Sep 16, 2024  
2019-20 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-20 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]



Human and Family Sciences

  • HFS 4792 - Human and Family Sciences Capstone

    CIP Code:

    Description: A capstone course required of all HFS majors. Included in the course are professional ethics, professional organizations, professional dress, portfolio development, and current issues related to HFS. (Spring only).

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above.

Human Development and Family Studies

  • HDFS 3203 - Birth to Three: Ages and Stages

    CIP Code: 190701

    Description: Students explore major developmental milestones from conception through age three in the areas of physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.  They will identify factors that affect typical and atypical development and examine their role and the role of family in facilitating development.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: PSYC 1003 Introduction to Human Behavior or PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology with a minimum grade of C.
  • HDFS 3413 - Birth to Three: Healthy Beginnings

    CIP Code: 190701

    Description: Students examine the health and safety requirements for environments where children, birth to age three, live and learn. Students explore the roles of caregivers and families in creating environments where children are best supported. Topics such as environmental design, care and sanitation of materials, identifying common childhood illnesses, and best practices for meals and snacks will provide students with a foundation for maintaining safe and healthy environments for children in home and group care settings.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: PSYC 1003 Introduction to Human Behavior or PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology with a minimum grade of C.
  • HDFS 3623 - Challenges in the Family

    CIP Code: 190701

    Description: Students develop an understanding of family and community as central to working with children, birth to age three.  Students explore major theoretical frameworks for studying families in crisis and outline coping skills and community resources to support diverse families in crises. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: PSYC 1003 Introduction to Human Behavior or PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology with a minimum grade of C.
  • HDFS 3833 - Family Engagement

    CIP Code: 190701

    Description: Students analyze the impact of community and family interactions on young  children’s learning and development.  They will develop strategies for fostering respectful, reciprocal relationships among early care providers, young children and their families.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: PSYC 1003 Introduction to Human Behavior or PSYC 1113 Introduction to Psychology with a minimum grade of C.


  • HUM 2113 - Ancient Cultures #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of significant ideas of ancient cultures as manifest in art, literature, music, and philosophy.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • HUM 2223 - Modern Cultures #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of significant ideas of modern cultures as manifest in art, literature, music and philosophy.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • HUM 2333 - Art Appreciation #

    CIP Code: 240103

    Description: Students will learn how to evaluate art and appreciate and understand the special characteristics of key artistic movements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: ART 2023.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 2023 and HUM 2333.
  • HUM 2400 - Global Humanities #

    CIP Code:

    Description: The study of various civilizations which may include: Western Eurasia, Middle East, Mediterranean, Western Europe, India, China, Greek, etc.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be taken with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • HUM 2443 - Humanities in African-American Culture #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of the significant ideas of African Americans as manifest in art, literature, music , philosophy, film, and dance.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • HUM 2653 - Philosophy in Life #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Brief survey of basic philosophical problems which have faced mankind throughout the ages.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: PHIL 1013.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both HUM 2653 Philosophy in Life and PHIL 1013.
  • HUM 2763 - Theatre Appreciation #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A survey course designed to introduce the student to all phases of dramatic art, including literature, acting, directing, and technical procedures.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: DRAM 2763.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both DRAM 2763 and HUM 2763.
  • HUM 2843 - Film Appreciation #

    CIP Code:

    Description: This survey course will explore film from its beginnings to the present. It will study film’s history, form, techniques, process and its impact on society.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: DRAM 2843.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both DRAM 2843 and HUM 2843.
  • HUM 3213 - Art History Survey I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: The history and development of art, architecture, sculpture and other visual arts from prehistoric through the Renaissance.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: ART 3213.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 3213 and HUM 3213.
  • HUM 3223 - Art History Survey II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Survey of Art History from Renaissance to mid-nineteenth century.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: ART 3223.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 3223 and HUM 3223.
  • HUM 3313 - Asian Cinema#

