklahoma. Therefore, residents of Oklahoma are afforded subsidies covering a majority of their educational costs at all colleges and universities of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education. Nonresidents of Oklahoma are also provided substantial education subventions, although at lower levels than those provided for permanent residents of the state. Administration of the state’s residency policy as it applies to Northeastern State University students is designated to the Office of Admissions. Questions concerning interpretation of the policy should be directed to the admissions director for a ruling.  

Section II. Principles

II.1. Attendance at an educational institution, albeit a continuous and long term experience is interpreted as temporary residence; therefore, a student neither gains nor loses resident status solely by such attendance.

II.2. Students attending an Oklahoma college or university may perform many objective acts, some of which are required by law (i.e. payment of taxes), and all of which are customarily done by some non-residents who do not intend to remain in Oklahoma after graduation but are situationally necessary and/or convenient (i.e. registering to vote, obtaining a driver’s license). Such acts and/or declarations alone are not sufficient evidence of intent to remain in Oklahoma beyond the college experience.

II.3. A nonresident student attending an Oklahoma college or university on more than a half-time basis is presumed to be in the state primarily for educational purposes.

II.4. An individual is not deemed to have acquired status as a resident of Oklahoma until he or she has been in the state for at least a year primarily as a permanent resident and not merely as a student. Likewise, an individual classified as a resident of Oklahoma shall not be reclassified a nonresident until 12 months after having left Oklahoma to live in another state.

II.5. All married persons shall be treated as equal under this policy. Each spouse in a family shall establish his or her own residence status on a separate basis. Exceptions include 1) when a nonresident marries an already established resident of Oklahoma, the nonresident may be considered a resident after documentation of the marriage and proof of domicile are satisfied, and 2) as provided in Section VIII.

II.6. The burden of proof of residence status or domicile shall be upon the applicant.

II.7. Initial classification as a nonresident student shall not prejudice the right of a person to be reclassified thereafter for following semesters or terms of enrollment as an Oklahoma resident provided that he or she can establish proof of residence in accordance with criteria and procedures as set forth in Sections VIII and IX of this policy.  

Section III. Definition

III.1 Resident of Oklahoma—A resident of Oklahoma is one who has lived continuously in Oklahoma for at least 12 months duration and whose domicile is in Oklahoma. A person’s domicile is his or her true, fixed, permanent home or habitation. It is the place where he or she intends to remain and to which he or she expects to return. A person can have more than one residence, but only one domicile. Domicile has two components— residence and the intention to remain. When these two occur, there is domicile.

III.2 Independent Person—An independent person is one enjoying majority privileges (or is legally emancipated from the parental domicile) and who is responsible for his or her own care, custody, and support.

III.3 Dependent Person—A dependent person is one who is under the care, custody, and support of a parent or other legally sanctioned parental surrogate.

III.4 Full-time Student—A full-time undergraduate student is one enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester in an academic year or a minimum of 6 credit hours in a summer session. A full-time graduate student is one enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester in an academic year or a minimum of 4 credit hours in a summer session.  

Section IV. Independent Persons

If a person enjoying majority privileges and who is independent of parental domicile can provide adequate and satisfactory proof of his/her having come to Oklahoma with the intention of establishing domicile, he/she may be granted resident student classification at the next enrollment occurring after expiration of 12 months following the establishment of domicile in Oklahoma. The spouse of such person must establish proof of his or her own domiciliary status on a separate basis.  

Section V. Dependent Persons

The legal residence of a dependent person is that of his/her father, or that of his/her mother if his/her father be not living or if the parents are separated and the dependent person habitually resides with the mother; or, if both parents are dead, that of his/her legally appointed guardian or anyone else with whom he/she habitually resides in the absence of formal legal designation. A dependent person may become emancipated (freed from his/her parental domicile) through marriage, formal court action, abandonment by parents, or positive action on his/her own part evidential of his/her alienation of parental domicile. To qualify under the latter category, a dependent person must have completely separated himself/herself from the parental domicile and have proved that such separation is complete and permanent. Mere absence from the parental domicile is not proof of its compete abandonment. If an applicant can provide adequate and satisfactory proof of complete emancipation and his/her having come to Oklahoma with intention of establishing domicile, he/she may be granted resident student classification at the next enrollment occurring after expiration of 12 months, following establishment of domicile in Oklahoma.  

