Jan 14, 2025  
2010-11 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-11 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

General Information




Northeastern State University is located in a place like no other, where the Ozark Mountains, famous for their beauty, roll gently across the land, offering a panorama of natural scenery filled with pines, oaks, dogwoods and redbuds that blossom each spring. Nearby runs the Illinois River, cool and clear, feeding into Lake Tenkiller, a lake of deep crystal green with a shoreline of beautiful forest and spectacular rock bluffs. The countryside, river and lake create an ideal area for a wide variety of favorite outdoor activities including backpacking, camping, horseback riding, fishing, boating, scuba diving, water skiing and many others.

Within this natural setting is the city of Tahlequah, capital of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, where the tribe’s western migration ended in 1839. Having rebuilt their civilization after their relocation, the Cherokees established a progressive system of tribal government and public education. A history so unique makes for a rich and active heritage celebrated with Native American art and crafts, and the Cherokee Village and Cherokee Heritage Center.

And in the midst of this city and surrounding countryside resides NSU with its 200-acre campus of beautiful lawns and large shade trees. NSU, founded in 1909 on the grounds of the Cherokee National Female Seminary, is a university that offers students and townspeople not only a tradition of excellent teaching, but also Broadway productions, concerts and guest lecturers of international fame and both serious drama and fun-filled entertainment at the NSU Playhouse. NSU, Tahlequah and the Tulsa metroplex, just an hour away, offer a little bit of Eden west of the Mississippi.



Northeastern State University had its beginning in 1846 when the Cherokee National Council authorized establishment of a National Male Seminary and National Female Seminary to fulfill the stipulation in the Treaty of 1835 between the United States and the Cherokee Nation that public and higher education be provided for the Cherokees. Erection of the buildings for the two seminaries began in 1847 and the Cherokee National Male Seminary opened on May 6, 1851. The Cherokee National Female Seminary opened the following day. With the exception of a period between the end of the fall semester 1856 and the beginning of the fall semester 1871, these institutions were in continuous operation until 1909.

On March 6, 1909, the State Legislature of Oklahoma passed an act providing for the creation and location of Northeastern State Normal School at Tahlequah, Oklahoma, and for the purchase from the Cherokee Tribal Government of the building, land, and equipment of the Cherokee Female Seminary. The educational program of the normal school consisted of four years of high school and two years of college level study.

As previously authorized by an act of the Legislature, the State Board of Education, then the governing board of the college, took action in 1919 to change the normal school to Northeastern State Teachers College and to provide for a four-year curriculum leading to the bachelors degree. In 1939 the Oklahoma Legislature authorized that the name of the institution be changed to Northeastern State College.

A constitutional amendment adopted in 1941 created The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, of which Northeastern State University and all other state-supported institutions of higher education are integral parts. The system is coordinated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

In the 1950s Northeastern emerged as a comprehensive state college, broadening its curriculum at the baccalaureate level to encompass liberal arts subjects and adding a fifth-year program designed to prepare master teachers for elementary and secondary schools. By the early 1970s the functions of the institution had been broadened to include degree options in the field of teacher education at both the baccalaureate and master degree levels as well as new programs in liberal arts, business, and selected service areas. The approval of several new certificate and degree programs in non-teaching areas added a significant dimension to the role of Northeastern. In 1974, the Oklahoma Legislature authorized that the name of the institution be changed to Northeastern Oklahoma State University. The Northeastern State University College of Optometry opened in 1979 and made history when its first doctoral graduates received their degree in the spring of 1983.

The official name of the University was changed by act of the Oklahoma Legislature in 1985 to Northeastern State University.

Mission Statement


Founded on the rich educational heritage of the Cherokee Nation, the campuses of Northeastern State University provide our diverse communities a broad array of lifelong learning, undergraduate, graduate, and professional doctoral degree programs. Through quality teaching, research and scholarly activities, service to local and professional communities, and high expectations, our dedicated faculty and staff provide a friendly learning environment where students are prepared to achieve socially responsible career and personal goals for success in a challenging global society.