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course will examine one Asian feature film each week in order to gain an understanding of Asian cultures, social issues, literary and aesthetic conventions, and the nature and uses of film as a genre. The focus is primarily on contemporary film, but some significant trendsetting earlier films also will be examined. Readings, lectures, and discussions will evaluate themes and characteristic styles of various artists and genres.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • HUM 4000 - Seminar in Humanities #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Designed to address particular issues in the humanities. Specific course content will be announced at time of offering to be selected from, but not limited to, such areas as humanities in public school curriculum, strategies for teaching humanities, and appreciation.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Completion of general education humanities requirement.
    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • HUM 4110 - Seminar in Humanities #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Course content to be determined each semester offered and will be selected from, but not limited to, the following: painting in America, music in America, the plastic arts and architecture in America.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Completion of general education humanities requirement.
    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • HUM 4213 - Artistic Expressions of Native America: An Interdisciplinary Assessment #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A historic survey format similar to that of General Humanities, but content is restricted to the visual, musical, and literary arts of Native American peoples. There will be a directed effort toward revealing the unique qualities of Native American artistic creations and the particular ideas and values which form them.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Completion of general education humanities requirement.
    Cross-listed: AIS 4213.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 4213 and HUM 4213.
  • HUM 4310 - Asian Studies Field Seminar#

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course provides a research-oriented field experience in Asia and/or in the U.S. in which selected aspects of Asian culture will be examined. An interdisciplinary approach to Asian Studies will be emphasized.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated for credit with different topics.
  • HUM 4453 - Contemporary Art History #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continuation of ART 3213 Art History Survey I and ART 3223 Art History Survey II. From late nineteenth century to the present.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: ART 4453.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 4453 and HUM 4453.

Information Systems

  • IS 1003 - Computers in Modern Society #

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course provides students with fundamental computer skills needed during their Collegiate and professional careers. Hardware, software, Windows O/S, file management, internet, email, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and Access are covered in this course. Students will be introduced to the use of local and wide area networks.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: CS 1003.
    Note: Not open to students who have successfully completed IS 1003 Computers in Modern Society or IS 1133 Fundamentals of Computer Usage.
  • IS 2443 - Introduction to Flash

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course offers an introduction to interactive, multimedia development and programming for the web.  It incorporates hands-on experience developing web-based multimedia presentations including animation, movie clips, action scripts, sound, and graphics.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
  • IS 3003 - System Development Using Rapid Application Development Tools

    CIP Code:

    Description: A Business Information System is developed using a Rapid Application Development Tool. A complete Information System (front end, application logic, and back end) will be prototyped (designed, implemented, tested, and documented) in a hands-on setting. Scripting languages will be used to implement the application logic.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
  • IS 3013 - Business Computer Operating Environments

    CIP Code:

    Description: Popular operating environments. Competency in each environment and understanding of application variations from environment to environment. Criteria setting, comparison and contrast of various environments in the context of set criteria. Selecting environments for productivity.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • IS 3023 - Object Based Visual Programming

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course will introduce visual programming for the graphical user interface and will emphasize object-based program design and implementation using a visual language. Students are introduced to the selection and repetition structures, text files, and string manipulation. This course is highly recommended for any person who wants to get started in computer programming.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: CS 3023.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CS 3023 and IS 3023.
  • IS 3043 - Web Programming

    CIP Code:

    Description: This introductory course prepares the student to create and test Internet-based applications.  Client and server applications are developed.  Programming languages include: JavaScript, VBScript, ASP and PHP.  

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
  • IS 3053 - Website Design and Management

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course is an introduction to designing and managing web sites and developing e-business solutions. Students will learn to create interactive, dynamic websites capable of performing on-line transactions. Other topics include: HTML markup tags (tables, frames, image maps), graphics (scanning, retouching, clipping, adding drop shadows, creating animated and transparent images), HTML forms, CSS, XML, and programming scripts (PHP, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above or instructor permission.
  • IS 3063 - Principles of Information Systems

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course provides an introduction to information systems, including system development concepts, information technologies, ethical and international issues, and the implementation of application software. It explains how information is organized and managed and how information systems drive and enhance competitive advantage. Students will work with spreadsheets, databases, the Internet and other relevant information technologies.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above.
  • IS 3083 - Spreadsheet Analysis

    CIP Code:

    Description: A study of spreadsheet features, concepts, procedures, and integration capabilities with other application programs. Skill development of basic and advanced functions of spreadsheet software will be achieved through hands-on exercises and case studies. Problem solving techniques and decision support will be explored and utilized.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
  • IS 3113 - Business Communications #

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of business communication, its scope and importance in business, and ethical and international considerations. The various types of business communication media are covered including: business letters, memos, reports, and oral presentations.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above.
  • IS 3183 - Data Telecommunications

    CIP Code:

