Oct 06, 2024  
2009-10 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-10 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


It is to the student’s advantage to apply for admission as early in the year as possible. All academic advisement, processing of financial aid, scholarship applications, etc., hinge on the early admission of the student. Applications for admission should be received by Northeastern on or before:

August 5 for Fall Semester
December 15 for the Spring Semester
May 10 for the Summer Semester

Credentials: All final official transcripts of credits, both high school and college, MUST BE MAILED directly from each school to the Office of Admissions.

Unless proper transcripts are on file showing eligibility for admission, students will not be permitted to enroll.

A student who has previously attended another accredited college or university must have official transcripts mailed directly from each school previously attended, and is not at liberty to disregard any part of his/her records in order to apply for admission.

Transcripts and credentials filed in the admissions process become the property of the university, are placed on file in the Office of Admissions and cannot be returned or released.

Requirements for Admission

First-Time Entering Freshmen



All applicants seeking early admission must complete an application for admission, submit a high school transcript (seven semester minimum) containing most current class rank, grade point average and ACT scores. The final, official transcript must include date of graduation and be mailed directly from the school to the Office of Admissions.

Students must meet the criteria for both the high school curricular requirements and the high school performance criteria as defined in the following sections. Students meeting both are eligible for admission.

Admission Requirements - Performance

Any individual who (a) is a graduate of a high school accredited by the appropriate regional association or by an appropriate accrediting agency of his/her home state, or has achieved a high school equivalency certificate based on the General Education Development Tests (GED), (b) has met the curricular requirements, (c) has participated in the American College Testing program or a similar acceptable battery of tests, and (d) meets the following performance criteria is eligible for admission:

  1. Maintained a four year high school grade point average of 2.70 or higher on a 4.00 grading scale, and ranked scholastically among the upper 50% of their graduating class, or
  2. Have a 2.7 GPA in the 15 high school courses required for college entry, or
  3. Attained a composite score of 20 or higher on the ACT or a similar acceptable battery of tests.

Performance requirements are subject to annual change by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. The State Regents policy is to set the admission standards at the top 50% for Fall 1993 and beyond. The exact standardized test scores and GPA will vary over time. The ACT score equivalent to these percentages will be determined based on the average of the preceding three years ACT scores of graduating seniors if available. Oklahoma test data will be used. The concordance table used to set the equivalent SAT score will be updated as necessary. The State Regents will specify the enhanced test requirements based on the concordance table produced by ACT. The GPA will be defined annually to correspond to the rank in class.

Class rank–The class rank is one more than the number of students in the high school graduating class who have a grade-point average greater than the student in question.
Grade-Point Average–The grade-point average is the average of all grades (A equating to 4.00 and D equating to 1.00) taken in the 9th through 12th grade. While the State Regents strongly support the initiation of honors courses, honors weighting will not be used in the calculation of the GPA because there is no equitable mechanism to include the honors premium.

Additional weighting (1.0) will be added to GPA of students who take the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) and higher-level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses.

GED recipient’s high school class must have graduated for him/her to be eligible for admission.

Admission Requirements - Curricular

Students must have completed the following fifteen high school units to be eligible for admission:

Units   Course Areas
4   English: grammar, composition, literature
3*   Laboratory Science: biology, chemistry, physics or any lab science certified by school district; general science courses don’t qualify 
3   Math: Algebra I, Algebra II, geometry, math analysis, trigonometry, calculus and Advanced Placement statistics
3   History and Citizenship Skills: (must include 1 unit of American history and 2 units from the subjects of history, economics, geography, government, civics and/or non-Western culture
2*   Other: from any of the subjects listed above or from computer science or foreign language
15   Required Units  Laboratory science units were increased from 2 units to 3 units, and “other” units were decreased by one unit effective Fall 2010

Students must meet all curricular requirements to be admitted for the fall or spring semester. The only exceptions are noted in Special Admissions, below. Students meeting performance requirements may take a maximum of two course deficiencies in the summer term prior to the regular semester of desired entry. If the course(s) is (are) successfully completed with at least a C or equivalent, the student will be admitted.

While these curricular requirements will normally be met by students in grades 9 through 12, advanced students who complete these courses in earlier grades will not be required to take additional courses for purposes of admission.

Students pursuing admission to Baccalaureate degree programs may not count remedial courses used to make up high school curricular deficiencies toward satisfaction of degree program requirements.