Section VI. Foreign Nationals

An individual who is not a United States national may become eligible for classification as an Oklahoma resident provided that he/she holds permanent resident status as defined by the Immigration and Naturalization Services, evidenced by whatever documents may be required under applicable federal law, who has resided in Oklahoma for at least 12 consecutive months, and who meets any other applicable criteria for establishment of domicile as set forth in this policy or who has come to Oklahoma for the purpose described in Section VIII of this policy.  

Section VII. Military Personnel

A student attending an institution while on full-time active duty in the armed forces is considered as having a temporary residence in the state in which he/she is attending school; therefore, a student neither gains nor loses resident status solely by such military service. Members of the armed services stationed in Oklahoma, their spouses and dependent children shall be admitted without the payment of nonresident tuition so long as they continue to be stationed in the state in full-time military service and under military orders.

While the policy clearly states that nonresident tuition will be waived for military personnel, such a waiver does not constitute Oklahoma residence status.  

Section VIII. Full-time Professional Practitioner or Worker

An individual who provides evidence of having come to Oklahoma to practice a profession on a full-time basis, conduct a business full time, or work on a full-time basis shall be declared an Oklahoma resident along with his/her spouse and dependent children so long as the individual continues in such full-time employment capacity.

Section IX. Proof of Residence

The burden of proof of establishing Oklahoma residence or domicile, including providing any supporting documentation, shall be upon the applicant. Since residence of domicile is a matter of intent, each case will be judged on its own merit by the appropriate institutional official(s) consistent with this policy. No definitive or “magic” set of criteria can be established as sufficient to guarantee classification as a resident of Oklahoma.

Section X. Reclassification

In addition to the aforementioned criteria, an independent person seeking to be reclassified as a resident of Oklahoma must meet the following criteria for the current and immediately preceding year.

X.1 The person must not have been claimed as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes by his or her nonresident parents.
X.2 The person must be self-supporting as evidenced by having provided the majority of funds for his or her own upkeep.
X.3 The person must have maintained a continuous residence in Oklahoma for the period set forth in Section V.  

Section XI. Administration of Policy Statement

Each institution should designate the Admissions Officer or some other individual to be responsible for administration for the policy, and should make appropriate provision for a student’s appeal of an adverse decision.  

Section XII. Tuition Waivers

Nothing in this policy precludes the waiving of fees or tuition for nonresidents by an institution upon authorization by the State Regents based on criteria other than resident status provided that the residence status classification will not be affected by any such waiver alone.   

General Enrollment Charges


MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express are accepted for payment of fees.

All charges are subject to change without notice.

The general enrollment charge includes tuition and mandatory fees assess per credit hour enrolled.

Oklahoma Residents Charges for Each Semester Hour

Graduate Division Courses (5000 Level)   $ 204.15
Audit fee without credit is the same as scheduled above.    

Out-of-State Residents Charges for Each Semester Hour

Graduate Division Courses (5000 Level)   $ 464.15
Audit fee without credit is same as scheduled above.

All except bona fide residents of Oklahoma must pay a non-resident fee. The residence of a student is that of his/her parent or guardian unless he can show reason why his/her residence should not be so defined. It is assumed that students know their correct resident status and that on their application and registration blanks they state truthfully the facts concerning it. Students in doubt should request clarification by writing to the Office of Admissions and Records in advance of registration.

Electronic Media Fees

Online Course Fee (per semester hour)   $ 50.00

Special Fees

College of Business and Technology    
  College of Business and Technology Fee Undergraduate and Graduate, per semester hour   $ 10.00
College of Education    
  College of Education Fee Undergraduate and Graduate, per semester hour   $ 7.00
College of Extended Learning    
  College of Extended Learning Fee Undergraduate and Graduate, per semester hour    $ 40.00
  Prior Learning Portfolio Fee, per assessment   $ 100.00
College of Liberal Arts    
  College of Liberal Arts Fee Undergraduate and Graduate, per semester hour $ 4.50
  Music Private Instruction Fee, per semester hour (In addition to regular enrollment) $ 100.00
  Music Semi-Private Instruction Fee, per semester hour (In addition to regular enrollment) $ 50.00
 College of Science and Health Professions    
  College of Science and Health Professions Fee Undergraduate and Graduate, per semester hour   $ 11.50
  Nursing Enhancement Fee Graduate, per semester hour   $ 30.00
  Occupational Therapy Enhancement Fee Graduate and Professional, per semester hour    $ 75.00
  Speech Language Pathology Enhancement Fee Graduate, per semester hour   $ 30.00
Automobile Registration, per car, per year   $ 25.00
Extrainstitutional CLEP Learning Fee, per semester hour   $ 15.00