Focused Mission Statement

We empower students to be socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Vision Statement


We will be the partner of choice in eastern Oklahoma, embracing the educational, cultural and economic challenges and opportunities of our global society. 

Core Values


Integrity - We model ethical and intellectual development by advancing honesty, human dignity, and accountability.

Excellence - We pursue continuous improvement individually and as a community.

Creativity - We advance knowledge by exploring new possibilities through critical inquiry and intellectual freedom.

Leadership - We have a compelling commitment to serve, inspiring and preparing others to do the same.

Collaboration - We build partnerships to create learning opportunities and promote educational and economic success.



 Northeastern State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (http://www.ncacihe.org) and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools located at 230 North LaSalle Street. Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1411.  The HLC can be contacted at:  800-621-7440, 312-263-0456, or by email at info@hlcommission.org.  In addition, NSU is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, (2010 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036-1023, 202-466-7496), and the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation (4545 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 275, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, 405-525-2612). All programs offered by the University are approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, 405-225-9100) and by the Board of Regents of the Regional University System of Oklahoma (4900 Richmond Square, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, 405-848-3373).

Northeastern State University’s Oklahoma College of Optometry Professional Doctoral Degree (O.D.) Program has full accreditation by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education (ACOE), 243 N. Lindberg Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141, 314-991-4100.

The NSU baccalaureate nursing program is fully accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc. (NLNAC), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia, 404.975.5000. 

The Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration programs offered through the College of Business and Technology are fully accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213, 913-339-9356).

The Northeastern State University Didactic Program in Dietetics is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education (CADE) of the American Dietetic Association (120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60606-6995, 312-899-5400).

The Bachelor of Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (1600 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3421, 703-683-8080).

The Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852-3279.

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music Education degree are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (http://nasm.arts-accredit.org/) located at 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 21, Reston, VA 20190, 703-437-0700.

Degrees Conferred


Doctor of Optometry
Master of Arts
Master of Business Administration
Master of Education
Master of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of General Studies
Bachelor of Music Education
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science in Education
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Science Education
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Technology

Boards of Control


THE OKLAHOMA STATE REGENTS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION is a constitutional board of nine members appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate, with one member’s term expiring each year. This board issues all degrees earned, determines the curricula and courses of study, prescribes academic standards, establishes student fees, and allocates funds to each institution for operation and maintenance from the legislative appropriations which are made to the board.

THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE REGIONAL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF OKLAHOMA is a constitutional board of nine members, eight of whom are appointed by the governor and approved by the Senate. The ninth member is the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Members of the Board serve a nine-year appointment, with one member’s term expiring each year. The duties and powers of this Board are to make rules and regulations governing the University, to employ all persons in the service of the University, to construct all buildings, and to authorize the purchase of equipment and supplies.

Local Control


Locally, the University is under the direction of the President who is subject to the supervision of the two boards of regents. As chief executive officer, it is the responsibility of the President to determine and to provide for the execution of all University policies and regulations. In the discharge of these duties the President is regularly assisted by the other University officers and by administrators and representatives of the staff and faculty.

Physical Facilities


The campus of Northeastern State University covers an area of approximately 200 acres, five times the original forty acres purchased from the Cherokee Tribal Government. Many improvements in landscaping have been made in recent years, but the native trees and the natural elevation of the grounds have been preserved and protected through the years and combine to make the campus outstanding for natural scenic beauty.

ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. Formerly the Student Center, this building now houses administrative offices and the NSU Information Center.

ALUMNI CENTER. Located on the northeast corner of Cedar Avenue and Crafton Street, at the northeastern corner of the campus, the Branscum Alumni Center was constructed with donations from friends of the University and members of the NSU Alumni Association. Dedicated in April 1989, the Alumni Center houses the office of Development and the NSU Alumni Association and features conference rooms and overnight accommodations for special guests.

ANIMAL CARE FACILITY. The Animal Care/Biosciences Research Facility is a special purpose resource for campus education and research activities. It houses several different species of animals as well as experimental protocols under controlled conditions.

