Chemistry |
CHEM 3523 - Environmental Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: Students explore the quality of the environment and of chemical changes in the environment through contaminations or modifications of the air, water and soil, as they are affected by peoples’ agricultural, industrial, and social activities.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 2004 Essentials of Organic Chemistry or CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture). LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4113 - Advanced Organic Chemistry CIP Code: 400504 Description: A study of the methods of the systematic identification and separation of organic compounds and mixtures based on solubilities and functional group identification.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 3223/3231 Organic Chemistry II Lecture and Lab. Cross-listed: CHEM 5113. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4113 and CHEM 5113. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4214 - Biochemistry CIP Code: 260210 Description: Students will learn the principles of protein structure and function, enzymology, biochemical energetics, carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and nucleic acid catabolism and anabolism, membrane structure and function, information transfer and gene expression, and the interdependence of biochemical pathways.
Credit Hours: 4 Lecture contact hours per week: 4 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I Lecture. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4221 - Biochemistry Laboratory CIP Code: 260202 Description: An introduction to basic quantitative and analytical techniques of biochemistry.
Credit Hours: 1 Lecture contact hours per week: 0 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 4214 Biochemistry or concurrent enrollment. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4223 - Polymer Chemistry CIP Code: 400507 Description: An introduction to polymer chemistry with emphasis on polymer structure and properties, nomenclature, theory and practice of polymerization techniques. Selected processing and characterization techniques are introduced.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture). Cross-listed: CHEM 5223. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4223 and CHEM 5223. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4233 - Bioinorganic Chemistry CIP Code: 400507 Description: An introduction to the principles of bioinorganic chemistry and a survey of current research in this field. Topics will include a survey of metals in biological systems, metalloenzymes, metal ion transport, and metals in medicine.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture). Cross-listed: CHEM 5233. Note: CHEM 3413 Inorganic Chemistry and CHEM 4214 Biochemistry are recommended. Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4233 and CHEM 5233. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4243 - Materials Science CIP Code: 400507 Description: Students explore the relationships between the structures of metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers and the thermal, optical, magnetic, and electrical properties of those materials.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 1223 General Chemistry II and MATH 2614 Calculus I. Cross-listed: CHEM 5243. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4243 and CHEM 5243. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4313 - Biophysical Chemistry CIP Code: 400506 Description: Students explore the physical principles that govern biological systems and the methods used for their investigation. Topics include thermodynamics, inter- and intramolecular interactions, chemical and enzyme kinetics, and the application of quantum mechanics to modern spectroscopic techniques.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 1223/1231 General Chemistry II Lecture and Lab, PHYS 2115 Engineering Physics I, and MATH 2624 Calculus II. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4360 - Special Topics in Chemistry Description: Subject matter varies among topics of current significance: bonding, reactivity, applications of theoretical and experimental physical chemistry, organic chemistry, methods of chemical analysis, and chemical aspects of environmental systems.
Credit Hours: 1-6 Note: May be repeated for credit with different topics. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4401 - Honors Research IV Description: All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity. All other students are expected to attend.
Credit Hours: 1 Prerequisite: CHEM 4402 Honors Research III. Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing. |
CHEM 4402 - Honors Research III Description: Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 2 Prerequisite: CHEM 3402 Honors Research II. Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing. |
CHEM 4412 - Research in Chemistry I Description: A laboratory course consisting of the design and investigation of research problems in the domain of science.
Credit Hours: 2 Restrictions: Senior standing and instructor permission. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4513 - Medicinal Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: A course designed to present the physicochemical and bio-pharmaceutical properties of drugs based on their molecular structure, the elements of drug discovery and drug design, the molecular mode of action of drugs and the chemical principles of drug absorption, distribution and metabolism as well as the interaction of drugs with receptors and the chemical basis of drug interactions.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 3223 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture) or CHEM 4214 Biochemistry. Cross-listed: CHEM 5513. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4513 and CHEM 5513. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4524 - Physical Chemistry I CIP Code: 400506 Description: Students explore molecular structure, bonding, and reactivity using classical thermodynamics.
Credit Hours: 4 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 1223/1231 General Chemistry II Lecture and Lab, PHYS 2115 Engineering Physics I, and MATH 2624 Calculus II. Co-requisite: CHEM 4524L Physical Chemistry I Lab. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4624 - Physical Chemistry II CIP Code: 400506 Description: Students explore molecular structure, bonding, and reactivity using quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and kinetics.
