Oct 06, 2024  
2016-17 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-17 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Information


Academic Advisement

Academic Policies

Assessment Requirements

Auditing Classes

Classification of Undergraduate Students

Course Credit and Delivery Guidelines

Deficiencies and Developmental Education


English Proficiency - Faculty



Library / Learning Resources

Military Credit

Prior Learning Credit

Retention Standards


Transferring to NSU




Active Military Service

“Students who are members, either officers or enlisted, of the Reserve Components to include the Army and Air National Guard and the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, the Coast Guard Reserves, or any other component of the Armed Forces of the United States, shall, when ordered by the proper authority to active or inactive duty or service, be entitled to a leave of absence for the period of such service without loss of enrollment status. During the first thirty (30) regularly scheduled academic days of such leave during the academic period, the student shall receive consideration for time absent.”

“If a student is called to active or inactive duty or service during a term in which the student has completed an amount of work sufficient to receive a grade, as determined by the university, the university may award a grade to the student and give the student academic credit for the full semester’s work. If the student has not completed an amount of work sufficient to receive a grade, the university may adjust enrollment status in accordance with the policy of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.” (RUSO, 4.2 Military Leave)

The following guidelines governs faculty responsibility toward students who are called to active military duty. These guidelines are not applicable to annual training for reservists or National Guard personnel which fall under regular University absence policies.

  1. Student called to active military duty as a war measure: If the student has attended classes through the twelfth week of a regular semester (at least three-fourths of other terms), the grade earned up to the time he/she is called to duty will be that issued for the course.
  2. Student called to active military duty, but not as a war measure:
    1. A student may withdraw with 100 percent refund;
    2. Instructor may permit an incomplete if the student is making satisfactory progress;
    3. Faculty may allow the student other alternatives.
  3. If student attendance ends prior to twelfth week of classes, a 100 percent refund will be issued.
  4. The student must provide a copy of his/her military orders to the Office of the Registrar before a refund is issued or an incomplete grade contract is processed.
  5. If a student is called to active duty, and stops attending classes without notifying instructors, a grade of “F” will be assigned at the end of the semester.  Subsequently, upon receipt of appropriate documentation, a change of grade may be processed utilizing the Grade Change Procedure.
  6. Refunds are issued within 10-15 days after the student has withdrawn and the account has been credited.  Any military funds are returned to the awarding agency.

Representing NSU

Absences for University-approved functions may be permitted only after the activity sponsor has received authorization (see 10.2.4b). This approval does not excuse students from fulfilling assignments and tests in the course, but authorizes them to receive reasonable accommodations from the instructor in fulfilling the assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor prior to the event to make arrangements for the classes missed.

Once the absence form has been approved, faculty of classes in which students are enrolled will receive an “Absentee Report.” These reports verify that the absence has been approved as a University function. They include the course, student’s name, the activity, and date(s) of absence. An illness or emergency related student absence must be documented through the Office of Student Affairs which will provide notification of the time missed to each affected faculty member.

Faculty are expected to accommodate the student’s schedule by permitting assignments to be handed in or tests taken, early or late; or by making other appropriate adjustments. Faculty may not arbitrarily penalize a student’s grade resulting from University-approved absences.

Academic Advisement


All students receive academic advisement upon admission to Northeastern State University.  During an enrollment appointment, new students will meet with University Advisors to learn about university and departmental requirements, discuss their educational plans, and select courses.

Students who are undeclared, have no preference, or are ineligible to declare their major are advised by University Advisors in the University Advising Center.  Students interested in pursuing careers in pre-professional health, computer science, engineering or music should declare their intent as soon as possible to ensure proper advisement.  Students with declared majors are advised in one of the four college advisement centers by Academic Advisors and within their academic departments by Faculty Advisors.  All Broken Arrow campus students declare their major upon intake with an Academic Advisor.

Because regular consultation with an advisor is critical to student success, NSU will place periodic enrollment holds on all students at key checkpoints to ensure progress toward graduation.

Four-Year Graduation Plan - Northeastern State University is committed to assisting students in meeting their goal of graduation in four years.  Toward that end, NSU has developed a Four-Year Graduation Plan to assist students in planning their progress toward a bachelor’s degree.  Not all degree programs are included in the Four-Year Graduation Plan and some programs have specific criteria that must be met in order for the agreement to be valid.  Students who are interested in this plan should contact the University Advising Center for more information.