    Description: Data communications and teleprocessing systems principles are examined in detail. Major topics include: hardware and networks, protocols and architectures, common carrier networks, and the planning and management of data communication and teleprocessing systems.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above.
  • IS 3213 - Systems Analysis and Design

    CIP Code:

    Description:  Course includes analysis/design of computer-based information systems with emphasis on problem identification, requirements structuring and solution generation in theory and in a business project. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3063 Principles of Information Systems with a minimum grade of C.
  • IS 3223 - Developing & Utilizing Mobile Apps

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course is an introduction to developing and using mobile applications. Topics include: mastering the development tools, designing layouts, working with resources, writing source code and publishing applications. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • IS 3243 - Web Scripting

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students learn the theoretical background of scripting languages in a client-server architecture, and practice writing integrated programs that include database connections.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
  • IS 3320 - Information Systems Seminar

    CIP Code:

    Description: Special studies, research, and/or activities in the management of business information.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Instructor permission.
    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • IS 3401 - Honors Research I

    CIP Code:

    Description: Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above.
  • IS 3402 - Honors Research II

    CIP Code:

    Description: Research and development of scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3401 Honors Research I.
    Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above.
  • IS 3423 - Fundamentals of Enterprise Resource Planning

    CIP Code: 521201

    Description: Students complete exercises in an ERP environment to allow students to follow and understand how the financial and accounting information is used to support the overall decision-making processes. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated computer-based application that helps manage business functions.  This course covers ERP theory and practice, the evolution of ERP systems, and the implementation of ERP systems.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3063 Principles of Information Systems with a minimum grade of C.
    Cross-listed: ACCT 3423.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ACCT 3423 and IS 3423.
  • IS 3513 - Introduction to Information Security

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore a broad range of computer security issues and gain technical knowledge not normally addressed in traditional training.  The course introduces the protection of proprietary information and security planning with an emphasis on networked computer vulnerabilities. From a technical perspective, it discusses the basics of detection of security threats and disaster recovery with a primary focus on security of systems and computer crime prevention.  From a non-technical perspective, it covers the maturing criminal population which exhibits increased computer literacy and its tendency to move from violent actions to more profitable computer crime. Finally, this course introduces issues of privacy and freedom of information.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above.
  • IS 3533 - Cyber Security Policy and Technologies

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore the integration of cyber security principles frameworks, standards, and best practices into organization-level strategies, policies, programs, plans, procedures, and processes.  Projects may include writing security policies and plans, developing metrics and measures for information security programs, planning audits of compliance practices and processes, and developing organization-level security policies for enterprise IT governance.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3513 Intro to Information Security with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently).
  • IS 3553 - System and Network Administration

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore the essentials for effective administration and maintenance of applications, operating systems and networks. The need is considered for IT system documentation, policies and procedures and the education and support of the users of these systems.Topics include administration of user and group permissions, user authentication, management of local area networks, and virtual private networks, and providing access to common resources.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3513 Intro to Information Security with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently).
  • IS 3613 - Building Secure Web Applications

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students learn the best practices and strategies for building secure applications for the Web.  The objective is to defend against web application vulnerabilities. Topics include web application architecture, common threats and trends, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, input validation, and business logic flaws.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3513 Intro to Information Security with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently).
  • IS 3633 - Cyber Security in Business and Industry

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore the application and integration of cyber security principles, frameworks, standards, and best practices to the management, governance, and policy development processes for businesses.  Discussion covers the organization, management, and governance of cyber security for enterprise IT in business settings; risk and risk management practices; and development and implementation of industry-wide cyber security initiatives and programs.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above.
  • IS 3643 - Cyber Security in Government

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore cyber security management and governance in the context of the missions, functions, and operations of federal, state, and municipal government agencies, departments, and programs.  Discussion covers the policy life cycle and the mechanisms used by governments to formulate and implement laws, policies, regulations, and treaties to protect and defend government operations and society as whole against cyber-attacks and crimes, both foreign and domestic.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Computer proficiency.
    Restrictions: Sophomore standing or above.
  • IS 3713 - Evaluating Emerging Technologies

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore emerging and leading technologies in the cyber security field.  The aim is to research, evaluate, and recommend emerging technologies and determine secure implementation strategies for best-fit business solutions.  Topics include evolutionary technology development and adoption in organizations.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3513 Intro to Information Security with a minimum grade of C (may be taken concurrently).
  • IS 4143 - Training and Development Practicum