Credit Hours: 4 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 4524 Physical Chemistry I. Co-requisite: CHEM 4624L Physical Chemistry II Lab. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4713 - Electrochemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: A survey of electrochemical methods, including the fundamental theory and application of electrochemical techniques.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I (Lecture). Cross-listed: CHEM 5713. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4713 and CHEM 5713.
CHEM 4714 - Instrumental Analysis CIP Code: 400502 Description: Students explore of the instruments used in modern chemical laboratories and the theory relative to the application of these instruments in solving chemical problems.
Credit Hours: 4 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 1223 General Chemistry II, CHEM 1231 General Chemistry II Lab, and MATH 3513 Statistical Methods OR instructor permission. Co-requisite: CHEM 4714L Instrumental Analysis Lab. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4723 - Advanced Biochemistry CIP Code: 260202 Description: Students learn advanced topics in selected areas of human biochemistry including hormone action, neurotransmission, digestion, and transport, and of plant biochemistry including photosynthesis and plant metabolism.
Credit Hours: 3 Lecture contact hours per week: 3 Lab / Studio contact hours per week: 0 Prerequisite: CHEM 4214 Biochemistry. Cross-listed: CHEM 5213. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4723 and CHEM 5213. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4810 - Research in Chemistry II Description: A laboratory course consisting of the design and investigation of research problems in the domain of science.
Credit Hours: 1-6 Restrictions: Instructor permission. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4911 - Chemistry Seminar I Description: Directed study of the technical literature on special subjects or problems that are of current interest in the chemical industry. Students will make written and oral presentations of their findings.
Credit Hours: 1 Prerequisite: CHEM 4412 Research in Chemistry I. Restrictions: Senior standing and instructor permission. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 4921 - Chemistry Seminar II Description: Directed group study of the technical literature on special subjects or problems that are of current interest in the chemical industry. Students will make oral presentations of their findings.
Credit Hours: 1 Prerequisite: CHEM 3223 Organic Chemistry II (Lecture), CHEM 3315 Quantitative Analysis, and completion or concurrent enrollment in either CHEM 4524 Physical Chemistry I, or CHEM 4714 Instrumental Analysis. Restrictions: Senior standing. LAS Course: Yes |
CHEM 5113 - Advanced Organic Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: A high level examination of the many aspects of organic chemistry including an in-depth investigation of reaction mechanisms and an overview of synthetic strategies. Recent developments in the field of organic chemistry will be emphasized.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 3223/3231 Organic Chemistry II Lecture and Lab. Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Cross-listed: CHEM 4113. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4113 and CHEM 5113. UC
CHEM 5123 - Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: A survey of modern spectroscopic and physical methods in chemistry. For each method, a brief introduction to underlying theoretical principles will be given and examples of applications from the literature will be discussed in detail.
Credit Hours: 3 Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Note: UC
CHEM 5213 - Advanced Biochemistry CIP Code: 250202 Description: Students will learn advanced topics in selected areas of human biochemistry including hormone action, neurotransmission, digestion, and transport, and of plant biochemistry including photosynthesis and plant metabolism.
Credit Hours: 3 Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Credit may not be earned toward the bachelor’s degree for both CHEM 4723 Advanced Biochemistry and CHEM 5513 Advanced Biochemistry. Cross-listed: CHEM 4723. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4723 and CHEM 5213. UC
CHEM 5223 - Polymer Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: An introduction to polymer chemistry with emphasis on polymer structure and properties, nomenclature, theory and practice of polymerization techniques. Selected processing and characterization techniques are introduced.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I Lecture. Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Cross-listed: CHEM 4223. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4223 and CHEM 5223. Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4223 and CHEM 5223. UC
CHEM 5233 - Bioinorganic Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: An introduction to the principles of bioinorganic chemistry and a survey of current research in this field. Topics will include a survey of metals in biological systems, metalloenzymes, metal ion transport, and metals in medicine.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I Lecture. Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Cross-listed: CHEM 4233. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4233 and CHEM 5233.
CHEM 3413 Inorganic Chemistry and CHEM 4214 Biochemistry are recommended. UC
CHEM 5243 - Materials Science CIP Code: 400501 Description: Students explore the relationships between the structures of metals, ceramics, glasses, and polymers and the thermal, optical, magnetic, and electrical properties of those materials.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 1223 General Chemistry II and MATH 2614 Calculus I. Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Cross-listed: CHEM 4243. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4243 and CHEM 5243. UC
CHEM 5253 - Separations CIP Code: 400501 Description: An in-depth study of chemical separation methods from the fundamental theory to the real-world application. Some of the specific methods included are GC, HPLC, MS, capillary electrophoresis, and GPC.