BACONE HOUSE. Located at 320 Academy Street, the house was built in 1850 and restored in 1989, and now features a gallery and small group meeting facilities. The NSU Center for Tribal Studies is located in this building.

BASEBALL FIELD HOUSE. Located adjacent to the Thomas Rousey Memorial Baseball Field, the field house contains a weight-training room, indoor batting and pitching facilities, home and visiting team dressing areas with showers.

BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING. One portion of this building was constructed in 1968; an addition was completed in 1970 which more than doubled the size of the original building. The first floor contains administrative and faculty offices, and classrooms. The second floor is devoted to the areas of family and consumer sciences and business. The third floor contains offices and classrooms. In the basement are technology laboratories for engineering design, Computer Aided Design (CAD), graphic arts and technology education.

CENTER FOR ADMISSIONS AND STUDENT ENROLLMENT (CASE) BUILDING.    This two-story brick building was originally built in 1950, renovated in 1981 and renovated again in 2007-2008 to house the new one stop shop for Enrollment Management services.  Located in the building are:  Admissions, Registrar, High School and College Relations, Financial Student Services, Enrollment Services, and Transfer Student Services.

CERAMICS BUILDING. Located on the northwest corner of the campus, this brick building, formerly a shop building of Bagley High School now contains laboratory equipment and material for the ceramics classes of the art department of the College of Liberal Arts.

DOC WADLEY STADIUM at GABLE FIELD. The athletic field is located approximately one-half mile north of the main campus. This stadium will seat 12,000 persons. Parking space, track, and football facilities are provided in this area. An Indoor Practice Facility (The Dome) was built in 2005 with private funding.

EDUCATION BUILDING. Classrooms and offices for the administration and faculty of the College of Education are located in this building. The Education Computer Lab, Distance Learning Lab, and Early Childhood Education Lab are also located in this building, along with the offices of Great Expectations, and OILS (Oklahoma Institute for Learning Styles).

FINE ARTS BUILDING. This building is in the shape of a T, with the auditorium providing the vertical. Completely renovated in 1994, the Center for the Performing Arts seats 1,025 persons and features a stage conforming to the best theatrical dimensions, equipped with lighting and scenery requirements for many types of stage productions. The south wing of the building provides accommodations for classes in music. There are also soundproof practice rooms and a rehearsal room for band and orchestra. The north wing includes offices, practice rooms, several large classrooms, and a choral rehearsal room; the lower floor houses the Art Department of the College of Liberal Arts.

GRAND HOUSE. Located at the corner of Grand and Crafton Streets, the Grand House is headquarters for the NSU Department of Public Safety and Parking & Transportation employees. Public Safety is responsible for the safety and protection of the students, employees, and property of Northeastern State University. Officers are on duty seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

HASKELL HALL. This building, located just east of the John Vaughan Library was constructed in 1937; an addition was completed in 1960. In addition to serving as a residence hall, Haskell Hall houses the Student Development Center, Career Services, as well as ROTC, Psychology and Hospitality and Tourism Management administrative and faculty offices.

W.W. HASTINGS PROPERTY. Acquired from the U.S. Public Health Service in 1988, this complex was originally the site of the W.W. Hastings Indian Hospital. The Old Hastings Chapel is headquarters for our Motor Pool department. Portions of the property were remodeled in 1990, and now houses the Optometry Clinic as well as administrative and faculty offices and classrooms of the NSU Oklahoma College of Optometry.

HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING. This facility includes the North Gymnasium which contains faculty offices, classrooms and gymnasium space; and the South Gymnasium (Jack Dobbins Field House) which was renovated and received a new facade in 1994. The South Gymnasium features indoor sports courts as well as the Fitness Testing Lab, a gymnastics room, a conference room, and offices for Health and Physical Education faculty.

JAZZ LAB. Located at 315 North Muskogee, this building officially opened in June 1993. It combines faculty offices and classrooms with performance and casual dining space, making it a unique facility supporting both the academic and performance aspects of the expanding jazz music program. Numerous special concerts and events are held at the Jazz Lab throughout the year.

