Oct 06, 2024  
2018-19 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-19 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements


Curriculum Organization

Baccalaureate (or Bachelor’s) degree curricula are designed to help students demonstrate both general education learning outcomes and those of a major field of study.  Each degree curriculum is organized in two divisions: the lower division, comprising approximately the first two years of study and including classes numbered at the 1000 and 2000 level, and the upper division, in which the student pursues the major or area of special concentration selected.  During the first two years, students take prescribed courses in English, the arts, humanities, health and physical education, the social sciences and the natural sciences to complete the General Education component of the degree.  This broad spectrum of courses at the lower division level allows students to sample fields of interest and finalize decisions regarding majors before entering upper division coursework. When available, free electives allow students to explore content areas. Within upper division coursework, students complete the prescribed courses for major and minor fields.  Academic and faculty advisors will counsel and guide students to the most efficient way to reach general education and major requirements.

Dual Major

(Also referenced as double degree or double major.)

Students may earn a dual major (while currently enrolled) by completing all requirements for both majors.  A minimum of 124 hours must be completed for graduation with a minimum of 30 unduplicated semester credit hours for each major.  Total hours will vary depending upon the requirements for both majors. The student must choose which major will be considered the first major.  If duplicated courses are required for both majors, the advisor for the second major must make an appropriate substitution for the required course(s) needed in the second major as needed to reach the minimum of 30 unduplicated semester credit hours.  If the second major requires fewer than 30 hours, the advisor must specify courses which will make up the difference.  If the second major requires at least 30 unduplicated hours, no substitutions will be required.  The course substitutions must be communicated to the student and to the Office of the Registrar for an exception to be entered into the degree audit system.  Students may not choose General Studies or Vision Science as a dual major.  Students declaring a double major need not declare a minor.

English Proficiency

English proficiency is required of all students graduating from NSU.  English proficiency consists of three components.  All three components must be successfully completed in order to demonstrate English proficiency.

Component 1. Student Placement

A. Students with high school deficiencies will be required to complete English 0123 during the first semester of enrollment or successfully score at or above the qualifying score on the Test of CPT-Sentence Skills Test.

B. All first-time entering students scoring less than 19 on the ACT-English sub-test and less than 3.25 high school GPA in English will be required to take the CPT-Sentence Skills Test.  Transfer students who have not completed English 1113, Freshman Composition I, will be required to take the CPT-Sentence Skills Test if their ACT-English sub-test is less than 19 and high school GPA in English is less than 3.25.

C. Students scoring above the qualifying score on the CPT-Sentence Skills Test will be allowed to enroll in English 1113.

D. Students scoring below the qualifying score on the CPT-Sentence Skills Test must successfully complete English 0123 with a grade of “C” or better prior to enrollment in English 1113.

E. Students taking English 0123 must take the CPT-Sentence Skills Test at the end of the course.  Students who do not pass the course with a grade of “C” or better must re-enroll in English 0123 until they are successful in passing the course.

F. All students must complete Component 1 of English Proficiency (achieving a qualifying score on the CPT-Sentence Skills Test or passing English 0123) within the first 24 hours.  Failure to meet this requirement may block registration with the exception of enrollment in English 0123.

G. Students who are unsuccessful in passing English 0123 are advised to undertake additional educational experiences to improve their skills in addition to continued enrollment in English 0123 each semester until this requirement is satisfied.  These experiences may include but are not limited to:

a. attending tutorial sessions in a writing lab.

b. personal individualized study.

Component 2.  ENGL 1113 & 1213 completed with grades of “C” or better (OR demonstrated competency through prior learning credit.)

A. After completing English 0123, all students must continue in the appropriate courses each succeeding semester until the English composition requirements are satisfied in full.