Credit Hours: 3 Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Note: UC
CHEM 5360 - Special Topics in Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: Students will study a variety of topics of current significance which may include: bonding, reactivity, applications of theoretical and experimental physical chemistry, organic chemistry, methods of chemical analysis, and chemical aspects of environmental systems.
Credit Hours: 1-6 Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Note: May be repeated for credit with different topics. UC
CHEM 5513 - Medicinal Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: A course designed to present the physicochemical and bio-pharmaceutical properties of drugs based on their molecular structure, the elements of drug discovery and drug design, the molecular mode of action of drugs and the chemical principles of drug absorption, distribution and metabolism as well as the interaction of drugs with receptors and the chemical basis of drug interaction. UG.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 3223 Organic Chemistry II Lecture or CHEM 4214 Biochemistry. Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Cross-listed: CHEM 4513. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4513 and CHEM 5513. UC
CHEM 5523 - Physical Chemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: Fundamentals of quantum mechanics, including classical mechanics, wave representation of matter, and the Schrödinger equation. Applications are made to atoms and molecules.
Credit Hours: 3 Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Note: UC
CHEM 5713 - Electrochemistry CIP Code: 400501 Description: A survey of electrochemical methods, including the fundamental theory and application of electrochemical techniques.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHEM 3123 Organic Chemistry I Lecture. Restrictions: Must be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program. Cross-listed: CHEM 4713. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both CHEM 4713 and CHEM 5713. UC
Cherokee |
CHER 1112 - Elementary Cherokee Lab I Description: This is a language laboratory course designed to enhance students’ comprehension of the Cherokee language at the appropriate levels.
Credit Hours: 2 Note: No major or minor credit. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 1113 - Elementary Cherokee I Description: Development of listening, pronunciation, speaking skills, and socio-linguistics/culture of the Cherokees.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 1113. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 1113 and CHER 1113. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 1123 - Elementary Cherokee II Description: Continuation of listening, pronunciation, speaking skills, and socio-linguistics/culture of the Cherokees.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: AIS/CHER 1113 Elementary Cherokee I. Co-requisite: AIS/CHER 1323 Conversational Cherokee. Cross-listed: AIS 1123. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 1123 and CHER 1123. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 1212 - Elementary Cherokee Lab 2 Description: This is a language laboratory course designed to enhance students’ comprehension of the Cherokee language at the appropriate levels.
Credit Hours: 2 Note: No major or minor credit. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 1323 - Conversational Cherokee Description: Practice of listening, pronunciation, speaking skills, within everyday contexts.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: AIS/CHER 1113 Elementary Cherokee I. Co-requisite: AIS/CHER 1123 Elementary Cherokee II. Cross-listed: AIS 1323. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 1323 and CHER 1323. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 2113 - Intermediate Cherokee I CIP Code: 161001 Description: Students will learn listening, pronunciation, speaking skills, and engage in the master-apprenticeship experience. This is a continuation of earlier classes and also contains an introduction to reading and writing in the Cherokee syllabary. Conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: AIS/CHER 1123 Elementary Cherokee II and AIS/CHER 1323 Conversational Cherokee. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 2122 - Intermediate Cherokee Lab 1 Description: This is a language laboratory course designed to enhance students’ comprehension of the Cherokee language at the appropriate levels.
Credit Hours: 2 Note: No major or minor credit. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 2123 - Intermediate Cherokee II CIP Code: 161001 Description: Students will continue to learn listening, pronunciation, speaking skills, and engage in a master-apprentice style experience. Continued introduction of reading and writing in the Cherokee syllabary. Conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 2113 Intermediate Cherokee I. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 2222 - Intermediate Cherokee Lab 2 Description: This is a language laboratory course designed to enhance students’ comprehension of the Cherokee language at the appropriate levels.
Credit Hours: 2 Note: No major or minor credit. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 2820 - Special Topics Description: This is a series of courses in special areas of Cherokee Language and/or Cultural Studies.