JOHN VAUGHAN LIBRARY. Originally constructed as a two-story building in 1948 and expanded to three stories in 1966, this building was renovated in 1996. The buildings electrical and telecommunications infrastructure has been updated and expanded to serve the demands of information technology. With 120,000 square feet of space, seating for 600, 60 publicly accessible computer workstations and terminals, and more than 50,000 feet of linear shelf space, the John Vaughan Library meets the American Library Association/Association of College and Research Libraries space and seating standards. The east wing of the library, renovated in 1998, houses the library archives and university records and the offices of Institutional Research and Assessment Services.  The office of International Student Services is also located in the library.

JOURNALISM BUILDING. This building houses the Office of Public Relations, the University’s hub of public information services. Also located here are several classrooms and the University PBX installation.

LEOSER CENTER. Located in the center of the largest residence complex on the campus, Leoser Center contains the Office of Housing, along with conference rooms, student organization offices and a seven-station computer lab for residence hall students. Also located in Leoser Center are the Pizza Hut Express with convenience store items, the student newspaper and magazine offices, and other administrative services.

The NET (Northeastern Education and Technology) Building. The most technologically sophisticated academic facility in Oklahoma higher education, this building is the heart of the NSU electronic campus. Opened in January 1997, the six-story, 54,000 square foot building contains auditorium spaces, classrooms, computing labs, and faculty and administrative offices. The offices and facilities of Computing and Telecommunications, including the studios of K04DY, the NSU low-power television station, are located in The NET.

PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER. The Fitness Center provides enhanced recreation and fitness opportunities for NSU students, faculty and staff. The complex contains a gymnasium, weight room, three handball/racquetball courts, offices, lockers, showers, dressing and restroom facilities, a games-lounge area and a competition-size swimming pool. Memberships are required.

PHYSICAL PLANT. First occupied in 1963 as our heating plant, is now used as headquarters for all Physical Plant administrative personnel as well as Structural and Systems staff.

RESIDENCE FACILITIES. Female on-campus housing is provided in Northeast Leoser, North Leoser and Northwest Leoser; all other residence halls are coed by floor. All residence halls include free use of laundry rooms, cable TV, local phone service, NSU internet, all utilities, custodial service in public areas and 24-hour emergency maintenance. Family and staff housing are available at both Cedar Craft and Courtside apartments. All units include all appliances, laundry equipment, water, local phone service, and NSU internet. (Apartment gas and electric are provided by Tahlequah Public Works Authority.) Dining facilities include the Market Café in the University Center (UC), the Food Court (UC), Essentials in Leoser, Flos Place in Wilson Hall and Grill and C-Store at Seminary Suites. Beverage and snack vending machines are conveniently located throughout campus.

ROSAMUND HOUSE. This restored 1886 residence on the southwest side of the NSU campus is a unique university facility. It is used for executive office space and guest rooms for official guests of the University, as well as special receptions and programs.

SCIENCE CENTER. This building was first occupied in the fall of 1957. An addition was completed in 1962 and a complete renovation in 2007. Classrooms and offices for biology, chemistry, geology, mathematics, physics, and engineering physics are located in this building. A new Science Lab building, constructed in 2006, is attached to the renovated science building. The Science Lab building has state-of-the-art laboratories for the biological and physical sciences.

SEMINARY HALL. The oldest building on the campus, Seminary Hall was the Cherokee Female Seminary purchased from the Cherokees. Completely restored in 1994, Seminary Hall houses academic and faculty offices and classrooms. It is the first campus classroom building wired for multimedia instruction. Prominently featured in Seminary Hall, and preserved in the restoration, are three Indian murals painted in the 1930s by Kiowa artists Stephen Mopope, Jack Hokeah and Pawnee artist Albin Jake.

SEMINARY SUITES. Seminary Suites is a new 314-bed style apartment complex exclusively for single NSU students. All suites have private bedroom in either a 4-bedroom/2-bath or 2-bedroom/2-bath configuration. Academic year rates include all University holiday periods. Amenities include all utilities, local phone service, NSU internet, free laundry facilities, clubhouse, swimming pool, volleyball court and front door parking.

