2014-15 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Teacher Education Overview
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Professional Education for Entry-level Educators
Northeastern State University offers several undergraduate degrees in the field of professional teacher education for those seeking teaching credentiasl: Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Music Education, and Bachelor of Science in Education. The Department of Teacher Education serves to facilitate the entire teacher preparation experience by providing course work and clinical experiences to prepare teacher candidates to lead their classrooms and design effective learning experiences for all students.
Curriculum for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Arts in Music Education, and Bachelor of Science in Education consists of three parts. Part I and Part III are common to the requirements for all bachelor degrees. It is Part II in the field of specialization where differences occur in the requirements for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees.
Part I includes a general education program that is prescribed for all students attending this University. Those seeking education degrees should pay particular attention to selection of general education course work since these courses often serve to meet state and national regulations in addition to serving as prerequites to more advanced courses. Part II consists of a field of specialization/major in which the student expects to teach, e.g., art, elementary education, mathematics. The content major requirements are fully explained on those pages dedicated to that particular major. Lastly, Part III consists of courses in professional education providing both theory and practice in materials, methods and teaching techniques.
The Northeastern State University Teacher Education Program is guided by the philosophy that learning is a social transaction and an active, constructive process. The COE believes that in order for social transaction and active learning to occur, professional educators must:
- be well grounded in their content subject area;
- have knowledge of learning and pedagogical theories and be able to put them into practice;
- be able to put their knowledge of best practice to use;
- be knowledgeable, caring, and thoughtful educators who inspire others to be advocates for an educational system that benefits all students;
- be reflective practitioners; and
- continue to refine their pedagogical skills through continued professional development.
The philosophical approach to teaching and learning provides the foundation for the Conceptual Framework that is threaded throughout the NSU Teacher Education Program. NSU prepares professional educators to be Teaching Scholars, Educational Leaders and Developers of Human Potential.
Professional Education Requirements (EC/ELEM/SPED)
Professional Education Requirements (Secondary) - 29 hours
Professional Education Requirements (K-12) - 29 hours
Teacher Education Admission and Certification Policies
In addition to courses in the discipline, all students completing a BA or BS degree in Education degree must meet the following requirements for certification. - Be accepted for admission to teacher education, pre-II internship, and full internship according to published course sequence and guidelines.
- Demonstrate proficiency at the high novice level in a language other than English.
- Develop a portfolio which documents their accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to the competencies, standards, and outcomes established by the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
- Complete all courses in the major and Professional Education Core with a grade of “C” or higher.
- Students entering NSU beginning Fall 2013 must have an overall GPA of 2.75 for admission to teacher education.
- Once admitted to the teacher education program, all majors must continue to maintain a GPA of 2.5 (overall, in their major field of study, and professional education core) through completion with the exception that Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Educaton majors must maintain a GPA of 2.75 (overall, in their major field of study, and professional education) through completion.
- 4 X 12 requirement - Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Special Education programs require completion of 12 semester hours with a grade of “C” or better in the following disciplines: Communication Arts (ENGL, COMM, Literature), Math, Science, and Social Science (ECON, GEOG, HIST, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology) prior to graduation.
Policies of the College of Education
ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: | English proficiency is a graduation requirement. Components I and II of English proficiency should be met with grades of “C” or better prior to the completion of 60 credit hours. | UPPER DIVISION CREDIT: | Total hours must include at least 40 hours of credit in courses number 3000 and above. | LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES: | A minimum of 55 semester credit hours of course work for the BS/BSED degree shall be in the liberal arts and sciences and 80 credit hours of liberal arts and sciences is required for the BA/BAED degree. Liberal Arts and Science courses are designated by a “#” after the course title. | |
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