First Year-Fall Semester | First Year-Spring Semester |
University Studies: UNIV 1002- University Strategies | Communications: ENGL 1213-Freshman Comp II |
Communications: ENGL 1113-Freshman Comp I | Global Perspectives (3 hours; One course from two different categories or two of same foreign language) |
Communications: (Select 1) COMM 1113, 2212, 3223, 3303 | Life Skills: (Select 1) H ED 1113-Personal Health or NUTR 1653- Nutrition |
Social Sciences (3 of 6 Hours Required): (Select 1) POLS 1113 And HIST 1483 or HIST 1493 | Natural Sciences: (3-4 hours) BIOL 1114, 1113, 1111 |
Quantitative Analysis: MATH 1513-College Algebra | Bus. Core: ECON 2213-Principles of Microeconomics (Social Sciences: Fulfills 3 of 9 hours required) |
Global Perspectives: (3 hours; One course from two different categories or two of same foreign language) | |
Total Hours 17 | Total Hours 15-16 |
Second Year-Fall Semester | Second Year-Spring Semester |
Physical Sciences: : (3-5 hours) SCI 1114, 1113, 1111 | University Studies: UNIV 2091-Gen Ed Capstone |
Humanities: (Select 1) HIST 1113, HUM 2113, PHIL 1013, ENGL 2113 | Humanities: (Select 1) HUM 2333, MUS 2543, 2863, THTR 2763, 2843 |
Life Skills: (Select 1) FIN 2113, HFS 1103, HFS 3113, PSYC 1003, CS 1003, IS 1003 HED 2212, EDUC 4823, PED 4714, or LIBM 4611) | Bus. Core: ACCT 2203-Intro. to Managerial Accounting |
Bus. Core: ACCT 2103-Into. to Financial Accounting | Bus. Core: MATH 3513-Statistical Methods |
Bus. Core: ECON 2313-Principles of Macroeconomics | Bus. Core: MKT 3213-Principles of Marketing |
Social Sciences (3 of 6 Hours Required): (Select 1) POLS 1113 And HIST 1483 or HIST 1493 | Bus. Core: MGMT 3183-Principles of Management |
Total Hours 18-20 | Total Hours 16 |
Third Year-Fall Semester | Third Year-Spring Semester | |
Bus. Core: MGMT 3213-Supply Chain/Operations Management | Bus. Core: IS 3063-Principles of Information Systems | |
Bus. Core: Fin 3213-Principles of Finance | Bus. Core: IS 3113-Business Communications | |
SCM/Tech 3733 Lean Process, Manufacturing & Service* | Bus. Core: BADM 3963-Quantitative Methods | |
Supply Chain Elective (3 hours) | Bus. Core: BLAW 3003-Business Law | |
Free Elective (3 Hours) | SCM/MKT 3553 Purchasing and Inventory Management** | |
Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 15 | |
Fourth Year-Fall Semester | Fourth Year-Spring Semester | |
SCM/Mkt 4353 Marketing Logistics* | Bus. Core: MGMT 4213-Business Policy | |
Supply Chain Elective (6 hours) | SCM 4633 Supply Chain Strategy** | |
Bus/Tech Elective (3 hours) | Supply Chain Elective (6 hours) | |
Free Electives (3 Hours) | | |
Total Hours 15 | Total Hours 12 | |
Total Hours in Course Sequence = 124 Fall only = * Spring only = ** | |