Students admitted with one or more curricular deficiencies in the alternative admission category will be provided the means to satisfy those deficiencies and the student must successfully remove course requirements within 24 hours attempted or not be allowed to re-enroll at NSU until successfully removed. Students must complete zero level courses with a grade of C or better in order to remove the deficiency.

Students lacking curricular requirements are admissible into associate programs in the community colleges but must remove the deficiencies at the earliest possible time within the first 24 hours attempted. In addition, students must remove curricular deficiencies in a discipline area before taking collegiate level work in that discipline.

Special Admissions



Summer Provisional Admission Program: Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered for admission to this program:

  1. Graduate from an accredited high school or achieve a high school equivalency certificate based on the GED, and
  2. Meet the curricular requirements, and
  3. Have a minimum ACT of 17 or a minimum high school grade-point-average of 2.5.

Students may take a minimum of two core academic courses (6 hours) in the summer term prior to the regular semester of desired entry. If the courses are successfully completed with at least a C or equivalent the student will be admitted as a regular university student.

Summer Curricular Deficiency Program: Students meeting performance requirements may take a maximum of two course deficiencies in the summer term prior to the regular semester of desired entry. If the course(s) is (are) successfully completed with at least a C or equivalent, the student will be admitted.

Unaccredited High Schools or Home Study: An individual who is a graduate of a private, parochial, or other nonpublic high school which is not accredited by a recognized accrediting agency is eligible for admission as follows:

  1. Attained a composite score of 20 or higher on the ACT or similar acceptable battery of tests, and
  2. The student’s high school class of his or her peers must have graduated.
  3. The student must satisfy the high school curricular requirements as certified by the school or for home study, the parent.

Adult Admission: Students who are 21 years of age or older or on active military duty who do not meet the regular admission requirements may be admitted through this special category for adults. Students must have graduated from high school or completed a GED program before they will be considered. Factors such as standardized test scores, maturity of the individual, job skills and life experiences, motivation, ability to benefit, and access to educational programs will be considered in determining the probability of academic success. The ACT or other entry level assessment will be required for placement in classes. For more information on the adult admission program please contact the Office of Admissions and Records.

Alternative Admission: The university is authorized to admit a number of freshman students not to exceed eight percent* of its first-time entering fall freshman class, provided that the students have been interviewed and determined to meet the criteria set forth below:

  1. The individual must meet all criteria contained in the regular admissions policy with the exception of the prescribed academic criteria and high school curricular requirements.
  2. The individual must demonstrate unusual talent or ability in an area such as art, drama, music, and the like.
  3. The individual must be an educationally or economically handicapped student who shows promise of being able to succeed.

The process for interviewing will begin when the student applies for admission, submits credentials and it is determined by the Admissions Office that the Alternative Admission category may be used. The applicant will be personally interviewed by the designated Admissions official. If the decision is made to grant admission, the applicant must complete any deficiencies within the first 24 semester hours.

Students admitted with one or more curricular deficiencies in the alternative admission category will be provided the means to satisfy those deficiencies and the student must successfully remove course requirements within 24 hours attempted or not be allowed to re-enroll at NSU until successfully removed.

*Alternative Admission Percentage: The percentage of the previous year’s first-time freshmen not required in that same year to meet the State Regents curricular or high school performance criteria for admission. Percentages are subject to annual change. The alternative admission level is 8% in 1995-96 and beyond.

Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students: A twelfth grade student enrolled in an accredited high school may be admitted as a special student by meeting the requirements set forth below:

  1. The student must have maintained a high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.00 grading scale, and ranked scholastically among the upper 50% of the senior class and have participated in the ACT test, or
  2. The student must achieve a composite ACT score at the 50th percentile (20).
  3. Additionally, students must have a signed statement from the high school principal stating that they are eligible to satisfy requirements for graduation from high school (including curricular requirements for college admission) no later than the spring of the senior year. Students must also provide a letter of recommendation from their counselor and written permission from their parents or legal guardian.

An eleventh grade student enrolled in an accredited high school may be admitted by meeting the requirements set forth below:

  1. The student must have maintained a high school grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.00 grading scale and have participated in the ACT test, or
  2. The student must achieve a composite ACT score at the 72nd percentile (23).
  3. Additionally, students must have a signed statement from the high school principal stating that they are eligible to satisfy requirements for graduation from high school (including curricular requirements for college admission) no later than the spring of the senior year. Students must also provide a letter of recommendation from their counselor and written permission from their parents or legal guardian.

