OSRHE Program Code: 003
CIP Code: 130401
Certificate Code: 3040
- 3060 - Certification only - Principal
- 3070 - Certification only - Superintendent
Specialty Accreditation
NSU’s educator preparation programs at the baccalaureate and master’s levels are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), www.caepnet.org, (1140 19th Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036-1023, 202-223-0077), and/or the Oklahoma Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (840 Research Parkway, Suite 455, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, 405-522-5399), www.ok.gov/oeqa
Credential Requirements
All candidates seeking certification need to take the state certification test for school administration at the completion of the program. There are fees associated with certification testing which is administered by an outside agency under contract with the Oklahoma Office of Educational Quality and Accountability. NSU’s Education Certification office can assist with information regarding university recommendation for certification. If seeking certification in any state other than Oklahoma, it is recommended that individuals contact the appropriate State Department for guidelines so they can be built into the program.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Explore the various roles of a building administrator through applying the skills candidates learn in their courses to their current employment.
- Illustrate an understanding of the role of school administrators from a systems thinking process by examining the numerous variables in place within an effective school system.
- Through various assignments, evaluate and reflect upon their current system based upon best practices and consider changes as needed.
- Think critically about the change process in a school system and how to effectively implement change to increase student achievement by identifying barriers to change and applying best practices to overcome those barriers.
- Obtain licensure for either building (principal) or district (superintendent) level administrator.
Admission and Retention
Students must be admitted to the Graduate College. To progress and complete the steps for certification, students must provide evidence of the following:
- Evidence of Master’s degree (Transcript from issuing educational institution, provided when applying to the Graduate College)
- Evidence of relevant work experience (Company letter, job description, or resume if applicable)
- Evidence of passing certification tests if attempted (Official Certification Test Results)
Certification program must be completed within a time-frame of three (3) years. Students who fail to complete the program within the three-year time-frame forfeit their right to renew their alternative administrative certificate.