Before pursuing a major in music, all students must successfully complete a performance audition for entrance into the applied area of concentration (instrumental, piano, vocal). This requirement must be fulfilled before degree plans can be approved and advisors assigned.
Music majors are required to participate in at least one music ensemble per semester as specified in the individual degree plans. Jazz Studies students are to consult with the Director of Jazz Studies and enroll in MUS 3641 Jazz Ensemble I or MUS 3651 Jazz Ensemble II.
All music majors are required to take MUS 2863 World Music as part of the humanities hours in the general education requirements.
Minimum Grade Requirements (Music) - Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in music courses to be used in either major or minor. Grades lower than a “C” on NSU or transfer credit will not apply for music major or music minor.
All music majors must pass the Junior Standing Jury (except BA Musical Arts and Music Business students) as prescribed by the music area (keyboard, instrumental, vocal) before enrollment in any 4000 level applied music courses. Junior standing is also a prerequisite to MUS 3131, Recital and MUS 4031, Senior Recital.
Students are to declare a major in music by the beginning of their sophomore year. Transfer students are to declare a major in music by the end of their first semester as an NSU student.
At least one-fourth of the total semester hours in the major applied music area must be upper level credit from NSU (except BA Musical Arts and Music Business option students).