Academic Policies


Academic Forgiveness

NSU has adopted a three-part Academic Forgiveness Policy for currently enrolled undergraduate students as outlined in the State Regents’ Grading Policy.  The first part of the policy allows students to repeat a maximum of 4 courses (up to 18 semester hours) of “D” and “F” grades and have only the second grade earned, even if it is lower than the first grade, used in the calculation of overall GPA.  If a student repeats an individual course more than once, all grades earned, with the exception of the first, are used to calculate the GPA.  The second part of the policy allows students to apply for an academic reprieve for up to two consecutive semesters of course work under certain circumstances.  The third part of the policy allows students to renew their academic career after an extended absence under circumstances that warrant a fresh start.  Students may receive no more than one academic reprieve or renewal in the academic career, and only one option (reprieve or renewal) can be used.  Requests for repeated courses, academic reprieve, or academic renewal must be submitted in writing on the appropriate form to the Office of the Registrar at Northeastern State University.  For more information concerning the Academic Forgiveness Policy, contact your advisor or the Office of the Registrar.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct includes cheating (using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise), plagiarism, falsification of records, unauthorized possession of examinations, intimidation, any and all other actions that may improperly affect the evaluation of a student’s academic performance or achievement, or assisting others in any such act or attempts to engage in such acts.  Academic misconduct in any form is inimical to the purposes and functions of the University and therefore is unacceptable and prohibited.

Any faculty member, administrator, or staff member may identify an act of academic misconduct and should report that act to the department head/college dean, Vice President for Academic Affairs or administrative supervisor.

Students violating the standards of academic honesty are subject to disciplinary action including reduction of a grade(s) in a specific course, assignment, paper, or project; a formal or informal reprimand at the professorial, dean, or academic vice president level; expulsion from the class in which the violation occurred; expulsion from a program; or expulsion from the university.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students in all classes are subject to administrative withdrawal.  This may adversely impact financial aid, veteran’s benefits, and/or athletic eligibility; therefore, it is important that students attend class regularly and contact their instructor regarding absences.

Students who enroll in a course or courses and never attend or have poor attendance or participation as determined by the instructor may be administratively withdrawn “AW.”  The administrative withdrawal “AW” can be processed from week six through week twelve of sixteen week courses.  AW deadlines for courses delivered using other schedule formats (eight week, four week, etc.) will be based on the same percentages of completion.

Students who are administratively withdrawn will be responsible for payment and repaying any financial aid received for the course or courses that must be returned to the provider.


If it is necessary for a student to drop a single class, withdraw from a single class, or withdraw completely from all courses at the university, the student must complete the process by doing the following:

  • Drop a single course (on or before the full refund date) - The student can drop via goNSU unless he/she has a hold that impacts registration.  In the case of a hold, contact the Office of the Registrar or the University Advising Center.
  • Withdraw from a single course - The student can withdraw via goNSU unless he/she has a hold that impacts registration.  In the case of a hold, contact the Office of the Registrar or the University Advising Center.
  • Completely withdraw from all courses - The student must complete a Semester Withdrawal form available online.  The form is also available in the Office of the Registrar at the Tahlequah Campus or the Enrollment Services Office at the Broken Arrow or Muskogee campuses.

Drop During Refund Period - if a student drops a class during the refund period, the course will not appear on their academic record. 

Withdrawal Before or During the Twelfth Week - if a student withdraws from a single class or completely from the university after the refund period through the end of the twelfth week of a regular fall or spring semester, the instructor will assign a “W” (withdrew passing) regardless of the student’s progress in the course.  The automatic “W” period for short term classes is prorated at 3/4 time from the start of class.

Withdrawal After the Twelfth Week - If a student withdraws from a single class or completely from the university after the twelfth week (automatic “W” period), the instructor will assign a “W” or “F” depending on the student’s standing in the class at the time of withdrawal.  A “W” will be assigned if the student was passing at the time of withdrawal. An “F” will be assigned if the student was failing at the time of withdrawal.

Drop and withdrawal deadlines are published each semester in the schedule of courses.  Failure to follow the above procedures may have a negative impact on your standing with the university and financial aid status.

Record Holds, Student Obligations, Suspensions

Each student, upon matriculation at the University, assumes an obligation to obey all rules and regulations made by properly constituted authorities.