Credit Hours: 1-3 Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3083 - Cherokee Grammar CIP Code: 161001 Description: Students learn the system and structure of the Cherokee language, including sounds unique to the Cherokee language, the forms that Cherokee words take, and the rules, principles, and processes that govern Cherokee sentence structure.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3113 - Advanced Cherokee I CIP Code: 161001 Description: Students use the Cherokee Syllabary to read and write with advanced sentence structures, expressions, and patterns. Conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 2123 Intermediate Cherokee II. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3123 - Advanced Cherokee II Description: Continuation of skills in advanced structures, expressions, and patterns. Reading and writing using the Cherokee syllabary. Conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 3113 Advanced Cherokee I. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3303 - Cherokee Language Immersion CIP Code: 161001 Description: Students learn culturally appropriate communication skills in an immersive learning environment. Conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 2113 Intermediate Cherokee I. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3323 - Cherokee Lifeways CIP Code: 050202 Description: Students gain general knowledge of Cherokee lifeways (iyunadvnelidasdi, ᎢᏳᎾᏛᏁᎵᏓᏍᏗ) including worldview, value systems, spiritual teachings, and philosophy. Materials in this course are influenced by the traditional teachings of respected elders and the Cherokee Personhood Matrix. Will include some Cherokee language.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3343 - Food Systems and Well Being CIP Code: 050202 Description: Utilizing a systems-perspective, students learn food and nutrition considerations for holistic health and well-being within an Indigenous context, including topic areas such as traditional food systems and food sovereignty.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 3343. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 3343 and CHER 3343. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3363 - Indigenous Knowledge Systems CIP Code: 050199 Description: Students learn the knowledge systems (including teaching, learning, and innovations) of the Cherokee and other Indigenous peoples, as well as the opportunities and challenges related to relevant aspects of community-based education and cultural continuance.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 3363. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 3363 and CHER 3363. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3401 - Honors Research I Description: Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 1 Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above. |
CHER 3402 - Honors Research II Description: Research and development of scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 2 Prerequisite: CHER 3401 Honors Research I. Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above. |
CHER 3513 - Methods for Immersion Classroom Description: Examination of theories and practices of immersion techniques in language teaching and second language acquisition with applications for teaching Cherokee. The emphasis is on immersion classrooms and teaching methods at the pre-kindergarten through elementary levels. Includes field experience and is conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 2123 Intermediate Cherokee II. |
CHER 3613 - Methods for Teaching Cherokee Literacy Description: Reading and writing in the Cherokee syllabary and the phonetic alphabet. Teaching methods and translation for the development of Cherokee curriculum materials for kindergarten through twelfth grade. Conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 3113 Advanced Cherokee I. |
CHER 3713 - Native Languages of North America Description: An overview of the linguistics diversity of North America focusing on four representative languages.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3813 - Current Issues in Language Revitalization Description: Examination of the situation of language endangerment in different parts of the world. Topics include language policies, language revitalization efforts, and language planning. Emphasis on policies affecting Cherokee language and education. Course will explore factors in influencing language maintenance, loss and revival, and the goals of different approaches to language revitalization. May be conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 3813. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 3813 and CHER 3813. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 3820 - Special Topics Description: This is a series of courses in special areas of Cherokee Language and/or Cultural Studies.
Credit Hours: 1-3 Cross-listed: AIS 3820. Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours. Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 3820 and CHER 3820 with the same topic. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4093 - Methods and Second Language Acquisition Theory Description: An introduction to current theories of second language acquisition and the language teaching methodologies based on these theories.
Credit Hours: 3 |
CHER 4113 - Cherokee Cultural Heritage Description: The study of Cherokee culture from the time of initial contact with Europeans to the contemporary Cherokee society. Various aspects of the culture will be examined and among the topics covered will be: social and political organization, laws and governance, subsistence and agriculture, economic changes, languages and literacy, ceremony and ritual, and everyday life ways.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4123 - Cherokee Legal History Description: The study of Cherokee history examining the divergent development of the Eastern and Western Cherokees. Topics include: social and political foundations, development of constitutional government, dissolution and revitalization of the Cherokee Nation in the 20th century, and legal issues. May be conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 4123. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 4123 and CHER 4123. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4153 - Self-Determination Movements CIP Code: 050202 Description: Students learn about local and global self-determination movements to assert tribal self-determination and sovereignty guided by Indigenous peoples.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 4953. Note: Credit cannot be in both AIS 4953 and CHER 4153. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4223 - Community & Cultural Sustainability Description: Students will learn about interrelated sustainable self-determination concepts such as environmental governance, social and cultural system sustainability and tribal economic development strategies. Students will explore sustainable development from the perspective of the Indigenous peoples of North America. Topics include: impacts of development on Indigenous communities; responses to environmental, economic, social and cultural impacts and the role of Indigenous peoples moving forward.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 4223. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 4223 and CHER 4223. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4401 - Honors Research IV Description: All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity. All other students are expected to attend.