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will obtain practical working experience in actual software and hardware setup, training and development of users, fourth generation programming and IS function operations.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3183 Data Telecommunications and IS 3213 Systems Analysis and Design with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Senior standing and instructor permission.
  • IS 4253 - Developing Spreadsheet Applications

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course includes traditional spreadsheet skills and extends them to include programming with Visual Basic for Applications, which greatly enhances the usefulness of spreadsheets.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • IS 4293 - Business Database Management Systems

    CIP Code:

    Description: Database management systems and principles are examined.  Topics include: logic design, normalization, restraint, constraints, SQL and database administration.  Students are introduced to data-driven web sites with special attention to interactive databases and e-commerce.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3063 Principles of Information Systems with a minimum grade of C or instructor permission.
  • IS 4313 - Organizational Information Management

    CIP Code: 521201

    Description: This course provides an integration and synthesis of information systems concepts and issues as viewed from all levels of management.  As a capstone course, IS 4313 builds on interdisciplinary coursework through project development or case study, emphasizing multi-disciplinary problem solving, systems knowledge, communication and management.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 4353 IT Project Management and IS 4293 Business Database Management Systems with a minimum grade of C.
  • IS 4353 - IT Project Management

    CIP Code:

    Description: This course provide an overview of IT project management in a corporate environment.  The course addresses basic principles of project management related to the Systems Development Lifecycle, and Agile, and other methodologies.  Students create a series of deliverables such as a project plan, a business requirements document, a system requirements document, design and development documentation and testing cases, as they work through and track stages of different projects.  Emphasis is placed on the necessity and effects of change control as relates to project deployment.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3213 Systems Analysis and Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • IS 4401 - Honors Research IV

    CIP Code:

    Description: All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity.  All other students are expected to attend.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 4402 Honors Research III.
    Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing.
  • IS 4402 - Honors Research III

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students finish data collection and analyze the results.

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3402 Honors Research II.
    Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing.
  • IS 4423 - Enterprise Resource Planning Applications/Development

    CIP Code: 521201

    Description: An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a complex information system impacting large numbers of people, both inside and outside an organization.  Proper ERP development and implementation is an important factor in the success of organizations in a global economy.  This course covers ERP theory and practice.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS/ACCT 3423 Fundamentals of Enterprise Resource Management.
  • IS 4533 - Cyber Penetration Testing

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore a hands-on study of exploits, attacks, and techniques used to test security defenses and mitigate such attacks. This course covers planning, reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation and result reporting.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 3513 Intro to Information Security with a minimum grade of C.
  • IS 4553 - Ethical Hacking

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore how hackers attack computers and networks, and how to protect both Windows and Linux systems from such attacks. Students will learn legal restrictions and ethical guidelines and will be required to obey them. Students will perform many hands-on labs, both attacking and defending systems using port scans, footprinting, exploiting Windows and Linux vulnerabilities, buffer overflow exploits, SQL injection, privilege escalation, Trojans, backdoors, phishing, and social engineering.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IS 4533 Cyber Penetration Testing with a minimum grade of C.
  • IS 4650 - IS Problems

    CIP Code:

    Description: Designed to meet student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of Information Systems/Information Technologies.

    Credit Hours: 1-6
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above and Department Chair permission.
    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated for credit with different topics.
  • IS 4660 - IS Problems

    CIP Code:

    Description: Designed to meet student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of Information Systems/Information Technologies.

    Credit Hours: 1-6
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above and Department Chair permission.
    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated for credit with different topics.
  • IS 4670 - IS Problems

    CIP Code:

    Description: Designed to meet student needs by providing classroom and/or laboratory experiences in an area of Information Systems/Information Technologies.

    Credit Hours: 1-6
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above and Department Chair permission.
    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated for credit with different topics.
  • IS 4950 - IS Internship

    CIP Code:

    Description: Work in an approved business position related to management information systems. Consists of applying knowledge gained while working toward a degree.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above, Department Chair permission, and minimum 2.50 GPA.
    Note: May be repeated for credit for a maximum of three credit hours per semester.
  • IS 5313 - Structured Data Design and Querying