A student receiving high-school-level instruction at home or from an unaccredited high school may be admitted provisionally by meeting the requirements set forth below:

  1. The student must be 17 years of age or older, and
  2. The student must achieve a composite ACT score at the 50th percentile (20).
  3. The student must be 16 years of age, and
  4. The student must achieve a composite ACT score at the 72nd percentile (23).

A high school student may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college work load of 19 semester credit hours. For purposes of calculating work load, one-half high school credit course shall be equivalent to three semester credit hours of college work. Students wishing to exceed this limit may petition the Director of Admissions. The collegiate portion of the student’s workload must be taken from regular faculty members of the institution and may be provided off campus if approved by the State Regents, and may use alternative delivery systems if approved by the State Regents.

Concurrent enrollment must include opportunities for high school students to achieve college credit through a collegiate experience. The collegiate experience is evidenced by the rigor of the course, the qualifications of faculty and the student’s readiness for college.

A student who is otherwise eligible under this policy may enroll in a maximum of nine semester credit hours during a summer session or term, without the necessity of being concurrently enrolled in high school classes during the summer term. Students wishing to exceed this limit may petition the Director of Admissions. Institutional officials will evaluate the student’s academic performance and potential for success in determining the student’s load, which may not exceed the number of semester credit hours 50 percent greater than the number of weeks in the applicable semester/term. The completion of the high school curricular requirements shall not be required of concurrently enrolled high school students for purposes of admission. Students may only enroll in curricular areas where the student has met the curricular requirements for college admission. Concurrently admitted high school students will not be allowed to enroll in any zero-level courses offered by colleges and universities designed to remove high school deficiencies. High school students wishing to enroll concurrently in college courses must meet the admission standards and the assessment requirements. The college will provide appropriate academic advising prior to and continuing throughout the students enrollment.

Following high school graduation, the student may continue enrollment provided that they have earned at least a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale and meet the entrance requirements, including high school curricular requirements.

Opportunity Admission Category: Students who have not graduated from high school whose composite score on the ACT places them in the 99th percentile (32) of all students using Oklahoma norms, may apply for full enrollment. Admissibility will depend on test scores, evaluation of the student’s level of maturity and ability to function in the adult college environment, and whether the experience will be in the best interests of student’s intellectually and socially.

Non-Degree Seeking Students: Students who wish to enroll in courses without intending to pursue a degree may be permitted to enroll in up to nine credit hours without submitting academic credentials or meeting the curricular or performance requirements. Retention standards will be enforced. Once a student has successfully completed the designated number of hours, should s/he wish to enroll in additional course work, s/he is required to meet the formal admission or transfer criteria. (This provision is not intended to be limited to first-time entering students only.)

Transfer Admission Standards


An undergraduate transfer student has more than six attempted credit hours, excluding remedial (zero-level) or pre-college work and excluding credit hours accumulated by concurrently enrolled high school students. Students transferring from State System institutions must meet the following requirements:

7- 23 hours 1.7 GPA plus satisfy all freshman admission requirements
24-30 hours 1.7 GPA  
31-59 hours 2.0 GPA  
60+ hours 2.0 GPA  

Students who have not met the required high school curricular requirements for college admission must complete the curricular requirements before transferring. Additionally, students who do not meet the criteria above and have not been suspended from an institution may be admitted as transfer probation students based on institutionally-developed policies.

Students transferring from an out-of-state college or university must be in good standing at the sending institution and meet the receiving institutions admission standards or have an average grade of C or better (whichever is higher). If transferring from an unaccredited institution, the student must validate the transferred credit by making satisfactory progress (an average of C or better) for at least one semester at the receiving institution.

Readmission of Former Students



Students who have attended NSU, but did not enroll in the immediate past semester (summer sessions are not included), must complete an application for admission. Students who have enrolled in another college since attending NSU must also submit official transcripts of all work attempted. If the student’s grade point average meets retention standards and his disciplinary record is satisfactory, he will be admitted.

Non-Academic Criteria

  1. In addition to academic requirements for admission, students must be in good standing and eligible to re-enroll at any college attended and,
    1. not expelled, suspended, denied admission or readmission,
    2. not convicted of a felony or lesser crime or moral turpitude,
    3. not acted in a manner that would be grounds for expulsion, suspension, dismissal or denial of readmission.

And, if the institution finds than an applicant falls into a category above, then the institution shall deny admission if it decides that any of the events described in a, b, or c indicates unfitness.

If an applicant is denied admission on any of the foregoing grounds, there must be substantial evidence supporting the basis for denial. In addition, the applicant must be afforded adequate procedural safeguards, including the following:

1. be advised of the grounds of the denial;
2. be informed of the facts which form a basis of the denial, and
3. be afforded an opportunity to be heard.