B. All students who have not completed English 1113 and English 1213 with a grade of “C” or better will be required to demonstrate proficiency in English composition by:

a. re-enrolling in English 1113 and/or English 1213 and passing with a “C” or better, or

b. passing the CLEP test for English composition.

c. completing the WritePlacer online test with a score of 6 for proficiency in ENGL 1113 or a score of 7 for proficiency in ENGL 1113 and ENGL 1213.

C. Students who take English 1113 by CLEP will meet the requirements of Component 2 of English Proficiency by making a “C” or better in English 1213. Students who successfully complete English 1213 by CLEP will meet the requirements of Component 2 of English Proficiency.

D. All students should complete the English requirements at the earliest opportunity.  It is advisable for students to complete component 2 in the first 60 credit hours.

E. Writing ability of students will be assessed as part of the Mid-Level General Education assessment.

Component 3. Writing Intensive Experience in the Major

A. All students are required to complete a writing intensive experience in their major.

B. At a minimum, all students will experience at least one upper division course that has extensive writing assignments.

Note: English proficiency is a graduation requirement.  (Approved February 1992, Amended September 15, 1992, Amended February 17, 1994, Revised February 8, 1995 due to CEPC changes, Revised July 8, 1999, Revised March 23, 2004

Computer Proficiency

Computer proficiency is a graduation requirement for all students.  Students should complete the requirement in the first 30 hours of coursework.  Transfer students are expected to have completed this requirement by the time they transfer to NSU.  Transfer students who have completed an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree at an Oklahoma community college or a community college in which NSU has an articulation agreement are considered to have met this requirement along with their general education curriculum.  Transfer students who have not completed an AA or AS degree and have not completed the computer proficiency requirement before entering NSU will be required to enroll in the appropriate Computer Proficiency course during the first semester of enrollment at NSU. 

Students must demonstrate computer proficiency, which includes the competent use of a variety of software and networking applications, through one of the following options:

1. Successfully completing a high school computer science course that meets the State Regents’ high school curricular requirements; OR

2. Satisfying NSU’s computer proficiency assessment; OR

3. Successfully completing CS 1003  Computers in Modern Society or EDUC 4823  Emerging Technologies (for education majors only).


  1. Degrees are conferred at the close of fall, spring and summer semesters.  Candidates for degrees must file an application for bachelor’s degrees.  Students must apply for graduation no later than the following dates:  August 15 for Fall, January 15 for Spring, and March 15 for Summer. Students should run a degree audit each semester and meet with their academic advisor to plan their schedule.
  2. The minimum number of semester hours required for a degree is one hundred twenty-four, of which a maximum of 4 hours can be physical education activity courses.  A minimum of 60 hours, excluding physical education activity courses, must be taken at a baccalaureate degree granting institution.  At least forty of the required 124 must be upper division level (3000 and 4000 level) excluding physical education activity courses.
  3. Students must earn a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 to attain a degree, excluding any courses repeated or reprieved as detailed in the State Regents’ Grading Policy and excluding physical education activity courses.  Students who enter with advanced standing or transfer credit must satisfy the additional requirement of earning a 2.0 GPA at this University (NSU).
  4. At least 18 hours or fifty percent of the major, whichever is greater, must be satisfactorily completed at NSU.
  5. A student must spend in residence at this University a minimum of thirty weeks with the completion of at least thirty semester hours exclusive of correspondence work and/or prior learning credit.
  6. At least fifty percent of the major requirements on a bachelor’s degree program must be upper division courses (3000 and 4000 level).
  7. No more than one-fourth of the requirements for the bachelor’s degree may be completed by correspondence, extension, and/or prior learning credit.
  8. All grades for correspondence, incompletes, and for transcripts of work completed at other schools MUST be in the Office of the Registrar within two weeks following the close of the semester for the student’s name to remain on the Roster of Graduating Students.
  9. SECOND BACHELOR’S DEGREE.  A second undergraduate degree may be earned by completing all required courses and grade point requirements for the degree (major).  All prior undergraduate coursework will be considered, and applicable course credit will meet the requirements for the additional degree.  A minimum of 30 additional semester hours in residence beyond the date of the most recently completed bachelor’s degree (minimum 154 total hours) is required.
  10. State Regents’ policy guarantees that students transferring to an Oklahoma public four-year university with an associate in arts or associate in science degree (two-year degrees) from another Oklahoma public college will have satisfactorily completed all freshmen and sophomore general education requirements at the four-year university.  Some majors may require other specific general education courses as program prerequisites or program requirements.  If a student transfers to a university before completing an associate of arts or associate of science degree, the student must meet the general education requirements of the four-year university.
  11. The catalog in effect at the time of the student’s initial full-time enrollment in an Oklahoma State System college or university shall govern lower-division prerequisites and general education requirements, provided that the student has had continuous enrollment.  The catalog in effect at the time the student officially declares a major will govern the degree requirements for the major and minor, provided that the student has had continuous enrollment.  Continuous enrollment will be defined as not being out of an Oklahoma State System college or university for more than two consecutive enrollment periods.  Students who have been out three semesters will be subject to any new degree requirements.
  12. Once a major has been inactivated, a student has three years to complete the degree.  A student may not declare an inactive major.  For further information, See Discontinued Programs section under Academic Information  .