    CIP Code: 520201

    Description: Students will learn how to administer a structured database and extract data for use in analytics.  Topics include database management systems and principles, logic design, normalization, restraint, constraints, and SQL.  Students are introduced to data-driven web sites with special attention to interactive databases and e-commerce.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: MBA 5533 - Information Systems for Managerial Problem Solving
    Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Credit may not be earned toward the bachelor’s degree for both IS 4293 Business Database Management Systems and IS 5313 Structured Data Design and Querying.
    Note: UC

International Business

  • IBUS 3023 - Gender in a Global Marketplace

    CIP Code: 521101

    Description: Students learn practical steps for interacting in international, cross-cultural  and diverse groups.  Students explore inter-gender and cross-gender business etiquette, communication, professionalism, and career development.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: MGMT 3023.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both MGMT 3023 and IBUS 3023.
  • IBUS 3273 - Global Business Design

    CIP Code:

    Description: Organizational design and its relationship to organizational performance; global structures and control systems; cooperative forms and their impact on global competitiveness; development and maintenance of corporate culture vs. national culture; analysis of the conflicts and power relationships between global organizations and their national and global environments.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: MGMT 3273.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both IBUS 3273 and MGMT 3273.
  • IBUS 3313 - Managing Across Borders

    CIP Code:

    Description: Staffing, training and compensation for global operations; managing interdependence across global project teams; cross-cultural communication negotiation and decision-making; cross-border motivation and leadership; and the expatriate experience.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: MGMT 3313.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both IBUS 3313 and MGMT 3313.
  • IBUS 3401 - Honors Research I

    CIP Code:

    Description: Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above.
  • IBUS 3402 - Honors Research II

    CIP Code:

    Description: Research and development of scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IBUS 3401 Honors Research I.
    Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above.
  • IBUS 4023 - International Finance

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students examine current practices and conventions of multinational firms with an emphasis on international financial theory and decision-making processes.  Students explore the environment of multinational firms and corporations, the foreign exchange market, and asset management techniques.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: FIN 3213 Principles of Finance with a minimum grade of C.
    Cross-listed: FIN 4023.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both FIN 4023 and IBUS 4023.
  • IBUS 4333 - Legal Environment of International Business

    CIP Code:

    Description: Covers the legal aspects of operating a corporation that is involved in international business. Topics will include international trade contracts, generally accepted practices for international commerce, import/export practices and processes, tax implications of international business transactions, and international dispute resolution mechanisms.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • IBUS 4343 - International Marketing

    CIP Code:

    Description: Strategic implications of marketing in different countries and marketing management concepts necessary to accommodate changing market structure, strategic international alliances, ethics and social responsibility relative to global markets.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: MKT 3213 Principles of Marketing with a minimum grade of C.
    Cross-listed: MKT 4343.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both IBUS 4343 and MKT 4343.
  • IBUS 4401 - Honors Research IV

    CIP Code:

    Description: All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity.  All other students are expected to attend.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IBUS 4402 Honors Research III.
    Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing.
  • IBUS 4402 - Honors Research III

    CIP Code:

    Description: Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: IBUS 3402 Honors Research II.
    Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing.
  • IBUS 4633 - International Economics

    CIP Code:

    Description: A study of contemporary economic theory and applications of international trade, commercial policy, and the open economy. Explores such topics as free trade, the effects of trade restrictions, foreign exchange markets, the balance of payments mechanisms, the international monetary system and monetary and fiscal policies in open economics.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ECON 2213 Prin of Microeconomics and ECON 2313 Prin of Macroeconomics with a minimum grade of C.
    Cross-listed: ECON 4633.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ECON 4633 and IBUS 4633.
  • IBUS 4843 - International Business

    CIP Code:

    Description: Develops an understanding of the international business management and cultural environments in which international business exists. Students examine international business practices and learn about unique elements of business in selected nations and diverse cultures.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • IBUS 4913 - Independent Study

    CIP Code:

    Description: College credit will be given for engaging in various international-related activities that would be acceptable to an IBUS faculty sponsor. Such activities could include participation in the publication of the newspaper/magazine addressing global issues or participation in planning and organizing an international business day/week, or active participation in international/cultural activities in the local area. Maximum of three (3) hours can apply as an International Business Experiential Learning requirement.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above and Department Chair permission.
  • IBUS 4930 - Certification Preparation

    CIP Code: 521101

    Description: Students prepare for professional certification exams based on specialty disciplines.  Students work with coaches who understand the exam and certification process. 