  1. Physical, emotional and mental status of the student must be such that no danger is presented to him or others while attending the university. If there is any question of the status of the student, the university may require a diagnostic examination.

International Students



Applications for admission together with all supporting documents other than transcripts must be received directly from the student. Transcripts from other institutions must be received directly from the Registrar of the institutions.

Applying As a New Freshman

Following are the admission requirements for all undergraduate international students applying for admission as freshmen:

  1. Scholastic Achievement

Completion of a good secondary school as demonstrated by receipt of a recognized certificate of completion, such as Bachillerato (Latin American countries); Lebanese Baccalaureate, Part II (Lebanon); Sixth Year Secondary Examination Certificate (Iran); General Certificate of Education showing five passes at least two at Advanced Level (British Systems); Senior Matriculation (Canada); Intermediate Certificate, Pre-Professional Examination, First Year Bachelor of Science or Arts Examinations (India) with the quality of work judged from the grades (marks), class or division obtained above average.

  1. Knowledge of English

The English Language Institute (ELI-Tahlequah) at Northeastern State University is an intensive English program designed to help international students attain the English proficiency necessary to enter a college or university in the United States. The Institute is a member of the AAIEP (American Association of Intensive English Programs) and is accredited by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training)

Any person with a high school diploma or its equivalent is eligible for admission to the English Language Institute. Previous English study is not required.

All applicants shall have taken the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as the first step toward satisfying requirements for admission. Results of TOEFL tests taken at International Testing Centers and Special Testing Centers will be accepted at all State System colleges and universities. Results of TOEFL tests administered at Institutional Testing Centers shall not be accepted by colleges and universities other than the administering institution.

Applicants for first-time admission at the undergraduate level shall be required to:

a. Score 500 paper/173 computer or higher on the TOEFL test in order to meet the standards for unqualified admission to a college or university of the State System, or
b. Score 460 paper/140 computer or higher on the TOEFL test administered at a special testing center and subsequently and, immediately prior to admission, successfully complete a minimum of 12 weeks of study at an approved English language center or program operated by an institution of higher learning or a private school approved by the State Regents, or
c. Successfully complete the high school core requirements and graduate from a United States high school and demonstrate competency as outlined by the Admission Requirements - Curricular Policy.

  1. Application and Supporting Documents

a. Complete an application for admission to Northeastern.
b. Submit original grade (mark) sheet of the preparatory (middle or secondary) school studies for all schools previously attended. In addition, complete and official English translations must be furnished with the original documents. All academic records must be signed by the appropriate school or government official and must include the seal of the school or government. Uncertified photographic copies or other duplications are not acceptable. Records (transcripts) must show all subjects studied, dates of enrollment, the grade (mark) received in each subject examination with an explanation of the grading system used (including the maximum, the minimum, passing and failing grades, and definition of grades between the two extremes), the names of major examinations taken with dates and grades received, and official verification of conferral of a diploma or degree (secondary school as well as college, if attended). Each applicant for admission must file complete academic records. A student who has attended another college or university is not at liberty to disregard any part of his college or university records and apply for admission on the basis of his high school record only or on a partial record of college or university work.
c. $25 international student application fee.

  1. Financial Support

Submit written proof of the students ability to adequately take care of at least one year’s education-related expenses in any of the following forms:

a. Official confirmation by the student’s government of an adequate grant, scholarship, fellowship, or loan made available for the specific purpose of educational expenses of the student.
b. Official confirmation by an educational or other organization or agency of adequate funds made available for the specific purpose of the students study in the United States.
c. Official confirmation by the student’s government, through a central bank, for permission to transfer adequate funds to the United States for the specific purpose of education. (Any other source of financial support is considered as less than satisfactory.)
d. Official confirmation by the student’s parents, or sponsor, through a central bank, of adequate funds committed to support payments of all educational expenses.
e. A deposit of funds may be required depending on individual circumstances.

All of the above conditions must be met and documents received in the Office of International Student Services and Programs before admission to the University can be considered and all of these things must be done prior to the student’s departure from the student’s home country.

If the student meets all requirements for admission, including proficiency in English, a notice of acceptance for admission and a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) will be sent to the student.

The student must then take the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) to the United States Consulate and apply for a United States Student Visa.

