General Education Overview
According to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE), effective general education should help students gain competence in independent intellectual inquiry and stimulate the examination and understanding of personal, social, and civic engagement. (OSRHE Policy 3.15.5, General Education Framework)
NSU General Education Learning Outcomes
In line with the OSRHE expectations and as a result of continuing study, the faculty at Northeastern State University believes that all students should participate in certain common experiences during the first two years of college work and that such a program of common experiences is best designated as General Education. NSU’s General Education coursework provides students with extensive experiences that are both rich and important in preparing them to live in a democratic society. General Education serves as the foundation for future, program-specific learning and serves students by developing essential academic knowledge and skills needed for future coursework.
With this general philosophy, NSU’s faculty have developed a General Education course sequence that has these student learning outcomes. After completing the General Education core, students should demonstrate competency in the General Education Student Learning Outcomes aligned with the NSU Degrees of Excellence. Students demonstrate that they have achieved these general education learning outcomes by successfully completing the designated assessments found in the General Education course requirements.
General Education Requirements
A minimum of 46 hours of academic work in general education are required during the freshman and sophomore years. For students transferring with the Associate of Arts degree or Associate of Science degree from a public institution in Oklahoma, all general education requirements will be satisfied with respect to degree requirements. However, some majors may require other specific general education courses as program prerequisites or program requirements. Students should consult advisors and the program’s plan of study for further information. Students are required to complete general education requirements by the time they have completed 90 semester hours of college work.
Effective Fall 2019, Northeastern State University implemented the following general education curriculum.
Math Pathway (3 hrs, select one path)
Written & Oral Communication (9 hours)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (9 hours)
Global Perspectives (3 hours)
Requirement may be completed by a course in any category. 2. American Indian Studies
5. Literature, Customs, and Society
Natural Sciences (7-9 hours)
At least one course from the biological or physical sciences must include a lab. 1. Biological Sciences (3-4 hours)
2. Physical Sciences (3-5 hours)
University Studies (3 hours)
All beginning freshmen are required to enroll their first semester. The course / orientation program helps students begin the transition to university students by providing information pertaining to campus life and the varied concerns that freshmen encounter while beginning their college careers. Students meet in small groups with faculty and participate in larger group activities that familiarize them with important academic, social, developmental, and financial concepts essential to a successful first year.