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program

The Accelerated Baccalaureate/Master’s degree pathway (ADP) allows high performing Northeastern State University undergraduate students an opportunity to complete the requirements for both the baccalaureate and master’s degrees at an accelerated pace. Undergraduate students accepted for the ADP may apply up to 12 graduate (5000 level) credit hours towards the completion of both the baccalaureate and master’s degree requirements. 

Current Accelerated Degree Programs:

  • B.S. Criminal Justice to M.S. Criminal Justice
  • B.S. Chemistry: Professional to M.S. Natural Science
  • B.S. Chemistry: Biochemistry to M.S. Natural Science

ADP Eligibility:

1.  Completed Accelerated Degree Program application.

2.  Completed a minimum of seventy-two (72) undergraduate credit hours with a minimum of twelve (12) hours completed in a major field of study, including credits earned from advanced placement and prior learning assessment.

3.  Transfer students must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours at Northeastern State University.

4.  A minimum 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA, and a minimum 3.25 major GPA.

5.  Complete the Graduate Admission. Students will be admitted provisionally.  Upon successful completion of the undergraduate degree, students will be eligible for full admission to the graduate college.

6.  Unless otherwise specified by the graduate program, successfully complete the required entrance exam within the first twelve (12) graduate credit hours, including hours taken as an undergraduate student. 

7.  Additional program eligibility (ie; GRE or GMAT scores). If there are none, the standard requirements for graduate admission will be followed.

Conditions and Limitations of Participation in the ADP:

1.  In all graduate level coursework, students will be engaged, assessed, and graded as a graduate student.  However, students will remain classified as an undergraduate student.

2.  Once admitted to the accelerated degree program, students retain eligibility for undergraduate scholarships and financial aid.  The aid may be applied toward graduate level coursework credited toward completion of the undergraduate degree.

3.  For tuition purposes, ADP students will be assessed the undergraduate tuition rate for undergraduate courses, and the graduate tuition rate for graduate courses.

4.  Prior to completing the bachelor degree, the GPA will be monitored by the undergraduate college.  A minimum grade of C is required on all 5000 level courses.  If the overall undergraduate GPA or overall graduate GPA fall below a 3.0, the student will be removed from the accelerated degree program.  Readmission to the accelerated degree program will not be permitted.

5.  Upon completion of all undergraduate degree requirements and the degree is posted on the transcript, students in the accelerated degree program will be eligible for full graduate status and graduate funding (graduate assistantships, scholarships, graduate financial aid).

6.  Once fully admitted to the Graduate College, the GPA will be monitored by the Graduate College.  If the overall graduate GPA falls below a 3.0, students will be placed on academic probation. 