Other Charges

Student Application Fee (per application)      $ 25.00
Late Enrollment   $ 10.00
Returned Check Charge   $ 25.00
Late Charges for past due balance     1.5 %
Accounts assigned for collection: add-on fee Cost of collection

Distance Learning

Distance Learning courses at NSU are available online and by video conferencing. Online courses are delivered over the Internet and require little, if any, residential meetings. For more information about the courses, contact the instructor by clicking the “Directory” button on the NSU home page at www.nsuok.edu. Videoconference classes at NSU are delivered at the same time in different locations. Videoconference classes are sent or received in collaboration with Tulsa Community College, Carl Albert State College in Poteau, Northeast Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, University Center in Ponca City, and East Central University in Ada. Some NSU classes are videoconferenced among the Broken Arrow, Muskogee, and Tahlequah campuses. All three NSU campuses have videoconferencing classrooms.  

We are members of the OneNet network, Oklahoma’s statewide network system; the Online College of Oklahoma; and the Southern Regional Education Board Electronic Campus. The Online College of Oklahoma is an electronic marketplace for distance courses offered by Oklahoma higher education institutions. The Southern Regional Education Board Electronic Campus is an electronic marketplace for distance courses offered by a 17-state consortium.

Educational Tours (fees as announced)

Northeastern State University sponsors educational tours which are conducted under University direction. The costs and schedules for each tour are announced in advance. Credit may be established on either the undergraduate or graduate level with academic fees being determined by the amount and type of credit established.  


A student, who drops individual classes or withdraws completely from the University prior to the first day of classes for the semester, will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees. A student who drops individual classes or totally withdraws during the first two weeks of the fall/spring semester or during the first week of the regular summer semester will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees.

Unpaid Student Accounts

Unpaid accounts receivable are considered to be in violation of university regulations as set forth by the Board of Regents and therefore become disciplinary matters. A hold will be placed on university records and future enrollment until such violations are corrected. Access to meal plans and charge accounts may be denied.

In addition, unpaid accounts may be assigned for collection. If an account is assigned, any collection costs, court costs, and/or attorney’s fees necessary to collect the amount owed will be added to the balance due. The balance due may be reported to national credit bureaus, which may adversely affect credit ratings.  

Financial Assistance 


NSU’s financial aid program for graduate students is designed to recognize excellence in academics and leadership, and also assists those who otherwise would be unable to attend the University. NSU participates in all traditional types of financial assistance available through the state and the federal government. Graduate students at NSU receive funds from a variety of sources to pay for their education, including scholarships, graduate assistantships, tuition waivers, part-time jobs and educational loans. This money comes from federal and state agencies, as well as private donors. Assistance from the federal student aid programs is based on the belief that students should make every effort possible to invest in their education. We are committed to working with students to make a graduate degree from NSU affordable. However, please be aware that graduate students are not eligible for subsidized student loans, or grant assistance from the Federal Title IV programs.

How to Apply For Financial Assistance

  1. Apply for admission to NSU as a graduate student. Graduate students must enroll in graduate courses to receive financial aid.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid as soon as possible after January 1st, each year. FAFSA forms can also be filed via the internet at www.fafsa.gov.
  3. Respond promptly to any requests from Student Financial Services for additional information.  Students will receive requests via their NSU email account.  
  4. Financial Aid applicants will be notified of their financial aid eligibility via their NSU email account, it is important that this account is checked regularly.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


Federal regulations require that all recipients of student financial assistance make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or certificate. Students applying for assistance through the Federal Pell Grant, Teach Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Work Study, Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG), Oklahoma’s Promise (OHLAP), Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan, Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, Federal Parent PLUS Loan and Graduate PLUS loan programs are required to meet THREE separate requirements in maintaining their financial aid eligibility at NSU.

First, students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average.
Second, students are required to complete (pass) a certain percentage of hours they attempt.
Third, students must complete their degree within a timely manner.

These three requirements are summarized in the following charts. Failure to meet either or both of these minimum academic standards will result in the loss of financial aid eligibility. Students are expected to know, based on this Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, when they may be placed on financial aid probation or suspension.

I.  Grade Point Average Requirement
Each student must meet a minimum cumulative grade point average to remain eligible for federal student aid.