Other Documents

Upon arrival, the student must present a valid passport with an F-1 visa, I-94 form showing the date for stay in the United States, and an I-20 form with stamp from Department of Homeland Security. The student must bring each of the aforementioned documents to the Office of International Student Services and Programs. The student must also furnish evidence that an accident and health hospitalization insurance policy is in force. Health hospitalization insurance is required of international students while in student status. Information is available upon request.

Applying As a Transfer from a U.S. Institution

Following are the minimum admission requirements for all undergraduate international students applying for admission as a transfer student from another college or university in the United States which must be met prior to admission and before a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) can be issued.

  1. Scholastic Achievement
    1. Present official records from the schools attended in the student’s country indicating that the student was graduated from an accredited high school with above average grades.
    2. Have a C average (2.00) or better on all courses attempted in the United States.
    3. Be in good standing at the college or university last attended.
    4. Have approval for transfer from the Designated School Official of the previous school by completion of International Student Information form.
  1. Knowledge of English
    1. Have attended another accredited college or university in the United States for a minimum of 24 semester credit hours with passing grades and meeting other transfer requirements, or
    2. Completion of the Test of English as a Foreign Language scored by the Educational Testing Service with a score of 500 paper/173 computer or higher. Results of TOEFL tests administered by Institutional Testing centers are not acceptable.
  1. Application and Supporting Documents
    1. Complete an application for admission.
    2. Submit original grade (mark) sheets of the preparatory (middle or secondary) school studies for all schools attended in the home country. Uncertified photographic copies or other duplications are not acceptable.
    3. Copies of official transcripts from all other schools attended in the United States mailed directly from the registrar’s office of all previous institutions to the registrar of the University.
    4. Completed SEVIS Transfer Request form.
    5. $25.00 international student application fee.
  1. Financial Support
    1. Proof of the students ability to adequately take care of at least one year’s education-related expenses in any of the following forms:
      1. Official confirmation by the student’s government of an adequate grant, scholarship, fellowship, or loan made available for the specific purpose of educational expenses of the student.
      2. Official confirmation by an educational or other organization or agency of adequate funds made available for the specific purpose of the students study in the United States.
      3. Official confirmation by the student’s government, through a central bank, for permission to transfer adequate funds to the United States for the specific purpose of education. (Any other source of financial support is considered as less than satisfactory).
      4. Official confirmation by the student’s parents or sponsor, through a central bank, or adequate funds committed to support payments of all educational expenses.
      5. A deposit of funds may be required depending on individual circumstances.
  1. Accident and Health Hospitalization Insurance

The student must furnish evidence that an accident and health hospitalization insurance policy is in force. Health hospitalization insurance is required of international students while in student status. Insurance information is available upon request.

Other Documents

Upon arrival, the student must present a valid passport with an F-1 visa, I-94 form showing the date for stay in the United States, and an I-20 form with stamp from Department of Homeland Security. The student must bring each of the aforementioned documents to the Office of International Student Services and Programs. Information is available upon request.

Applying For Admission to the Graduate College

International students applying for admission to the Graduate College must provide all the documents required of undergraduate students in addition to meeting the requirements for admission to graduate study and must provide official TOEFL results to prove a proficiency in English with a TOEFL score of at least 550*.

*Refer to the additional requirements listed in the Graduate College Catalog.

Residence Classification



Since 1890, it has been public policy in Oklahoma to provide comprehensive, low cost public higher education for citizens, in order to make educational opportunity available for Oklahoma individuals to improve themselves, to help upgrade the knowledge and skills of the Oklahoma work force, and to enhance the quality of life in Oklahoma generally. Therefore, residents of Oklahoma are afforded subsidies covering a majority of their educational costs at all colleges and universities of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education. Nonresidents of Oklahoma are also provided substantial educational subventions, although at lower levels than those provided for permanent residents of the state. Administration of the states residency policy as it applies to Northeastern State University students is designated to the Office of Admissions. Questions concerning interpretation of the policy should be directed to the admissions director for a ruling.

Any applicant who has attended an institution outside of Oklahoma within the past year will be assumed to be a nonresident. It is the responsibility of each applicant to submit resident status proof to the Office of Admissions.