The University may not release records including transcripts for students who have financial or other obligations to the University, or who are found responsible for not complying with University regulations and policies outlined in the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents of the Regional University System of Oklahoma.

A hold on records or the suspension of a student can be authorized by the President, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, or the Vice President of Student Affairs as outlined in University policies and procedures.

Assessment Requirements

NSU has developed a four part assessment program in conjunction with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s requirements and expectations of the Higher Learning Commission.  All freshmen students scoring below 19 on individual ACT sub-tests in English, Math, Reading, and Science must complete a placement test before enrolling in classes in these areas.  New students will also be asked to participate in a Freshman Survey and Freshman Inventory.  Mid-level general education assessment will occur after students complete between 45 and 70 hours at NSU.  Near the end of the student’s plan of study, outcomes assessment of the major will occur.  Students will be asked to complete a Senior Survey before graduation and may periodically receive an Alumni Survey as part of the assessment plan.

Auditing Classes

Students who wish to audit classes must complete the admissions process and then contact the Office of the Registrar.  Regular enrollment fees are paid for courses that are audited. An auditor may not petition later for academic credit.  A student may not change enrollment from credit to audit after the regular drop and add period.  Students may not attend classes unless they are appropriately admitted to the university and enrolled in the course.

Classification of Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate class standing at the beginning of a semester is determined as follows:

  • Freshman: less than thirty semester hours
  • Sophomore: 30 - 59 semester hours
  • Junior: 60 - 89 semester hours
  • Senior: 90 + semester hours.

A student who does not have an earned degree and is not seeking to complete any degree or certificate program is classified as a Special student.  A student who has an earned degree and is admitted as an undergraduate is classified as a Post Graduate student.

Course Credit and Delivery Guidelines

Course Numbers

Courses numbered in the 1000’s are intended primarily for freshmen, in the 2000’s for sophomores, in the 3000’s for juniors, in the 4000’s for seniors.  4000-level courses which are included in the Graduate Catalog for select graduate programs include a GC in the NOTES section of the course description.  Courses in the 5000’s are graduate courses open only for enrollment to graduate or professional students.

The last digit of a course number indicates the number of semester hours of credit to be earned.  A course number followed by an “L” indicates a non-credit laboratory course associated with a corresponding lecture.

Courses numbers beginning with a “0” indicate remedial work and do not count toward hours earned, hours attempted, accumulated grade point average, or graduation.

Distance Learning (online/blended, ITV)

Distance learning courses at NSU are available in online, blended, or interactive videoconferencing (ITV) formats. Online courses are delivered over the Internet using Blackboard, (NSU’s learning management system) and do not require face to face meetings. Blended courses are delivered through a combination of online and face-to-face formats.  Students come to classes on selected days during the semester and complete the remaining course content and requirements over the Internet using Blackboard. Online (including blended) classes require an equivalent amount of work for each 800 minute clock hour.  To ensure that online classes meet this requirement, the same course syllabus, goals, and learning objectives as those found in the face to face courses are used.  Online courses are reviewed to ensure that the equivalent amount of work and learning is being accomplished.  

Videoconference (ITV) classes at NSU are delivered at the same time in different locations. Videoconference classes are sent or received in collaboration with Tulsa Community College, Carl Albert State College in Poteau, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, University Center in Ponca City, and East Central University in Ada. Some NSU classes are video-conferenced among the Broken Arrow, Muskogee, and Tahlequah campuses.  For more information about the specific courses, check the class schedule listing through goNSU, NSU’s portal page: https://luminis.nsuok.edu

Students may earn credit for courses delivered electronically at Northeastern State University or at one of the approved off-campus locations either through interactive television (ITV), web-based internet (online) or blended (combination of online and face-to-face) formats.  These courses earn regular college credit as specific degree requirements or electives.  For more information on courses delivered by electronic media, student should consult the class schedule and/or instructor listed for those courses designed as ITV, online, or blended.

Face to Face Courses

At NSU, one semester credit is equivalent to a minimum of 800 clock minutes of credit hours, meeting 50 minutes each week for 16 weeks (OSRHE, 3.18.3). Classes taught in lengths less than 16 weeks will have the minutes per session adjusted to equal a total of 800 instructional minutes per credit hour. The vast majority of classes offered at NSU are 3 credit hours. These courses meet 150 minutes per week, either 50 minutes three times a week or 75 minutes twice a week.  To be successful, students should expect to spend additional time outside of formal instructional time for each class at a rate of 2-3 hours per week for each credit hour taken.

