Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Bulletin: 2018-19 NSU Undergraduate Catalog Program: Health Organizations Administration B.B.A. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Health Organizations Administration B.B.A.

OSRHE Program Code: 004
CIP Code: 512211

Major Code: 1135
Option Code:

  • 1136 - Healthcare Administration
  • 1137 - Health Informatics
  • 1138 - Long Term Care

A minimum grade of C is required.

General Education Requirements

A minimum of 46 hours of academic work in general education is required during the freshman and sophomore years.  For students transferring with the Associate of Arts degree or Associate of Science degree from a public institution in Oklahoma, all general education requirements will be satisfied with respect to degree requirements.  However, some majors may require other specific general education courses as program prerequisites or program requirements.  Students should consult advisors and the program’s plan of study for further information.  Students are required to complete general education requirements by the time they have completed 90 semester hours of college work.  See General Education Requirements for more information.

Business Core - 42 hours

The following core of courses is required of all business students, except as modified for Hospitality and Tourism Management. See major plan of study on the following pages.

At least 21 of the 42 credits in the BBA core must be earned at NSU.

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
ACCT 2103 - Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCT 2203 - Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BADM 3933 - Business Statistics #
BADM 3963 - Quantitative Methods for Business Decision Making
BLAW 3003 - Business Law I
ECON 2213 - Principles of Microeconomics #
ECON 2313 - Principles of Macroeconomics #
FIN 3213 - Principles of Finance
IS 3063 - Principles of Information Systems
IS 3113 - Business Communications #
MGMT 3183 - Principles of Management
MGMT 3213 - Principles of Operations Management
MGMT 4213 - Business Strategy/Policy
MKT 3213 - Principles of Marketing

HOA Core Requirements - 21 hours

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
HCA 3003 - Principles of Health Organizations Administration
HCA 3113 - Aging Processes and Long Term Care #
HCA 3213 - Public Health & Global Initiatives in Health Care #
HCA 3313 - Finance for Health Care Management
HCA 4223 - Quality Management and Patient Safety #
HCA 4950 - Health Care Administration Capstone (1 hour)
HCA 4990 - Health Care Administration Practicum (2 hours)
MGMT 4113 - Human Resource Management

Select one of the following options:

Health Informatics - 12 hours (1137)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
HCA 4323 - Health Information Analytics #
IS 4293 - Business Database Management Systems
MGMT 4103 - Business Decision Analysis
MGMT 4143 - Project Management

Healthcare Administration - 12 hours (1136)

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
HCA 4013 - Leadership, Policy and Ethics
HCA 4533 - Group Practice Management
  • HCA 3/4000 level electives (3 hrs)
  • HCA / BADM / MGMT 3/4000 level electives (3 hrs)
  • Long Term Care Administration - 12 hours (1138)

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    LTCA 4103 - Collaborative Care in LTCA
    LTCA 4553 - Leadership, Facilities and Environmental Management
    LTCA 4883 - Long Term Care Certification Hours
    LTCA 4993 - Clinical Administrator in Training

    Major Total - 33 hours

    Total Business Core & Major - 75 hours


    The following courses are required for students with non-healthcare backgrounds or who fail to pass the program entrance examination:

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    HCA 2211 - Medical Terminology
    HCA 3413 - Coding, Billing and Insurance in Health Care

    Accelerated B.B.A. Health Organizations Admin: Healthcare Admin or Health Informatics to M.B.A. Business Admin: Healthcare Admin or Health Informatics

    Note:  Please refer to Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program for complete information concerning the Accelerated Degree Program.  Refer to the current Graduate Catalog for master’s degree requirements.


    • Students admitted to the Accelerated B.B.A. Health Organizations: Healthcare Administration or Health Informatics to M.B.A. Business Administration: Healthcare Administration or Health Informatics degree program will complete 12 hours of graduate level credit to apply toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.
    • A minimum grade of C is required for all 5000 level graduate courses.
    • Students who do not follow the approved degree plan may become ineligible to continue in the accelerated degree program. 
    • Prior to completing the undergraduate degree, if the undergraduate GPA, graduate GPA and/or overall GPA fall below a 3.00, the student becomes ineligible to continue in the ADP.
    • Students may withdraw from an approved accelerated degree pathway.  Graduate credit hours completed prior to the student withdrawing or becoming ineligible to continue in the ADP apply toward the undergraduate degree only. 


    ADP HOA Core Requirements - 21 hours

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    HCA 3003 - Principles of Health Organizations Administration
    HCA 3113 - Aging Processes and Long Term Care #
    HCA 3213 - Public Health & Global Initiatives in Health Care #
    HCA 3313 - Finance for Health Care Management
    HCA 4223 - Quality Management and Patient Safety #
    HCA 4950 - Health Care Administration Capstone (1 hour)
    HCA 4990 - Health Care Administration Practicum (2 hours)
    MGMT 4113 - Human Resource Management

    Select the option that corresponds to the selected ADP M.B.A. option:

    ADP Health Informatics - 12 hours
    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    HCA 5423 - Health Services Technology and Application
    HCA 5523 - Health Informatics Survey
    MBA 5513 - Project Management
    MGMT 5103 - Business Analytics Techniques
    ADP Healthcare Administration - 12 hours
    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    HCA 5013 - Healthcare Policy and Ethical Leadership
    HCA 5233 - Integrated Medical Practice Management
    HCA 5423 - Health Services Technology and Application
    HCA 5853 - Critical Issues in Healthcare Administration

    ADP Major Total - 33 hours

    ADP Total Business Core & Major - 75 hours

    Additional Degree Information - College of Business and Technology

    In addition to general education and program requirements stated above, additional hours may be needed to satisfy all minimum degree requirements listed below.

    • English Proficiency: Components I and II of English proficiency should be met with grades of “C” or better prior to the completion of 60 credit hours.
    • ​A minimum of 124 hours is required. PE activity is limited to four hours. Prior learning credit (CLEP, Advanced Standing, Military Credit, etc) is limited to 30 hours.
    • ​A minimum of 30 hours in residence (from NSU) is required for graduation. PE activity is limited to four hours. Hours in residence exclude zero-level courses and prior learning credit such as CLEP, Advanced Placement, Advanced Standing, Military Credit, etc.​
    • A minimum of 40 hours of 3000/4000 level courses is required for graduation.  ​
    • A minimum of 60 hours from a 4-year school is required for graduation excluding zero level and PE activity courses.
    • At least fifty percent of the major requirements must be upper division courses (3000 and 4000 level).
    • At least 18 hours or fifty percent of the major, whichever is greater, must be satisfactorily completed at NSU.
    • The minimum number of credit hours required in the Liberal Arts and Sciences varies based on the type of degree.  B.B.A and B.T. degrees require at least 40 hours and the B.S. degree requires at least 55 hours.  Liberal Arts and Science courses are designated with a “#” after the course title.

    For more information, see Bachelor’s Degree Requirements.