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours: Lecture: 1-3

    Restrictions: Department Chair Permission is required.
    Note: This course may be repeated for credit for up to 9 hours.
  • IBUS 4953 - Internship

    CIP Code:

    Description: College credit will be given for working at an approved business position related to an international business. The course would consist of applying knowledge that has been attained while working toward a degree. Maximum of three (3) hours can apply as an International Business Experiential Learning requirement.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above and Department Chair permission.
  • IBUS 4983 - Study Abroad

    CIP Code:

    Description: At a minimum, a student must complete a study abroad program, or work abroad, or work with the international division of a domestic company as part of the experiential learning requirement. College credit will be given for a student participating in a wide range of options for studying abroad in countries such as China, Japan, Mexico, and Canada to name a few. Maximum of three (3) hours can apply to the International Business Experiential Learning requirement.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above and Department Chair permission.


  • JPN 1113 - Elementary Japanese I#

    CIP Code:

    Description: A beginning course in understanding, speaking, reading and writing Japanese. Intended for students with no or very minimal experience with oral and written Japanese.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • JPN 1123 - Elementary Japanese II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continued instruction in basic language concepts and conversational skills.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: JPN 1113 Elementary Japanese I.
  • JPN 2013 - Intermediate Japanese I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continued instruction in understanding, speaking, reading and writing Japanese. The third in a sequence of related courses.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: JPN 1123 Elementary Japanese II.
  • JPN 2023 - Intermediate Japanese II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continued instruction in understanding, speaking, reading and writing Japanese. Fourth in a sequence of related courses.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: JPN 2013 Intermediate Japanese I or permission of instructor.


  • LAT 1113 - Elementary Latin I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Fundamentals of Latin grammar, vocabulary and translation. Specific emphases will include conjugation of verbs, tense, parts of speech, basic grammatical structure, and translation of elementary Latin.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • LAT 1123 - Elementary Latin II#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continuing fundamentals of Latin grammar, vocabulary and translation. Emphases will include conjugation of verbs, tense, parts of speech, basic grammatical structure, and translation. Will provide pre-professional students a background in the language which is prominent in the jargon of their intended fields of graduate study.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: LAT 1113 Elementary Latin I.

Liberal Arts Studies

  • LAS 1810 - Liberal Arts Studies #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Courses in a variety of liberal arts topics including interdisciplinary studies, specialized instruction that is liberal arts related but does not fit into a particular discipline, specialized language courses, and instruction related to international studies.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • LAS 2810 - Liberal Arts Studies #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Courses in a variety of liberal arts topics including interdisciplinary studies, specialized instruction that is liberal arts related but does not fit into a particular discipline, specialized language courses, and instruction related to international studies.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • LAS 3810 - Liberal Arts Studies #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Courses in a variety of liberal arts topics including interdisciplinary studies, specialized instruction that is liberal arts related but does not fit into a particular discipline, specialized language courses, and instruction related to international studies.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • LAS 4810 - Liberal Arts Studies #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Courses in a variety of liberal arts topics including interdisciplinary studies, specialized instruction that is liberal arts related but does not fit into a particular discipline, specialized language courses, and instruction related to international studies.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.

Library Media

  • LIBM 4023 - Materials for Children (Formerly Children’s Literature)

    CIP Code: 250101

    Description: Resources and services for children in terms of their needs, interests, and abilities. Evaluation, selection, and use of multi-media materials in school media centers.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • LIBM 4611 - Introduction to Online Research

    CIP Code: 250101

    Description: Students develop skills, techniques, and strategies for retrieving reliable information in a variety of electronic formats using online tutorials and hands-on activities for practice. Students will learn by searching the internet and electronic databases while demonstrating ethical use of information.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

Long Term Care Administration

  • LTCA 4103 - Collaborative Care in LTCA

    CIP Code: 510718

    Description: Students locate the legal and regulatory requirements and review their application in the administration of Long Term Care organizations.  Students apply the theories, principles and concepts of leadership and management to the long term care setting and begin to practice case management through the 120 clock hour internship.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: HCA 3003 Principles of Health Organizations Administration and HCA 3113 Aging Processes and Long Term Care with a minimum grade of C.
    Co-requisite: LTCA 4553 Leadership, Facilities & Environmental Mgmt, HCA 4950 (1 hour) Health Care Administration Capstone and HCA 4990 (2 hours) Health Care Administration Practicum.
    Restrictions: Requires senior standing and advisor permission.
  • LTCA 4553 - Leadership, Facilities and Environmental Management