Laboratory Credit

Laboratory credit is normally awarded at a rate not to exceed one-half the instructional rate. One semester-hour of credit is normally awarded for completion of a laboratory meeting a minimum of 1600 minutes (100 minutes per week for sixteen weeks).

Semester Load

Full-time Student: To be considered full time, an undergraduate student must be enrolled in at least six (6) hours in a summer session and at least 12 hours in a fall or spring semester.  Zero “0” level courses which are taken to complete a skill or curricular deficiency are counted when considering full-time status of the student for financial aid.  Zero “0” level courses are only counted if completed during the first year when considering full-time status for athletic eligibility.

Normal Load: The average or normal semester enrollment is considered to be 14-19 semester hours of work.  When this amount of credit is regularly earned, it will lead to the completion of all degree requirements in eight semesters or four school years.  Students must earn at least 31 hours of credit per academic year to complete their degrees in four years.

Above Average Load: A student who has demonstrated superior scholastic ability may be approved for a load above the normal.  The semester hour load is determined in conference by the advisor and the student and is based upon the student’s past performance.  Students approved for an overload may enroll in more than 19 hours during a fall or spring semester and more than nine (9) hours during the summer term.  In no case shall the maximum load exceed one and one-half times the number of weeks in a given semester. (Oklahoma State Regents regulation, January 31, 1977). This maximum load figure is a combined number of hours from NSU, including online and arranged classes, plus hours from any other college or university that the student attends during the semester.  Graduate students should refer to the Graduate Catalog for information on semester loads. Intersession classes count as part of the load for the semester that they precede.

Students on Probation:  An undergraduate student who is on academic probation or academic notice will be restricted to no more than 16 credit hours in a fall or spring semester (this includes intersession classes).

Deficiencies and Developmental Education

Curricular Deficiencies

Students entering NSU with a high school deficiency must successfully remediate the deficiency within the first 24 hours attempted.  Otherwise, all subsequent enrollments will be restricted to deficiency removal courses until all deficiencies are removed.  Students must complete zero level courses with a grade of ‘C’ or better or score appropriately on placement tests in order to remove the deficiency.

Placement Retesting Policy for Developmental Classes

Students are encouraged to take the placement tests well before classes begin so they can study and retest, if necessary, to attempt to avoid taking developmental classes.  Students must wait a minimum of thirty days after taking placement tests before they are eligible to retest.  The student must be within 10 points of passing in order to retest and will only be allowed to retest twice.  Once classes begin, only exceptional circumstances will warrant retesting, and the student must seek approval from the instructor teaching the class to be retested in that subject area.


To be eligible to represent the university in any intercollegiate contest, university-sponsored activity, or otherwise use the name of the Northeastern State University, a student must be currently enrolled and in good standing with the university (not owing money or on conduct probation) and meet the requirements of the sponsoring organization/activity.

English Proficiency - Faculty

Oklahoma Statutes 70 O.S. §3224 and §3225 (2001) provide that all instructors, including all graduate teaching assistants, now employed or being considered for employment at institutions within the State System shall be proficient in speaking the English language so that they may adequately instruct students. (OSRHE 3.24)

Exceptions include the instruction of courses that are designed to be taught predominantly in a foreign language and elective, special arrangement courses such as individualized instruction and independent study courses.

Complaints - Students who have a concern regarding the English proficiency of an instructor should talk first with the department chair.  If the issue is not resolved, the student may speak with the dean, and if the issue is not resolved at the dean’s level, the student may contact Academic Affairs.  Students may file a formal complaint using the Student Complaint Form, accessible at http://offices.nsuok.edu/Portals/17/Student%20Complaint%20Form.revised.6.26.12%20%281%29.pdf


Students register for classes online via goNSU during the times listed in the schedule of classes each semester.  All fees for enrollment must be paid before the first day of classes. Students may not attend classes unless they are appropriately admitted to the university and enrolled in the course.

Each student is assigned a University Advisor or Academic Advisor who will assist the student with planning a class schedule each semester.  The student is responsible for the correctness of classes selected to meet degree program requirements.  Academic advisement and enrollment services for entering freshmen and new transfer students are provided during a new student enrollment session.