SHAWNEE STREET THEATRE. A new performance facility with 268 seats, a proscenium stage and a state-of-the-art sound and light systems. Renovations will focus on development of classrooms, faculty offices and space for scenery preparation and storage. Beginning in summer 1999, this facility has served as home to the River City Music Players.

SOCCER AND SOFTBALL FIELD HOUSE. Located between the women’s softball field and the men’s soccer field, this complex contains indoor soccer practice and softball pitching facilities as well as home and visiting team dressing areas with showers.

SPECIAL SERVICES BUILDING. The Special Services Building primarily contains the offices and classrooms for the Special Education and Speech-Language Pathology programs.

STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES BUILDING. Originally constructed in 1916, this one-story brick building was completely renovated in 1975. It currently houses offices for RiverHawk Athletics.

STUDENT HEALTH CENTER. This facility is located between Wyly Hall and the baseball stadium (Thomas Rousey Field). This structure is convenient to the residence halls and provides space for medical examination and treatment of the campus community.

UNIVERSITY CENTER. Conveniently located between the housing complexes and the classroom facilities, the University Center serves as a hub for student, community, and conference activities. The University Center houses the following campus services: the University Bookstore, the Market Cafe, the Food Court, the Drop Zone (mailing service), ID Services, the Cue Bowl (billiards and bowling), the Copy Stop (printing and copying services), the Student Activities and Involvement office (Student Affairs), NSGA, meeting rooms, ballroom and the offices for Conferences and Events, the Sodexho Food Service Office and the University Center Management.

UNIVERSITY PLAYHOUSE. This building was acquired in 1983 and renovated to resemble a turn-of-the-century theatre; additional renovations in 1995 enhanced the sound and lighting systems and improved accessibility for the disabled. The theatre has a revolving thrust stage and antique cast-iron and walnut seating for approximately 200 persons. The Playhouse serves as home to the NSU Downtown Country Players and is used by the Speech Communication and Theatre Department for classes and productions.

VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER. Acquired and renovated in 1995, this building houses Continuing Education and an office for the Sequoyah Institute.

L.P. WOODS CENTER. This 1921 house was acquired and renovated in 1987. It currently houses the office of the Sequoyah Institute and the Living Literature Center.

NSU at Broken Arrow


After a two-decade presence in the Tulsa metro area at the University Center at Tulsa, Northeastern State University opened the doors of its new campus in Broken Arrow in August of 2001. By fall 2002, all NSU classes in the Tulsa area were being offered at this new location. Almost 50 baccalaureate and masters degree programs and certification options are currently available at NSUBA.

The fast-growing NSU-Broken Arrow campus is currently comprised of six academic buildings and a maintenance facility, featuring a new classroom building, new science building and a state-of-the-art library, all complemented by a beautifully landscaped mall and fountain area. The Broken Arrow campus includes eight computer labs, twelve science labs, seven interactive videoconference classrooms/conference rooms, and a variety of technology-enhanced classroom accommodations. In addition, a full-service bookstore, student academic/advisement services, business office and administrative services are available. NSUBA facilities scheduled for completion during the 2007-2008 academic year include a new College of Education reading lab, a state-of-the-art College of Optometry videoconference room, a dining hall/conference facility, a 375-seat lecture hall/auditorium, a food court and an expanded enrollment management center.

Degree programs available at the Broken Arrow campus include:

College of Business and Technology
    Bachelor of Business Administration
    Business Administration
    Information Systems
    International Business
    Supply Chain Management
  Bachelor of Science, Environmental Management
  Bachelor of Science, Safety Management
  Bachelor of Technology
  Master of Business Administration
  Master of Science, Accounting and Financial Analysis
  Master of Science, Industrial Management
College of Education
  Bachelor of Science in Education
    Early Childhood Education
    Elementary Education
    Special Education - Mild/Moderate Disabilities
  Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
    General Psychology Option
    Developmental Psychology Option
    Human Resource Development Psychology Option
    Mental Health Psychology Option
  Master of Education
    Early Childhood Education
    School Administration
    School Counseling
  Master of Science
    Counseling Psychology
    Higher Education Administration and Services
    Library Media and Information Technology
    Substance Abuse Counseling
  Graduate Certificate Programs
    Library Media Specialist
    Reading Specialist
    School Administrator
    School Counselor
College of Liberal Arts
  Bachelor of Arts, English
  Bachelor of Arts in Education, English
  Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies
  Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
    Political Science option
    Public Administration option
  Bachelor of General Studies
  Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice
    Criminal Justice option
    Homeland Security option
    Paralegal option
  Bachelor of Social Work
  Master of Arts, American Studies
  Master of Science, Criminal Justice
  Master of Arts, English
    Literature Concentration
    Rhetoric/Composition Concentration
  Graduate Certificate Programs
  Writing Program Administrators
College of Science and Health Professions
  Bachelor of Science, Biology
    Organismic Emphasis
  Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
  Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
  Bachelor of Science, Medical Technology
  Bachelor of Science in Education, Mathematics
  Bachelor of Science in Education, Science Education
    Biology Emphasis
    Chemistry Emphasis
  Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses
  Master of Education, Mathematics Education
  Master of Education, Science Education
  Dr. Christee Jenlink,  Dean, NSU Broken Arrow campus
    Telephone: (918) 449-6100 or (918) 456-5511, ext. 6100
  Ms. Melissa Mahan, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
    Telephone: (918) 449-6131 or (918) 456-5511, ext. 6131
  Mr. Tom Todd, Director of University Services
    Telephone: (918) 449-6100 or (918) 456-5511, ext. 6100
  , Interim Director of the NSUBA Library
    Telephone: (918) 449-6452 or (918) 456-5511, ext. 6452
  Mr. Jerrett Phillips, Director of Enrollment Management
    Telephone: (918) 449-6133 or (918) 456-5511, ext. 6133

NSU at Muskogee


In March 1993, NSU opened a 22-acre campus for upper division and graduate level course work in Muskogee. The facility houses traditional and weekend academic programs, as well as an office for the NSU Small Business Development Center. Seminars, conferences and continuing education courses are also provided on an ongoing basis.

The 27,000 square foot building contains 12 classrooms, houses a Speech Pathology Clinic in partnership with the McAlester Scottish Rite, library/media center, a computer lab, faculty/administrative offices, vending lounge, a beautiful commons area and a 155+ seat conference center.

The Mike Synar Center, a 40,000 square foot facility, was opened in August 2001. This state-of-the-art building consists of classrooms, conference rooms, vending and exhibit areas. The Rotunda Commons features an exhibit commemorating the life and achievements of the late United States Congressman Mike Synar. In addition to the Rotunda, there is a gathering place for students and visitors in the spacious two-level lounge.

Departmental offices housed in the Synar Center include the Master of Business Administration, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and the Center for the Study of Literacy.

The following academic units of Northeastern State University offer programs and courses at the Muskogee Campus:

  College of Business and Technology
  College of Education
  College of Liberal Arts
  College of Science and Health Professions
Degree programs available at the Muskogee campus include:
  College of Business and Technology
      Bachelor of Business Administration, Management major
    Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership  (ReachHigher Program)
    Masters of Business Administration (Exclusively)
  College of Education
    Elementary Education
    Undergraduate Professional Education Core
    Master of Education, School Administration
    Master of Education, Teaching
    Master of Science in Library Media and Information Technology
    Graduate Professional Education Courses
    Graduate Certificate Program
           Visually Impaired Certificate Program
  College of Science and Health Professions
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses

NSU Muskogee Campus Conference Center is a bridge between professional education and the professional world. The key to successfully negotiating the influx of knowledge, whether it is for personal or professional development, will depend on continuing ones intellectual growth. The Conference Center seats 155+ and is the ideal facility to promote professional activity and stimulate economic growth in the community. The campus provides a pleasant and attractive setting that offers all the elements for a conference, retreat or working meeting. For additional information on meeting room rates and availability, call (918) 683-0040 or (918) 456-5511, Ext. 5034.

The Muskogee Campus offers both professional and personal development continuing education classes. Courses are designed for both the general public and corporate or professional groups. For information, please call (918) 683-0040.

