Feb 14, 2025
2014-15 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Speech-Language Pathology Major B.S. - Major Code 6900
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Courses with SLP prefix can be repeated only one time. Exceptions: SLP 4532 Supervised Clinical Practicum, SLP 4520 Independent Study and SLP 5152 Advanced Clinical Practicum.
General Education Requirements
A minimum of 49 hours of academic work in general education is required during the freshman and sophomore years. For students transferring with the Associate of Arts degree or Associate of Science degree from a public institution in Oklahoma, all general education requirements will be satisfied with respect to degree requirements. However, some majors may require other specific general education courses as program prerequisites or program requirements. Students should consult advisors and the program’s plan of study for further information. Students are required to complete general education requirements by the time they have completed 90 semester hours of college work. See General Education Requirements for Bachelor’s Degrees for more information. Requirements
To be admitted to the undergraduate SLP program students must have: A. completed with a grade of “B” or better
B. have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
Students can be conditionally admitted (admitted on probation) with one “C” in the above listed courses but must make a “B” or better in all subsequent courses. Students who fail to make “B” or better in these courses would be denied enrollment in additional SLP courses. 1. Basic areas of Speech-Language – a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours
2. Speech Pathology, Nature, Diagnosis and Treatment – a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours
3. Audiology: Nature, Diagnosis and Treatment – a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours.
4. Practicum – two (2) semester hours
5. Related Courses – six (6) semester hours
6. Additional related coursework
(choose 21 hours from the following) Policies of the College of Science and Health Professions
ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: | English proficiency is a graduation requirement. Components I and II of English proficiency should be met with grades of “C” or better prior to the completion of 60 credit hours. | UPPER DIVISION CREDIT: | Total hours must include at least 40 hours of credit in courses numbered 3000 and above. | LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES: | At least 55 semester credit hours are required in the liberal arts and sciences for a BS/BSED degree and 40 credit hours of liberal arts and science courses are required for a specialty degree (BSN). Liberal Arts and Science courses are designated by a “#” after the course title. | Speech Language Pathology Course Sequence
The following represents a suggested 4-year sequence of courses. The sequence considers prerequisites and specific scheduling of classes. First Year – Freshman Fall Semester | Spring Semester | *ENGL 1113 Freshman Composition I | *ENGL 1213 Freshman Composition II | *BIOL 1113 Gen Biology plus BIOL 1111 Gen Bio lab | *SCI 1113 Gen Sci and SCI 1111 Gen Sci (lab) | **Humanities (3 hrs) See list in NSU catalog. | *POLS 1113 American Federal Government | *HIST 1483 or 1493 History or American History | **Humanities (3 hrs) See list in NSU catalog. | *UNIV1002 College Strategies | Life Skills (3 hrs) See list in NSU catalog | | | Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 16 | Second Year – Sophomore Fall Semester | Spring Semester | *Life Skills (3 hrs) See list in NSU catalog | *Global Perspectives (3 hrs) See list in NSU catalog | COMM 1113 Fund Oral Communication | Computer Proficiency if needed or Free elective (3 hrs) | *PSYCH 1113 Intro to Psychology | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | *MATH 1473 or MATH 1513 | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | *Global Perspectives (3 hrs) See list in NSU catalog | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | | *UNIV 2091 General Education Capstone | Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 16 | Third Year – Junior Fall Semester | Spring Semester | SLP 3223 Clinical Phonetics | SLP 3443 Materials & Methods in Speech Pathology | SLP 3313 Intro Communication Disorders | SLP 3413 Hearing Science | SLP 3363 Anatomy & Phys of Speech Mechanism | SLP 3213 Language Disorders | SLP 3813 Language Development | SLP 4783 Articulatory & Phonological Disorders | MATH 3513, SOC 3323, PSYC 3553, or BUS 3933 | SLP 4803 Adv. Anatomy & Phys Speech Mechanism | Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 15 | Fourth Year – Senior Fall Semester | Spring Semester | SLP 4532 Superv. Clinical Practicum | SLP 4473 Aural Rehabilitation | SLP 4233 Speech-Hearing-Voice Science | SLP 4213 Language Disorders in Adolescents | SLP 4413 Audiology | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | SPED 3313 Sign Language I | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | SPED 4433 Intro Education Exceptional Child | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | ***SLP elective (3 hrs) | | Total Hours 17 | Total Hours 15 | Total Degree Plan Hours 124 *General Education Requirement. **See current catalog “General Requirements” for selection. ***Minor required (18 hours) |
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