The university reserves the right to discontinue class in a section for which there is insufficient enrollment, to create new sections to which students may be transferred, and to reassign instructors for scheduled sections whenever the necessity of the university requires.

Late Enrollment

Late registration is permitted for one week after classes begin in the regular semester and for three days in the summer session.  A fee of $10.00 for late enrollment is charged.  The academic advisor will determine when the semester-hour load should be reduced due to a late enrollment


Grading and GPA

For the purpose of distinguishing between the ranks of scholastic attainment, the following grading system is used at NSU.  To calculate your GPA, 1. Convert each grade to its numeric equivalent using the listing below.  2. Multiply each class grade by the number of credits earned.  For example: 3.0 (B) x 4.0 (credits) = 12   Finally, divide the number by total credits attempted.  This is your GPA.


A - Excellent, 4 grade points each semester hour

B - Above average, 3 grade points each semester hour

C - Average, 2 grade points each semester hour

D - Below average, 1 grade point each semester hour

F - Failure, no grade points

I - Incomplete, GPA neutral

An Incomplete grade may be used at the instructor’s discretion to indicate that a substantial portion of the required course work for the semester has been completed, but that additional work is needed to complete a course.  It is not a substitute for an “F,” and no student may be failing a course at the time an “I” grade is awarded.  Requiring students to repeat a course to remove an “I” grade is not permitted.  Students must resolve the incomplete grade by the date agreed upon by the student and instructor which shall be no more than one calendar year from when the incomplete grade was awarded “I” grades not changed by the instructor to a credit-bearing grade or an “F” within the one year period will remain as a permanent “I” and not contribute to the student’s GPA.  In extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be requested through the dean of the academic college that awarded the grade.

 P - Passing, no grade points, GPA neutral

NP - Not passing, no grade points, GPA neutral

S - Satisfactory, no grade points, GPA neutral

U - Unsatisfactory, no grade points, GPA neutral

W - Withdrawal, no grade points, GPA neutral

With a withdrawal, the credit hours of the course are not counted in calculating a student’s grade point average.  The automatic withdrawal grade of “W” will be assigned to all students for classes from which they officially withdraw or completely withdraw from the University BEFORE OR AT twelve weeks after classes begin during a regular (Fall or Spring) semester regardless of the student’s progress in the course at that time.  For any drop or withdrawal accepted after this deadline, a “W” or “F” will be assigned depending upon the student’s standing in the class and the institution’s stated withdrawal policy.  If an “F” grade is assigned, it is calculated in the student’s GPA; the “W” grade is GPA neutral.

AW - Administrative Withdrawal, GPA neutral

Administrative Withdrawal may be assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs to indicate that a student has been “involuntarily” withdrawn by the institution during the designated semester for disciplinary reasons, financial reasons, inadequate attendance, or inadequate participation in a course.  Formal institutional procedures for administrative withdrawal will be followed.  Administrative withdrawals are GPA neutral.

AU - Audit - Grade not reported, GPA neutral

Audit status is used for the student not interested in obtaining a course grade, but who is enrolled simply to get course information.

NA - Non-attendance, GPA neutral (prior to fall 2016)

Non-Attendance Withdrawal may be assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs to indicate that a student has been “involuntarily” withdrawn by the institution during the designated semester for complete non-attendance in a course.  Formal institutional procedures for non-attendance withdrawals will be followed.  Non-Attendance withdrawals are GPA neutral

X - Graduate thesis or dissertation in progress, GPA neutral 

Grades followed by an additional character indicate the work was completed as follows: 

1 - Correspondence

2 - Physical education activity

3 - CLEP

4 - Advanced placement

5 - Military

6 - Advanced standing

7 - Prior Learning Assessment (exam or portfolio)


Z - Remedial “0” level

Grade Reports

Mid-term grades will be posted for all freshmen, sophomores, student athletes, students receiving veteran’s benefits, and students on academic notice or probation.  Final grade reports may be accessed via goNSU. 

Grade Corrections

A faculty member may initiate a change of grade after grades have been submitted to the registrar’s office provided that:

  1. Justification for the grade change is made in writing to the Dean and attached to the “Change of Grade Form,” and
  2. The change is submitted within the first eight weeks of the semester following awarding of the original grade.

Once a degree is conferred, the registrar’s office will not process a grade change.