 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy Requirements Undergrad Students Grad Students
Total Hours Attempted from all Institutions 1-30 credit hr 31 hrs or more All
Minimum Cumulative G.P.A 1.70 GPA 2.00 GPA 3.00 GPA


II.  Satisfactory Completion of Semester Hours Requirement
Students must also successfully complete and pass 67% of courses they attempt. Grades of A, B, C, D, F, P, S, W, AW, WP, WF, I N, NA, NP, X and U are all considered attempted hours. Only grades of A, B, C, D, S, and P are counted as successfully completed. All transfer hours are included in this calculation.

Percentage of cumulative attempted hours a student must complete to remain eligible for Federal Student Aid.        Undergraduate Students

            Graduate Students

Students must successfully complete:                           67%                          67%   

III.  Maximum Time Frame for Degree Completion

Students must complete their degree program within an allotted time frame to remain eligible for financial aid. The chart below indicates the time frame in which a degree must be acquired. Be aware that hour limits are cumulative; therefore, all hours from all institutions you have attended will be included. Student Financial Services recommends that students who have attempted 150 hours toward their first Bachelor’s degree log on to NSU’s Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) to ensure they are taking the courses necessary to complete their degrees.  For financial aid purposes grades of A, B, C, D, F, P, S, W, AW, WP, WF, I, N, NP, X, and U are all considered attempted hours. Once students reach their maximum time frame for their specified degree, they are no longer eligible for federal student aid.

Attempted Hours Allowed for Earning a Degree

186 hours - First Bachelor’s Degree           48 hours - First Master’s Degree

 240 hours - Additional Undergrad Work     80 hours - Additional Master’s Work

Repeated Coursework

Title IV funds may only pay for one repeat of a previously passed course.  More than one repeated course will not be calculated in your enrollment status pertaining to Title IV funds.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluation

  • Satisfactory Academic Progress is evaluated at the conclusion of each academic semester after grades have been posted.  All attempted and transfer hours are counted during this evaluation.
  • A WARNING is given to students for one semester who do not meet both requirements I. and II. shown above.  This is a warning status and students can receive financial aid during their next semester of attendance.  NOTE:  A warning is not given to students regarding maximum time frame, it is the student’s responsibility to know how many hours they have attempted and where they stand.
  • SUSPENSION will be required for any students who fail to meet both requirements I. and II. at the conclusion of their warning semester.  Students cannot receive funds from the aid programs listed above while suspended.  (SEE APPEAL OF SUSPENSION)
  • Rules are applied uniformly to all students whether or not aid has been previously received. 

Financial Aid Suspension Appeals


A student with extenuating circumstances may appeal their financial aid suspension by submitting a written appeal to the Office of Student Financial Services. Appeal forms may be obtained in the Student Financial Services office or in the form section on the NSU financial aid website. Appeals must explain in detail why the student failed to meet the minimum academic standards, what extenuating circumstances caused the failure, and how the situation has since improved. Examples of extenuating circumstances include illness, medical issues with immediate family members, or a death in the family. Personal or financial issues with family, friends, or roommates are not considered extenuating circumstances. The appeal should include supporting documentation to substantiate the request for reinstatement. A student’s typed appeal should include:

  1. The reason(s) why the student failed to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  2. Supporting documentation that may be pertinent to the student’s appeal.
  3. An academic plan for success which should include the following components:
    1. What has changed in the students life that will enable them to be a successful student in the future.
    2. The student must supply a detailed breakdown of the courses/grades needed for the student to complete their graduation requirements.
    3. The student must read and acknowledge that they understand the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

The appeal and all supporting documentation will be reviewed by the financial aid committee, and be approved or denied. The results of the appeal will be emailed/mailed and posted to the student’s goNSU account within approximately ten working days.

If denied, the student is responsible for paying for their own educational costs until the student improves his/her scholastic record to meet the minimum standards.  Students who were denied due to maximum time frame are responsible for paying for their own educational costs for the remainder of their degree program.

If approved, the student will either be:

  1. Placed on probation for one semester only, or
  2. Placed on an academic plan, which will be monitored at the conclusion of each term.

The student’s approval email/letter will explain all requirements that must be met during his/her probationary period to continue to receive financial aid.

A student who fails to complete a single course or has a complete withdrawal from the university after receiving financial aid may be automatically placed on suspension.

