Mar 13, 2025
2013-14 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Mathematics Major B.S. - Major Code 7600
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General Education Requirements
A minimum of 49 hours of academic work in general education is required during the freshman and sophomore years. For students transferring with the Associate of Arts degree or Associate of Science degree from a public institution in Oklahoma, all general education requirements will be satisfied with respect to degree requirements. However, some majors may require other specific general education courses as program prerequisites or program requirements. Students should consult advisors and the program’s plan of study for further information. Students are required to complete general education requirements by the time they have completed 90 semester hours of college work. See General Education Requirements for Bachelor’s Degrees for more information. Mathematics General Education Requirements
Students following this program who have not completed the high school equivalent of College Algebra and/or Plane Trigonometry must complete one or more of the following as part of the general education requirements. Mathematics Core 29 hours
Mathematics Electives 12 hours
Mathematics electives selected from the following: Note
The Mathematics Minor shall consist of 18 credit hours of mathematics which shall include Calculus I, MATH 2614, and Calculus II, MATH 2624. Of the remaining ten hours, no more than three hours can be at the 1000 level. One course with a CS prefix, excluding CS 1003, may be included in the ten hours. Policies of the College of Science and Health Professions
ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: | English proficiency is a graduation requirement. Components I and II of English proficiency should be met with grades of “C” or better prior to the completion of 60 credit hours. | UPPER DIVISION CREDIT: | Total hours must include at least 40 hours of credit in courses numbered 3000 and above. | LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES: | At least 55 semester credit hours are required in the liberal arts and sciences for a BS/BSED degree and 40 credit hours of liberal arts and science courses are required for a specialty degree (BSN). Liberal Arts and Science courses are designated by a “#” after the course title. | Mathematics Course Sequence
The following represents a suggested 4-year sequence of courses. The sequence considers prerequisites and specific scheduling of classes. First Year Fall Semester | Spring Semester | MATH 2614 Calculus I | MATH 2624 Calculus II | HED 1113 Personal Health or HFS 1653 Basic Nutrition | CS 2014 Computer Science I | HIST 1483 or 1493 American History | PHYS 1115 General Physics I or **PHYS 2115 Eng Physics I | ENGL 1113 Freshman Composition I | ENGL 1213 Freshman Composition II | UNIV 1002 College Strategies | | Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 16 | Second Year Fall Semester | Spring Semester | MATH 2633 Calculus III | MATH 3703 Introduction to Proof | MATH 3983 Linear Algebra | **MATH 4113 Differential Equations | Minor Course | Minor Course | ***Biological Science | ***Humanities (First Course) | POLS 1113 American Federal Government | ***Communications Course | Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 15 | Third Year Fall Semester | Spring Semester | MATH 3713 Abstract Algebra I | Math Elective | Math Elective | Minor Course | Minor Course | ***Global Perspectives (Second Course) | ***Humanities (Second Course) | ***Social and Behavioral Science Course | ***Global Perspectives (First Course) | Free Electives (5 hours) | Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 17 | Fourth Year Fall Semester | Spring Semester | *MATH 4723 Senior Seminar | **MATH 3913 Introduction to Analysis | Math Elective | Math Elective | Minor Course | Minor Course | UNIV 2091 Capstone Course | Free Elective (6 hours) | Free Electives (6 hours) | | Total Hours 16 | Total Hours 15 | Total Degree Plan Hours 124 * Fall only. ** Spring only *** See current catalog “General Requirements” for selection. |
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