Grade Appeals

A student may petition a grade change by using the Grade Appeals Process if satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved after consultation with the instructor and/or Dean.  The Grade Appeals Process must be formally initiated with a written appeal to the Dean within four months following awarding of the original grade.  Please contact the dean of the college in which the grade was given for a copy of the grade appeals process.

Honor Roll

Each semester, Northeastern State University recognizes students who have achieved superior academic performance through being named to the President’s Honor Roll and the Dean’s Honor Roll.  To be eligible for such recognition the student must be an undergraduate (who has not earned a degree) and meet one of the criteria below:

President’s Honor Roll
- A minimum of 12 hours of regularly graded NSU undergraduate, 1000-4999 level, course work (hours from Pass-Fail and “0” level classes are not included)
- A minimum grade point average of 4.00 with no grade below an “A”

Dean’s Honor Roll
- A minimum of 12 hours of regularly graded NSU undergraduate, 1000-4999 level course work (hours from Pass-Fail and “0” level classes are not included)
- A minimum grade point average of 3.50 with no grade below a “B”


NSU provides both physical and online library services.  Physical library facilities are available at all campuses: Tahlequah, Broken Arrow, and Muskogee.  Library services include coordinated acquisitions, cataloging, reference, circulation, instruction, and interlibrary loan.  For more information concerning the resources, services, and policies of NSU libraries, please visit our home page at HYPERLINK “http://library.nsuok.edu/index.html

The John Vaughan Library at the Tahlequah campus is a three-story, 120,000 square foot facility.  It contains over 1.2 million physical items including over 400,000 books, bound periodicals, and cataloged Government Documents; 3,903 cartographic items; 56,766 graphic materials; 3,965 computer files; 13,004 audio-visual materials; 763,761 microforms; and 5,743 subscriptions.  The library houses a special collection of Native American heritage materials and an archival collection of local, county, and university records and historical photographs.

The library facilities on the Broken Arrow campus offer students an environment that is conducive to individual or group study and research.  The library houses a growing collection of print and electronic information resources as well as access to all library materials physically housed at other NSU campuses through courier and interlibrary loan.  In addition to individualized reference services, librarians provide library instruction classes in two library computer labs.

The Muskogee campus library includes reference, reserve, and circulating collections in traditional paper format.  Library staff members provide reference, circulation, interlibrary loan, and instruction in the use of library resources.  The library provides a document delivery service from the Tahlequah collection and the Internet base collections are available to all students 24/7. 

The libraries also provide access to online resources and services that are available to all students and faculty from the Internet at HYPERLINK “http://library.nsuok.edu/index.html.”  Online services currently include Internet access to over 140 databases containing a wide variety of information resources including electronic books; full text journals; journal indexes; electronic versions of reference books in a variety of subject areas; online maps, test information, design images, etc.  The growing electronic book collection contains over 42,000 titles.  The library provides access to a collection of almost 47,000 Internet based journal titles.


Military Credit

Veterans who have honorably served in the armed forces of the United States for a minimum of one year continuous full-time active duty military service may be given credit for basic military training of up to six semester hours of lower division credit which will be recorded as 3 hours of H ED 1113, Personal Health, and 3 hours of Physical Education. Prior learning credit for courses completed in military training schools may be granted as recommended by the American Council on Education in the Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services upon approval of the Academic Department Chair and Dean of the college.  To obtain credit, veterans must provide official copies of their DD-214 separation papers and official documents attesting to satisfactory completion of all armed forces special training schools.  Military credit will be placed on the permanent record only after it is validated by the successful completion of twelve (12) or more semester hours of academic work at Northeastern State University.


Prior Learning Credit

“Prior Learning” is acquired outside the sponsorship of legally authorized postsecondary and higher education institutions accredited as degree-granting institutions. The term applies to learning acquired from, but not limited to, work and life experiences, non-degree granting institutions professional training, military training, or open source learning. (OSRHE Policy.3.15).  Students eligible to receive credit for prior learning must be enrolled or eligible to re-enroll before NSU will review prior learning requests and award credit.  Credit awarded to a student for prior learning must be validated by successful completion of 12 or more semester hours at NSU before being placed on the student’s official transcript.

Prior learning credit may be earned at Northeastern State University through these means:

  • Standardized examinations such as College Board Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
  • Degree-relevant prior learning credit awarded and transcripted by other institutions accredited as degree-granting institutions.
  • Assessment of individual student portfolios using Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) or other standardized guidelines.
  • Higher level courses in the International Baccalaureate Organization Diploma Program.
  • Institutionally prepared assessments.