The library/media center is designed to support the classes offered at the Muskogee Campus. Services provided include interlibrary loan, document delivery, and access to electronic library resources.  For information on library services, please call (918) 456-5511, Ext. 5021.

Dr. Tim McElroy, Dean, Muskogee
Telephone: (918) 683-0040 or (918) 456-5511, Ext. 5000

Distance Learning


Distance learning courses at NSU are available in online, blended, or videoconferencing formats. Online courses are delivered over the Internet and require little, if any, residential meetings. Blended courses delivered through a combination of online and face-to-face format.  Students come to classes on selected days during the semester and complete the remaining course content and requirements over the Internet using the course management software, Blackboard.  For more information about the courses, contact the instructor by clicking the Directory button on the NSU home page at www.nsuok.edu. Videoconference classes at NSU are delivered at the same time in different locations. Videoconference classes are sent or received in collaboration with Tulsa Community College, Carl Albert State College in Poteau, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, University Center in Ponca City, and East Central University in Ada. Some NSU classes are video-conferenced among the Broken Arrow, Muskogee, and Tahlequah campuses.

All three NSU campuses have videoconferencing classrooms. Those located in Tahlequah are in Seminary Hall 204, Business and Technology 220, NET 614, Science Center 147 and Education 107. There are three videoconferencing classrooms on the Muskogee campus in Rooms 209, Synar 220, and Synar 141. At the Broken Arrow campus, the five videoconferencing classrooms are located in  B225, B226, C121, D219 and G114.

We are members of the OneNet network, Oklahoma’s statewide network system; the Online College of Oklahoma; and the Southern Regional Education Board Electronic Campus. The Online College of Oklahoma is an electronic marketplace for distance courses offered by Oklahoma higher education institutions. The Southern Regional Education Board Electronic Campus is an electronic marketplace for distance courses offered by a 17-state consortium.

Weekend College


In today’s fast-paced world, a college education is the key to significant career advancement opportunities. Not everyone, however, has the time or financial resources to attend school during the day or evening, and for this reason Northeastern State University offers an optional mode of education. Alternative programming or scheduling, primarily through the Weekend College, serves individuals whose occupations prohibit normal university enrollment or who reside at distances which make daily commuting to campus inconvenient or prohibitive.

Northeastern State University offers a variety of courses through the weekend format. Courses are offered in Tahlequah, Muskogee, and Broken Arrow. The following colleges offer courses in the Weekend College: College of Business and Technology, College of Education, College of Science and Health Professions, and College of Liberal Arts.

The Weekend College is scheduled in a variety of formats. The majority of weekend courses are offered on a Friday/Saturday combination, meeting alternating weekends. Instruction may be scheduled by the following time frames: 1) Friday evening/Saturday for four weekends or 2) Saturday all day for six to eight weekends. This is an example of a three-hour course for credit. Schedules may vary according to the course and number of credit hours.

The Weekend College is an organized program of primarily weekend instruction through which the college offers credit. It is structured around the special needs of non-traditional students. The curriculum is organized in a time intensive arrangement that presumes self-direction on the part of the student. For further information, call (800) 722-9614 or (918) 456-5511, ext. 4610.

Continuing Education


Northeastern State University is committed to being a full-service university. It is through Continuing Education that NSU can provide non-traditional or extraordinary offerings. Training can be rapidly developed and tailored to an individuals or business needs. This training can be provided in areas that are on the cutting edge and have not been fully developed into the academic mainstream; or in areas where the instruction must be personalized and specific.

Due to its outreach abilities, the capability for risk taking, and class flexibility, NSUs Continuing Education program is able to reach out to all facets of the community. Opportunities are available in areas ranging from accounting to creative art. If an organization wishes to provide its entire staff with training in the latest word processing or spreadsheet software, continuing education can immediately respond. If an individual is planning a trip to Mexico, they can arrange for Continuing Education classes in conversational Spanish to be a part of their preparations.

For information on enrollment or course information, call (800) 722-9614 or (918) 456-5511, Ext. 4610.