Student Responsibility

Students are held responsible for reading and understanding the Satisfactory Academic Progress eligibility requirements and knowing their status at the end of each semester.  If questions arise, contact the Office of Student Financial Services at 918-444-3456.  **PLEASE NOTE:  Financial aid warning, probation, and suspension are separate from academic probation and suspension.

Transfer Students Grades


Academic transcripts for all transfer students will be reviewed by the NSU Office of Admissions and course work from all previously attended colleges will be posted to their NSU transcript. Transfer students with no grade history at NSU will be placed on financial aid probation their first semester of attendance if the transcript shows that the minimum requirements have not been met. Transfer students admitted on financial aid probation are eligible to receive financial assistance their first semester of attendance. Continuation of financial aid eligibility beyond the first semester of attendance will be approved only if the minimum requirements are met.

  1. For financial aid purposes, all grades of A, B, C, D, F, P, S, W, AW, WP, WF, I, N, NP, X and U are hours attempted.
  2. Only grades of A, B, C, D, S, and P are counted as hours successfully completed.
  3. Audit classes are not eligible for financial aid and are not counted as hours attempted.
  4. All classes attempted at all institutions are used in satisfactory academic progress calculations.
  5. Passing grades received in zero level remedial classes count as hours attempted for financial aid purposes.  

Refund Policy For Financial Aid Recipients Who Withdraw

Any student receiving federal financial assistance who completely withdraws from or fails all classes at NSU will be subject to the Return of Title IV Funds refund policy required by federal regulation.  Any student who does not begin attendance in all courses for which they are enrolled in may be subject to the Return of Title IV funds. Any student receiving federal financial assistance who drops a single course before the course starts, BUT after they have been paid at NSU may be subject to the Return of Title IV funds.

This policy applies to graduate students receiving assistance through the Perkins Loan, and the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan programs.

This policy assumes a student earns his or her financial aid based on the period of time the student remains enrolled through the semester. Upon withdrawal, Student Financial Services will determine the date of the student’s withdrawal on record in the Office of Admissions and will calculate the amount of financial assistance the student earned while enrolled in classes according to the following formula: number of days enrolled divided by the total number of days in the semester.

If the amount of federal aid disbursed exceeds the amount of federal aid earned as of the date of withdrawal, either the university, the student, or both are required to return some portion of the federal aid received. Late disbursements for which the student is eligible are required to be included.

Students who remain enrolled beyond the 60% date of all modules for which they are enrolled during a semester are considered to have earned 100% of the financial aid received. Students who remain enrolled for less than 60% of  any module for which they are enrolled during a semester may be responsible for repaying a portion of the financial aid received.

Student Financial Services will calculate the amount of any refund due according to the Return of Title IV Funds Formula outlined in federal regulation. Examples of this refund formula are available in Student Financial Services. Any refund amount calculated from this formula will be returned to the appropriate federal financial aid programs. Refunds for financial aid recipients are never given directly to the student. Calculated refunds amounts are returned to the federal financial aid programs in the following order: Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, and Perkins Loan.

Under this policy, the date of withdrawal is the date the student began the withdrawal process by contacting the NSU Office of Admissions either in person or by phone to complete a Notice of Withdrawal form. If a student leaves NSU without contacting the Office of Admissions to formally withdraw, the withdrawal date will be designated as the midpoint of the semester or the last date of attendance at a documented academically related activity. For students who fail to return from an approved leave of absence, the withdrawal date will be designated as the date the leave of absence began.   

Types of Financial Assistance Available


Tribal Assistance

Native American students must apply through the appropriate tribal agency to receive their tribal grants.  


These programs provide part-time employment for graduate students. A listing of available student employment positions is posted in the NSU Office of Student Financial Services prior to the beginning of each semester. Job postings are also available on the NSU website at www.nsuok.edu.  

Federal Work-Study Program

This is on-campus employment for needy students. These employees can work up to 20 hours per week and are paid at least minimum wage. Limited funding available.

Institutional Employment

This is on-campus employment. These employees can work up to 20 hours per week and are paid at least minimum wage. Financial aid eligibility is not required.  

Job Location and Development

The Office of Student Financial Services (SFS) provides assistance in locating off campus, part-time employment. Financial aid eligibility is not required.  

Teach Grant

Through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, Congress created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program that provides grants of up to $4,000 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. The graduate Teach eligible majors are M.Ed in Reading, M.Ed in Science, and the M.Ed in Mathematics. Qualifications for this grant can be found on NSU’s Financial Aid website under the grant section.