Neither the ACT nor the SAT is utilized for awarding credit.

Credit awarded for prior learning may be applied to a degree program subject to meeting the requirements of the institution conferring the degree.  NSU only awards credit for prior learning in programs for which it is approved to offer by the State Regents. NSU assigns its  own course title and number to the credit awarded and the neutral grades of pass (P) or satisfactory (S) is utilized to designate credit awarded for prior learning. Conventional letter grades are NOT used. All awarded credit for prior learning is identified by source and method on the transcript.

The amount of prior learning credit which may be awarded shall not exceed one-fourth of the total semester hours required for graduation or a maximum of 30 hours.  Prior learning credit, once recorded and validated at an institution in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, is usually transferable on the same basis as if the credit had been earned through regular study at the awarding institution and subject to the same conditions as other credit from these campuses.

Charges for transcripting prior learning credit are assessed.  Please see the Fees, Expenses, Financial Aid   page for more information.  For more information on prior learning credit, write, call, or email the Office of the Registrar, Northeastern State University, 701 North Grand Avenue, Tahlequah, OK 74464-2399, (918) 444-2208 (registrar@nsuok.edu).


Retention Standards


High school students concurrently enrolled in college courses may continue concurrent enrollment in subsequent semesters if they achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale and receive no grade of F.

Freshmen students with fewer than 30 credit hours, with a GPA of 1.7 to less than 2.0 will be placed on academic notice.

All students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA for the duration of his/her college experience with the exception of freshmen on academic notice and academic probation.

A student will be placed on academic probation if she/he fails to meet:

  Credit Hours Attempted Cumulative GPA Requirement*
  Fewer than 30 semester credit hours 1.7
  30 or more semester credit hours 2.0

*All courses in which a student has a recorded grade will be counted in the calculation of the grade-point average for retention purposes excluding any courses repeated or reprieved as detailed in the State Regents’ Grading Policy and excluding remedial/developmental (pre-college) courses and physical education activity courses.

A student who achieved a grade point average of 2.0 or above in regularly-graded course work, not to include activity or performance courses, during the last semester enrolled will be allowed to continue as a student regardless of the cumulative grade point average.

Academic Probation and Suspension: Any student not maintaining satisfactory progress toward academic objectives will be placed on probation for one semester.  At the end of that semester, the student must have a semester GPA of 2.0 in regularly-graded course work, not to include activity or performance courses, or meet the minimum cumulative GPA standard required above, in order to continue as a student.  Students not meeting either of these criteria will be suspended and may not be reinstated until one regular semester (fall or spring) has elapsed.  At that time, the student may petition the Admission Appeals Committee for readmission consideration.

Students suspended in the spring semester may attend, at the discretion of the suspending institution, the summer session immediately following spring suspension.  However, such students may enroll only in core academic courses which meet the general education requirements or degree requirements.  Only students under first-time suspension status at the suspending institution are eligible.  To continue in that fall semester, such students must achieve a 2.0 or better semester GPA or raise their retention GPA to the required level.

The administration at NSU realizes that there are times when extenuating circumstances prohibit a student from making satisfactory progress during his/her probationary semester. The appeals process allows for the examination of each individual situation where a student feels special consideration should be granted.  A decision is then made as to whether extenuating circumstances do exist.

Suspension Appeals: Students wishing to petition the committee must submit an application for admission and a Suspension Appeals form to the Office of Admissions.  Applications for admission and appeals forms are due by July 15 for consideration for the Fall semester, November 15 for the Spring semester and April 15 for Summer term.  The student may be required to appear before the committee.  Denial will be automatic for non-attendance.

The petition may be approved for probationary readmission if, in the best judgment of the committee, conditions appear to be favorable for the student to regain satisfactory progress. Such students are readmitted on probationary status and must maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester while on probation or raise their cumulative GPA to the designated level.  Should a student be suspended a second time, she/he cannot return until she/he has demonstrated the ability to succeed by attending another institution and raising his/her cumulative GPA to the retention standards.

A senior who has failed to meet the graduation/retention grade point average of 2.0 may request to enroll in an additional 15 semester hours in a further attempt to achieve the requirements for graduation.  Students may take up to 15 semester hours in one semester or if the student takes less than 15 semester hours, they must maintain the current retention standards of achieving an overall GPA of 2.0 for that semester in order to continue.  Students may apply for the “Senior Rule” extension through the Office of the Registrar. Such students will be afforded this extension one time only.