    CIP Code: 510718

    Description: Students examine leadership procedures for resident-centered care and developing environments that promote dignity and choice. Accessibility, HIPPA compliance, community resources and methods for interdisciplinary care plan requirements, processes, and outcomes are key topics.  Students learn quality facilities management and preventive maintenance practices. Efficient and safe work environment guidelines, procedures and protocol will be reviewed with emphasis in emergency preparedness for long term care organizations.  Students are required to  complete a 120-clock hour internship.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: HCA 3003 Principles of Health Organizations Administration and HCA 3113 Aging Processes and Long Term Care.
    Co-requisite: LTCA 4103 Collaborative Care in LTCA, HCA 4950 (1 hour) Health Care Administration Capstone, and HCA 4990 (2 hours) Health Care Administration Practicum.
    Restrictions: Requires senior standing and advisor permission.
  • LTCA 4883 - Long Term Care Certification Hours

    CIP Code: 510718

    Description: Students will intern as an administrator in training within an approved long term care facility.  The internship will be overseen by a National Administrator Board Certified Preceptor and coordinated through the NSU LTCA coordinator.  Students will work 160 clock hours. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: LTCA 4103 Collaborative Care in LTCA and LTCA 4553 Leadership, Facilities, & Environmental Management.
    Co-requisite: LTCA 4993 Clinical Administrator in Training.
    Restrictions: Requires senior standing and LTCA coordinator permission.
  • LTCA 4993 - Clinical Administrator in Training

    CIP Code: 510718

    Description: Students will complete a clinical experience inside a long term care facility.  The training will be overseen by a Certified Preceptor and coordinated through the NSU LTCA coordinator.  Students will work 160 clock hours.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: LTCA 4103 Collaborative Care in LTCA and LTCA 4553 Leadership, Facilities & Environmental Management
    Co-requisite: LTCA 4883 Long Term Care Certification Hours
    Restrictions: Requires senior standing and advisor permission.


  • MGMT 3023 - Gender in a Global Marketplace

    CIP Code: 520201

    Description: Students learn practical steps for interacting in international, cross-cultural  and diverse groups.  Students explore inter-gender and cross-gender business etiquette, communication, professionalism, and career development.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: IBUS 3023.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both MGMT 3023 and IBUS 3023.
  • MGMT 3183 - Principles of Management

    CIP Code:

    Description: Overview of the knowledge, roles, responsibilities, and skills required of modern managers. Sample topics include history of management, decision-making, international management, corporate social responsibility, corporate strategy, organization design, and human resource management.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • MGMT 3213 - Principles of Operations Management

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will explore operations management concepts and practices to design, analyze and improve operational capabilities and apply them to a broad range of domains and industries. Quantitative problem solving and spreadsheet analysis will support conceptual learning focused on managing business processes, forecasting, capacity and location planning, inventory management, quality control, and supply chain issues.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: MATH 1513 College Algebra or higher, computer proficiency, and MATH 3513 Statistical Methods or BADM 3933 Business Statistics with a minimum grade of C.
  • MGMT 3253 - Organizational Behavior #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of individual and group behavior in organizations. Topics such as personality, attitudes, motivation, group dynamics, power, leadership, conflict management, international dimensions, and organizational culture are examined concerning their effect on individual and organizational performance.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: MGMT 3183 Principles of Management with a minimum grade of C.
  • MGMT 3263 - Principles of Entrepreneurship

    CIP Code:

    Description: Topics include history and impact of entrepreneurial activity; characteristics of entrepreneurs; women and minority entrepreneurs; opportunity recognition and evaluation; risk assessment; market identification; and creativity.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Junior standing or above.
  • MGMT 3273 - Global Business Design

    CIP Code:

    Description: Organizational design and its relationship to organizational performance; global structures and control systems; cooperative forms and their impact on global competitiveness; development and maintenance of corporate culture vs. national culture; analysis of the conflicts and power relationships between global organizations and their national and global environments.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: IBUS 3273.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both IBUS 3273 and MGMT 3273.
  • MGMT 3313 - Managing Across Borders

    CIP Code:

    Description: Staffing, training and compensation for global operations; managing interdependence across global project teams; cross-cultural communication negotiation and decision-making; cross border motivation and leadership; and the expatriate experience.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: IBUS 3313.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both IBUS 3313 and MGMT 3313.

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