Credit Hours: 1 Prerequisite: CHER 4402 Honors Research III. Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing. |
CHER 4402 - Honors Research III Description: Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 2 Prerequisite: CHER 3402 Honors Research II. Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing. |
CHER 4410 - Special Topic Workshop Description: Provides for varied topics in Cherokee language curriculum development and language acquisition for individual or group involvement. May be conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 1-6 Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4513 - History of Indian Education Description: Studies Indian educational history by examining colonial civilization efforts, offerings of missionary and religious societies, and tribal educational systems through the 1800s. Examines these topics and policies in the 19th and 20th centuries: treaty provisions, boarding schools, milestone educational studies, Bureau of Indian Affairs policies, and Congressional legislation. Tribal self-determination in education.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 4513. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 4513 and CHER 4513. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4613 - Cherokee Literature and Texts CIP Code: 161001 Description: Students critically examine Cherokee “literacy” from time of Sequoyah’s invention of the Syllabary to modern times. Historic and contemporary authentic Cherokee materials such as newspapers, legal documents, letters, and stories will be utilized. Understanding of Cherokee literature as seen in different literary genres and types will be explored and developed.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHER 2113 Intermediate Cherokee I. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4820 - Directed Studies Description: Individual or small group research project or master-apprentice experience. Content of course will vary with needs and interests of those who enroll. May be conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 1-6 Restrictions: Instructor permission. Cross-listed: AIS 4820. Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours. Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 4820 and CHER 4820 with the same topic. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4830 - Special Topics Description: Individual or small group research project or master-apprentice experience. Content of course will vary with needs and interests of those who enroll. May be conducted in Cherokee.
Credit Hours: 1-3 Restrictions: Instructor permission. Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours. LAS Course: Yes |
CHER 4853 - Sustainability in Tourism: An Indigenous Perspective Description: Drawing on case studies from the Americas as well as state and local examples, students will learn about sustainability in tourism using a critical and interdisciplinary perspective to examine the multi-faceted impacts of tourism on aspects relevant to Indigenous and tribal communities.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: AIS 4853. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 4853 and CHER 4853.
Chinese |
CHIN 1113 - Elementary Chinese I Description: An introductory course in Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua), designed for students who have had no prior exposure to Chinese language. The emphasis in this class is to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using both the Pinyin phonetic system and Simplified Chinese characters.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
CHIN 1213 - Elementary Chinese II Description: The second course in Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) sequence, designed for students who have already taken CHIN 1113. The emphasis in this class is to further develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using both the Pinyin phonetic system and Simplified Chinese characters.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
CHIN 2113 - Intermediate Chinese I Description: Combination of basic Chinese grammar and vocabulary and their application to spoken and written Mandarin Chinese.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHIN 1213 Elementary Chinese II. LAS Course: Yes |
CHIN 2313 - Intermediate Chinese II Description: Continued training in the use of grammar and vocabulary in both spoken and written Mandarin Chinese.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHIN 2113 Intermediate Chinese I. LAS Course: Yes |
CHIN 3113 - Advanced Chinese I Description: An integrated advanced course designed to improve skills in the four aspects of learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis on the phonetics of standard Mandarin Chinese and conversation on topics in daily life.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHIN 2313 Intermediate Chinese II. LAS Course: Yes |
CHIN 3413 - Advanced Chinese II Description: Continue to improve skills in the four aspects of learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis on composition and advanced-level reading comprehension.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: CHIN 3113 Advanced Chinese I. LAS Course: Yes |
CHIN 3613 - Special Topics in Chinese Description: Designed to permit the examination of various areas of emphasis in Chinese history and culture. Specific areas of focus will be indicated at time of offering. Class may be taught in English.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
Communication Studies |
COMM 1113 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication Description: An introductory course designed to prepare students to handle the major types of communication situations that they will encounter in life, including interpersonal communication, group communication, and public speaking.
Credit Hours: 3 Note: No major or minor credit. LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 2213 - Public Speaking Description: A course designed for the student interested in developing speaking skills. Emphasis will be placed on organization, supporting material, delivery, and audience analysis. Further attention is given to the study of social relationships and the communication process.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 2220 - Intercollegiate Forensics Description: Participation in intercollegiate speech tournaments.
Credit Hours: 1-3 Restrictions: Permission of Director of Forensics. Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours.
COMM 2232 - Intercollegiate Forensics Description: Participation in intercollegiate speech contests.