Academic Standing, once posted to the transcript for a semester, will not be changed due to subsequently applied academic forgiveness.



Students may obtain an official copy (transcript) of their NSU academic record stamped “issued to student” or request that an official copy be mailed to another college or other places by submitting a signed Transcript Request form to the Office of the Registrar or online via goNSU. Students are charged a one-time twenty-five dollar record fee during their first semester of attendance and; thereafter, transcript copies are free.  A maximum of five (5) copies per day are available when picking them up in person or ten (10) copies per day when they are sent through the mail.  Official transcripts reflecting most recent grades earned will be available one week following the conclusion of the term.


Transferring to NSU

Community Colleges

Articulation agreements exist between Northeastern State University and the community colleges in Oklahoma.  Acceptance of credits for comparable courses completed in the community colleges toward degree requirements at NSU have been previously determined and mutually established in the articulation agreements.  Credit for acceptable work completed in two-year community colleges is applicable up to the first sixty-four hours of degree programs at NSU.  Students transferring from a community college must complete at least sixty hours from a four-year college or university to meet baccalaureate degree requirements.

Other Colleges and Universities

 Undergraduate semester hour credits earned at another college or university are accepted for credit and advanced standing toward an undergraduate degree program offered at Northeastern State University under the following provisions:

1.The credit hours must have been earned in courses offered at a college or university that has been fully accredited by an accrediting agency within the association of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

2.A grade must be designated to each course completed and the grade must be measurable and comparable in terms of the grading system used at Northeastern State University. Only courses completed in which semester hour credit has been designated with grades assigned can be considered for transfer.

3.The course completed must be measurable and comparable in terms of credit hours, subject, content, level of instruction and study, clock hours of required class participation, meeting times and attendance, instructor clock hours, examinations required, and grading system to the same criteria for a course offered at Northeastern State University.

4. Prerequisites for the course completed must be comparable to the prerequisites for a course offered at Northeastern State University.

5. Courses completed must be designated at the previous institution on the same level of instruction within the catalog as that offered at Northeastern State University in terms of first year, second year, third year, or fourth year to be accepted as comparable to a course offered at Northeastern State University.  Course equivalencies are determined by the appropriate departments.  NSU awards credit based on the level at which the course is taught at the transferring institution. Lower division (1000-2000) coursework cannot be used to satisfy upper division (3000-4000) credit hour requirements for graduation. However, the content is transferable so a 2000 level course, for example, may be used to meet a 3000 level course requirement in the major. 

6. The student must have status at the previous college or university in good standing, i.e., not on academic or disciplinary suspension when accepted for admission to Northeastern State University, and must have been a candidate for an associate or a baccalaureate degree in the previous college or university at the time of transfer.

7. The student must be pursuing only one baccalaureate degree at any college or university at the time of transfer and during study for a degree from Northeastern State University, and the same courses completed for a degree previously earned cannot be applied toward the same degree program or type of degree at Northeastern State University.

8. A maximum of 64 hours of credit for acceptable and comparable courses completed in two-year community colleges is applicable toward degree programs at Northeastern State University.

9. The amount of prior learning credit which may be awarded shall not exceed one-fourth of the total semester hours required or a maximum of 30 hours.  In the computation of the total amount of credit that may be earned, hours taken through correspondence and extension methods, whether taken at NSU or another institution, shall be considered as having been earned through the prior learning credit mechanism.

10. Students transferring from universities which are not fully accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting association are eligible to enroll at Northeastern State University provided they meet the undergraduate and/or graduate admission requirements as listed in the current Northeastern State University catalog.

11.  International transfer students must have a minimum of 24 semester hours earned with passing grades and a minimum Test Of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 500/61 (IELTS 5.5).  International students who have met the 24 credit hour transfer criteria must provide official transcripts from colleges or universities previously attended.  If credit was earned outside the United States, Canada or U.K., prospective students will also need to submit a course by course credential evaluation (e.g. WES - World Education Services or ECE - Educational Credit Evaluators) before any credit can be transferred and posted to your Northeastern State University transcript.

12. Final determination on credits accepted for transfer to Northeastern State University shall be made by the Registrar of the University under the authority of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.