Basic Principles Governing Residence

  1. Attendance at an educational institution, albeit a continuous and long term experience is interpreted as temporary residence; therefore, a student neither gains nor loses residence status solely by such attendance.
  2. Students may perform many objective acts, some of which are required by law (i.e. payment of taxes), and all of which are customarily done by some nonresidents who do not intend to remain in Oklahoma after graduation but are necessary and/or convenient (i.e. registering to vote, obtaining a drivers license). Such acts and/or declarations alone are not sufficient evidence of intent to remain in Oklahoma beyond the college experience.
  3. A nonresident student attending an Oklahoma college or university on more than a half-time basis is presumed to be in the state primarily for educational purposes.
  4. An individual is not deemed to have acquired status as a resident of Oklahoma until he or she has been in the state for at least a year primarily as a permanent resident and not merely as a student. Likewise, an individual classified as a resident of Oklahoma shall not be reclassified as a nonresident until 12 months after having left Oklahoma to live in another state.
  5. All married persons shall be treated as equal under this policy. Therefore, each spouse in a family shall establish his or her own residence status on a separate basis. Exceptions include 1) when a nonresident marries an already established resident of Oklahoma, the nonresident may be considered a resident after documentation of the marriage and proof of domicile are satisfied, and 2) as provided in Section VIII.
  6. The burden of proof of residence status or domicile shall be upon the applicant.
  7. Initial classification as a nonresident student shall not prejudice the right of a person to be reclassified thereafter for subsequent semesters or terms of enrollment as an Oklahoma resident provided proof of residence can be established.

Definition of Residence Terms

Resident of Oklahoma: A resident of Oklahoma is one who has lived continuously in the state for at least 12 months duration and whose domicile is in Oklahoma. A person’s domicile is his true, fixed, permanent home or habitation. It is the place where he intends to remain and to which he expects to return. A person can have more than one residence, but only one domicile. Domicile has two components - residence and the intention to remain. When these two occur, there is a domicile.

Independent Persons: Independent persons are those enjoying majority privileges (are legally emancipated from their parent(s) or guardian) and who are responsible for their own care, custody and support.

Dependent Persons: Dependent persons are those under the care, custody and support of their parent(s) or other legally sanctioned parental surrogates.

Full-time Students: A full-time undergraduate student is one enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester in an academic year or a minimum of 6 credit hours in a summer session. A full-time graduate student is one enrolled in a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester in an academic year or a minimum of 4 credit hours in a summer session.

Residence Status Criteria

Independent Persons: If a person enjoying majority privileges and who is independent of parental domicile can provide adequate and satisfactory proof of having come to Oklahoma with the intention of establishing domicile, may be granted resident student classification at the next enrollment occurring after expiration of 12 months following the establishment of domicile in Oklahoma. Spouses must establish proof of residence on a separate basis.

Dependent Persons: For the purpose of establishing residence status, the legal residence of dependent students is that of their parent(s) or legally-appointed guardian. Dependent students may become independent through marriage, formal court action, abandonment by parents, or positive actions demonstrating separation from the parents domicile. To qualify under the latter category, a dependent person must have completely separated himself from the parental domicile and have proved such separation is complete and permanent. Mere absence from the parental domicile is not proof of its complete abandonment. Students who can provide adequate proof of complete emancipation, and have come to Oklahoma with the intention of establishing domicile may be granted residence classification at the next enrollment period after the expiration of 12 consecutive months following the establishment of domicile in Oklahoma.

Foreign Nationals: An individual who is not a United States national may become eligible for classification as an Oklahoma resident provided that he/she holds permanent resident status as defined by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS), evidenced by whatever documents may be required under applicable federal law, who has resided in Oklahoma for at least 12 consecutive months, and who meets any other applicable criteria for establishment of domicile as set forth in this policy or who has come to Oklahoma for the purpose described in Section VIII of this policy.

Students Without Lawful Immigration Status: In accordance with Senate Bill 596 of the 2003 Oklahoma legislature (70 O.S1, Section 3242), an individual who is not a United States national and has not obtained permanent resident status with the BCIS but who has graduated from a public or private high school in Oklahoma or successfully completed the General Education Development (GED) exam may be eligible for enrollment, resident tuition, and state student financial aid if he/she meets the following criteria:

  1. Resided in the state with a parent or legal guardian for at least two years prior to graduation from high school or successful completion of the GED;
  2. Satisfied admission standards for the institution; and
  3. Filed an affidavit with the institution stating that he/she has done one of the following with the BCIS toward legalizing their immigration status:
    1. Filed an application;
    2. Has a petition pending; or
    3. Will file an application as soon as he/she is eligible to do so.