Credit Hours: 2 Restrictions: Permission of Director of Forensics. Note: May be repeated for a maximum of eight credit hours. No major or minor credit.
COMM 2313 - Interpersonal Communication Description: Focuses upon the dynamics of communication on a one to one basis in a variety of settings. Topics include relational communication, rules and conversation, conflict, relational growth and deterioration, gender differences in communication, and deception.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 2453 - Media Literacy Description: This course will deconstruct a variety of media including images, video, audio, television, games, and the internet. The goal of the course is to promote awareness of the methods, issues, theories, subtleties of media content and develop the ability to ask critical questions in order to interpret mass media.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: M S 2453. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both COMM 2453 and M S 2453. LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 2543 - Intercultural Communication Description: Examines socio-cultural forces as they influence human interaction. Included are international cultures and co-cultures within the United States, cultural communication rules, verbal and nonverbal symbol usage, the improvement of communication and the ethics of intercultural communication.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3043 - Introduction to Communication Theory Description: Strongly recommended as one of the first courses for majors and minors. The course focuses on strengths and weaknesses of theory, the connection between theory and research methods in communication, and several communication theories from a variety of contexts (e.g., interpersonal communication, group dynamics, and organizational communication).
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3103 - Argumentation & Critical Thinking Description: A study of the methods and procedures of rational decision-making and effective argumentation. Special emphasis will be placed on logical, ethical, and emotional proof, advocacy of case structures for specific audiences, and development of critical thinking skills.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3223 - Business and Professional Communication Description: Designed to teach students presentational skills with an emphasis on both public speaking and use of visual supplements. Particular attention is directed toward the business presentation in a professional setting.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3303 - Group Dynamics Description: The study and application of the principles of group interaction including the techniques, types, leadership, and roles. Principles are applied to realistic experiences as groups interact to discuss current social issues.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3401 - Honors Research I Description: Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 1 Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above. |
COMM 3402 - Honors Research II Description: Research and development of scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 2 Prerequisite: COMM 3401 Honors Research I. Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above. |
COMM 3403 - Persuasion Description: The study of attitude and/or behavioral attitudes and the application of verbal tools designed to enhance that change. The course includes discussions of classical persuasion, theories of attitude change, and interpersonal compliance gaining strategies; and opportunities to apply persuasive strategies to a variety of contexts (e.g., advertising and sales).
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3423 - Asian Communication Practices CIP Code: 090101 Description: Students will gain knowledge of various communication practices, media developments, popular cultural phenomena, and their impact on Asian societies.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3453 - Conflict Management Description: Focuses on the role of communication in conflict and dispute resolution. Examines a number of settings including interpersonal relations, small group decision making, intergroup conflict, organizational conflict, and cross-cultural conflict among others.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 3803 - Interviewing Description: Study of interviewing for gathering information in order to meet a variety of personal needs. These include research interviews, employment interviews, and media interviews.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 4213 - Theories of Communication Description: An examination of communication theory and its place in the behavioral sciences. Both historical and current communication research will be used to explore psychological factors affecting comprehension and retention of speech, linguistic habit formation, speaker and listener set, and attitude and perception.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 4223 - Leadership Communication Description: This course identifies the communication skills that leaders need to help manage the information environment and the collective actions of organizational members. Topics covered will include a communication skills model for leadership, networking, the leader’s role in decision making and promoting positive work relationships, the leader as visionary, and the characteristics of competent leadership.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 4243 - Leadership Internship Description: Internship in an approved organization that allows the student to be mentored by a leader.
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite: Six hours of COMM courses. Restrictions: Department Chair permission. |
COMM 4303 - Qualitative Research Methods Description: An introduction to the characteristics and various approaches to designing and conducting qualitative research projects in communication studies. Students will gain hands-on experience in qualitative methods and analysis techniques.
Credit Hours: 3 Cross-listed: M S 4303. Note: Credit cannot be earned in both COMM 4303 and M S 4303. LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 4313 - Family Communication Description: The course will provide depth into the study of the variety of communication patterns within the family by focusing on interpersonal interactions, conflict patterns and management, authority structures, and the family system. This course provides a platform for students to understand different types of family structures.
Credit Hours: 3 LAS Course: Yes |
COMM 4401 - Honors Research IV Description: All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity. All other students are expected to attend.
Credit Hours: 1 Prerequisite: COMM 4402 Honors Research III. Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing. |
COMM 4402 - Honors Research III Description: Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity.
Credit Hours: 2 Prerequisite: COMM 3402 Honors Research II. Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing. |
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