7.  A student who does not follow the approved degree plan may become ineligible to participate in the accelerated degree program.

8.  A student may withdraw from an approved accelerated degree program.  Contact the Graduate College for specific requirements.  Graduate credit hours completed prior to a student becoming ineligible to continue in the ADP, or withdrawing from the ADP, apply toward the baccalaureate degree only.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university may earn a second bachelor’s degree at NSU by completing all requirements for the degree (major), including at least 30 additional semester hours in residence beyond the date of the most recently completed bachelor’s degree.

Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution are considered to have met the English, American history, political science, and computer proficiency requirements.  The general education requirements for the second bachelor’s degree will be considered completed. However, if a course or courses from the general education requirements are prerequisites to courses required for the major of the second degree or are program prerequisites, these courses must be completed.

A major used for the first bachelor’s degree cannot be used as a major for the second bachelor’s degree.  A second bachelor’s degree with a major in General Studies is not available.


Degree Deadlines

Each student who expects to complete degree requirements must file an application for bachelor’s degree by March 15 for summer graduation, August 15 for fall graduation, and January 15 for spring graduation.  If requirements are not met, students must reapply for the appropriate semester.

In order for the degree to be posted in the semester for which the student applied, all documentation must be received in the Office of the Registrar within two weeks of the close of the semester.  If documentation is not received within the timeframe, the student will have to reapply for the next graduation conferral term.  Documentation may include:  official transcripts (mailed directly from the school) of coursework completed at other schools, capstone experiences, courses with incomplete grades changed to permanent grades, grade changes and/or course substitutions. 

Students must meet all degree requirements for graduation as outlined in the Bachelor’s Degree Requirements sections of this catalog.  Degrees are recorded on the student’s transcript. Diplomas will be mailed approximately twelve weeks after the conferral date.


Degrees are conferred at the end of fall, spring and summer semesters.  Students completing degree requirements at the end of a summer term may participate in the spring commencement. Tahlequah campus graduation ceremonies are held during the fall and spring of each year and are open to all NSU students. The Broken Arrow campus graduation ceremony is held only during the spring. Broken Arrow students completing in the fall may attend the ceremony at the Tahlequah campus in December or may attend the Broken Arrow ceremony the following May.

Graduation with Honors

NSU recognizes bachelor’s degree candidates who demonstrate superior academic performance as evidenced by their grade point average (GPA).  To be eligible for such recognition, a candidate must have a minimum 3.40 NSU GPA and meet the grade point average outlined below for graduation with honors in all NSU courses completed and in all transfer coursework.

Commencement - Students whose GPA meets an honors designation the semester previous to the final semester will be recognized in the commencement program. 

Transcript and Diploma - Final determination of honors will be based upon all coursework completed for the degree and will be posted on the student’s transcript and diploma after successful completion of all degree requirements.

The honors designation and requisite overall grade point averages (not rounded) shall be:

Summa Cum Laude - 3.8 - 4.0
Magna Cum Laude - 3.6 - 3.79
Cum Laude - 3.4 - 3.59

Timelines and Procedures

Procedure Office to Contact Timetable

File Application for Admission, order supporting documents

Admissions and Recruitment At least two weeks prior to term
Receive Letter of Acceptance Admissions and Recruitment Prior to first enrollment
Initial Advisement First-Year Experience Center, University Advisors

As noted on Letter of Acceptance

Course Enrollment

University Advising Center (CASE building), University Advisors

Subsequent years, University Advisors / College Advisors

See University Calendar
Declaration of Major University Advising Center As early as possible after decision
Review automated degree audit with advisor   College Advisor and/or Faculty Advisor

Check with major college advising office and/ or faculty advisor prior to enrollment each semester

Application for Bachelor’s degree

Major college or department
Business Affairs
Summer - March 15
Fall - August 15
Spring - January 15
Notice concerning arrangements for graduation Registrar Approximately one month before date of graduation, posted on website