Military Personnel: Students enrolled at Northeastern State University while on full-time active duty in the Armed Forces are considered to be temporary residents in the state; therefore, they neither gain nor lose residence status. Members of the Armed Forces stationed in Oklahoma, their spouses, and dependent children may be admitted without payment of nonresident tuition so long as they continue to be stationed in the state in full-time military service and under military orders. While the policy clearly states that nonresident tuition will be waived for military personnel, such a waiver does not constitute Oklahoma residence status.

Full-Time Professional Practitioner or Worker: An individual who provides evidence of having come to Oklahoma to practice a profession on a full-time basis, conduct a business full time, or work on a full-time basis shall be declared an Oklahoma resident along with his/her spouse and dependent children so long as they continue in such full-time employment capacity.

Proof of Residence: The burden of proof of establishing Oklahoma residence or domicile, including providing any supporting documentation, shall be upon the applicant. Since residence or domicile is a matter of intent, each case will be judged on its own merits, and no definitive or magic set of criteria can be established as sufficient to guarantee classification as a resident of Oklahoma.

Reclassification: In addition to the aforementioned criteria, an independent person seeking to be reclassified as a resident of Oklahoma must meet the following criteria for the current and immediately preceding year.

  1. The person must not have been claimed as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes by his or her nonresident parents.
  2. The person must be self-supporting as evidenced by having provided the majority of funds for his or her own upkeep.
  3. The person must have maintained a continuous residence in Oklahoma for the period set forth in Definition of Residence Terms above.

Auditing Classes



Students who wish to audit classes may do so by selecting the option to audit classes while enrolling by EXCELS or may tell the clerk at the registration window that they wish to audit a class. Regular enrollment fees are paid for courses that are audited. An auditor may not petition later for academic credit. A student may not change enrollment from credit to audit after the regular drop and add period.

Extra-Institutional Credit



Extra-institutional credit (formerly Advanced Standing Credit) is credit granted through means other than the completion of formal college-level courses. Extra-institutional credit may be earned at Northeastern State University through institutionally prepared departmental examinations, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, Advanced Placement Program (AP), and credit for Military Training schools and Basic Military Training. Tests covering many course subjects are available to students who acquired a knowledge or skill outside of the classroom.

The amount of extra-institutional credit (including correspondence and extension classes) which may be awarded shall not exceed one-fourth of the total semester hours required for graduation or a maximum of 30 hours.

Extra-institutional credit will be placed on the permanent record only after it is validated by the successful completion of twelve (12) or more semester hours of academic work at Northeastern State University. Credit earned is designated on the transcript by a P for passing. Extra-institutional credit is not considered residence work nor will it count toward financial aid eligibility.

Extra-institutional credit, once recorded and validated at an institution in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, is usually transferable on the same basis as if the credit had been earned through regular study at the awarding institution and subject to the same conditions as other credit from these campuses.

For more information on extra-institutional credit, write or call the Office of Assessment, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK 74464-2399, (918) 456-5511, ext. 2216 or www.nsuok.edu/assessment.

Transferring from Community Colleges



Articulation agreements exist between Northeastern and the community colleges in Oklahoma, as well as four out-of-state community colleges. Acceptance of credits for comparable courses completed in the community colleges toward degree requirements at this university have been previously determined and mutually established in the articulation agreements. Credit for acceptable work completed in two-year community colleges is applicable up to the first sixty-four hours of degree programs at Northeastern. Students transferring from a community college must complete at least sixty hours from a four-year college or university to meet graduation requirements.

Transfer of Credit from Other Colleges and Universities



Undergraduate semester hour credits earned at another college or university are accepted for credit and advanced standing toward an undergraduate degree program offered at Northeastern State University under the following provisions:

  1. The credit hours must have been earned in courses offered at a college or university that has been fully accredited by an accrediting agency within the association of the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation.
  2. A grade must be designated to each course completed and the grade must be measurable and comparable in terms of the grading system used at Northeastern State University. Only courses completed in which semester hour credit has been designated with grades assigned can be considered for transfer.
  3. The course completed must be measurable and comparable in terms of credit hours, subject, content, level of instruction and study, clock hours of required class participation, meeting times and attendance, instructor clock hours, examinations required, and grading system to the same criteria for a course offered at Northeastern State University.
  4. Prerequisites for the course completed must be comparable to the prerequisites for a course offered at Northeastern State University.
  5. Courses completed must be designated at the previous institution on the same level of instruction within the catalog as that offered at Northeastern State University in terms of first year, second year, third year, or fourth year to be accepted as comparable to a course offered at Northeastern State University.
  6. The student must have status at the previous college or university in good standing, i.e., not on academic or disciplinary suspension when accepted for admission to Northeastern State University, and must have been a candidate for an associate or a baccalaureate degree in the previous college or university at the time of transfer.
  7. The student must be pursuing only one baccalaureate degree at any college or university at the time of transfer and during study for a degree from Northeastern State University, and the same courses completed for a degree previously earned cannot be applied toward the same degree program or type of degree at Northeastern State University.
  8. The Dean of each College at Northeastern State University in which a course is offered shall make the initial determination of the comparability of any course to be accepted for transfer to Northeastern State University, designate the limit of credit hours to be accepted and the degree program or programs toward which the credit may apply designated in such terms as prerequisite, tentative (pending satisfactory completion of 30 hours in residence at Northeastern State University), or elective, and specify the course name and number of the course offered at Northeastern State University to which the transferred course and credit is comparable.
  9. Final determination on credits accepted for transfer to Northeastern State University shall be made by the Registrar of the University under the authority of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  10. Credit for acceptable and comparable courses completed in two-year community colleges is applicable up to the first sixty-four hours of degree programs at Northeastern State University. None may apply toward the last sixty hours of a bachelor’s degree. One year of community college credit in comparable courses is applicable to the first thirty-two semester hours of a bachelor’s degree.
  11. The amount of extra-institutional credit (advanced standing) which may be awarded shall not exceed one-fourth of the total semester hours required. In the computation of the total amount of credit which may be earned, hours taken through correspondence and extension methods, whether taken at NSU or another institution, shall be considered as having been earned through the extra-institutional credit mechanism.
  12. Students transferring from universities which are not fully accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association are eligible to enroll at Northeastern State University provided they meet the undergraduate and/or graduate admission requirements as listed in the current Northeastern State University catalog. It is the responsibility of Northeastern State University to determine which courses transferring from these universities will apply toward a particular degree program. Validation tests are administered for courses which are considered to be comparable. Credit is granted if satisfactory scores are made on the validation tests.
  13. Graduates from universities which are not fully accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association will be admitted to graduate study in academic areas in which all undergraduate prerequisites have been met through validation of credit or through the earning of credit at a fully accredited institution. In addition, applicants must submit scores on the Miller Analogy Test or the aptitude section of the Graduate Record Examination. The test results must place the student in the upper three-fourths of college graduates according to national norms.
  14. A student who is a graduate of a fully accredited institution which does not indicate grade points on transcripts must submit scores on the Miller Analogy Test or the aptitude section of the Graduate Record Examination before being considered for admission to the Graduate College. The scores must place the student in the upper three-fourths of college graduates according to national norms.




Students may obtain an official copy (transcript) of their NSU academic record stamped issued to student or request that an official copy be mailed to another college or other places by submitting a signed Transcript Request form to the Office of Admissions and Records. Students are charged a one-time twenty-five dollar record fee during their first semester of attendance and; thereafter, transcript copies are free. A maximum of five (5) copies per day are available when picking them up in person or ten (10) copies per day when they are sent through the mail. Official transcripts reflecting most recent grades earned will be available one week following the conclusion of the term. Non-NSU transcripts will be retained for two years beyond a student’s last NSU enrollment.

Military Credit



Veterans who have honorably served in the armed forces of the United States for a minimum of one year continuous full-time active duty military service may be given credit for basic military training of up to six semester hours of lower division credit which will be recorded as 3 hours of H ED 1113, Personal Health, and 3 hours of Physical Education.

Extra-institutional credit for courses completed in military training schools may be granted as recommended by the American Council on Education in the Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services upon approval of the Academic Department Chair and Dean of the college. To obtain credit, veterans must provide official copies of their DD-214 separation papers and official documents attesting to satisfactory completion of all armed forces special training schools.




Students may register for classes by telephone using the EXCELS system during the times listed in the schedule of classes each semester or enroll in person at the beginning of the semester. All fees for enrollment must be paid before the first day of classes.

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who will assist the student with planning a class schedule each semester. The student is responsible for the correctness of classes selected to meet degree program requirements. Academic advisement and enrollment for entering freshmen and new transfer students are provided during Campus Connections enrollment sessions.

The university reserves the right to discontinue class in a section for which there is insufficient enrollment, to create new sections to which students may be transferred, and to reassign instructors for scheduled sections whenever the necessity of the university requires.

Late Enrollment



Late registration is permitted for one week after classes begin in the regular semester and for three days in the summer session. A fee of $10.00 for late enrollment is charged. The academic adviser will determine when the semester-hour load should be reduced due to a late enrollment.