Student Loans

Students are encouraged to pursue all opportunities for scholarships, and employment before borrowing.  Loans should be considered a last resort for funding a student’s educational expenses.  First time student loan borrowers are required to participate in an online student loan counseling session and complete a master promissory note at www.studentloans.gov .  

Federal Perkins Loan

These funds are disbursed to needy full-time NSU students. Repayment and interest begins nine months after the student graduates or leaves NSU. A separate Perkins Loan Promissory Note is required. Limited funds available.

DIRECT Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

This is money borrowed through the US Department of Education at a fixed interest rate of 6.8%. The student is responsible for the interest on this loan. Repayment begins six months after the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled at least half time.

Loans listed above do have maximum yearly, as well as lifetime limits. A chart acknowledging these limits may be found on our website under the loan section.


The NSU Scholarship Office, located in the lower level of the Administration Bldg., assists students to obtain information on how to finance their education with scholarship funds. Scholarship information is continuously updated on the NSU website at www.nsuok.edu.  

Regents Tuition Waivers

This scholarship is available to both undergraduate and graduate students at NSU based on academic performance, and/or financial need. Scholarship recipients are selected by committees from within the various academic departments at NSU. Graduate students are required to have a 3.0 cumulative GPA for consideration. The Regents Tuition Waiver is a one year scholarship, but students are encouraged to reapply for the waiver each academic year. The date for priority consideration for a Regents Tuition Waiver is February 1.

Foundation Scholarships

Through the generous donations of private supporters, NSU is able to offer numerous Foundation Scholarships each year. These scholarships are based on academic performance, GPA, college major, activities, and other criteria. Award amounts vary by scholarship program.

Miscellaneous Scholarships

NSU promotes numerous external scholarships from private sources in all academic areas. Students are encouraged to continually check the NSU Scholarship web page at www.nsuok.edu, or stop by the scholarship information display located in the Scholarship Office in the lower level of the Administration Building.

Graduate Record Examination Fee Reduction Program


The purpose of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Fee Reduction Certificate is to ensure that fees for this test are not a barrier to graduate study for low-income students. There are four requirements a student must meet to receive this waiver. The student must be:

  1. A United States Citizen or resident alien.
  2. A dependent senior whose FAFSA report indicates an EFC of no more than $1400.
  3. A self-supporting senior whose FAFSA report indicates an EFC of no more than $1800.
  4. A self-supporting un-enrolled college graduate whose FAFSA report indicates an EFC of no more than $1800.

GRE Fee Waiver Certificates waive the test fees for one General Test and one Subject Test only. The certificates are available through the NSU Office of Student Financial Services.  

Graduate and Instructional Assistantships


Graduate and/or instructional assistantships are available for the academic year in several areas. Full-time graduate/instructional assistants teach six hours per semester, or serve a maximum of twenty clock hours per week in a laboratory or other teaching facility. Full-time graduate/instructional assistants also carry an academic load of six to nine hours of graduate credit. For non-teaching assistants ten hours of work per week is equivalent to teaching three semester hours.

Candidates for assistantships must hold a baccalaureate degree, must be fully admitted as a regular student to Graduate College, and must qualify for regular admission to a graduate degree program. Other selection criteria may be added based on the requirements of the particular assignment. Applications for assistantships are available in the Graduate College office or on the website www.nsuok.edu. The completed application must be submitted to the Graduate College for the Dean’s approval prior to employment.   

Fee Voucher Program


The fee voucher program is an effort by Northeastern State University to contribute to the improvement of instruction in the schools of this area in return for the services they render to the University.

The program provides that each school system which participates in the Mentoring Internship Program of Northeastern State University is granted fee waiver credit at the rate of one (1) semester hour of regular graduate credit per intern per designated mentor teacher.

All fee waiver certificates will be coordinated and prepared by the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership and forwarded to the Office of Business Affairs. The Office of Business Affairs will send the certificates by certified mail to each respective school system where interns are placed.

The chief administrative officer of each school shall designate a staff member to receive the fee waiver certificate, providing that such staff member has been admitted to graduate study and is pursuing graduate credit at Northeastern State University. All certificates must have the official seal of the University, the signature of the public school official and two officials of Northeastern State University.

Fee Waiver certificates are valid for two years from the date issued. Fee waiver certificates that are lost, stolen or destroyed cannot be replaced. a fee waiver covers one hour of tuition only. Any enrollment fees must be paid by the student.  
