Oct 16, 2024  
2019-20 NSU Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-20 NSU Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]




  • ANTH 4143 - American Indians Today #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Current social issues affecting Native American peoples are linked to their unique Constitutional relationship to the U.S. Federal Government. Using the ethno-historic method, this class links current Indian issues to Native American history, through an examination of Indian-white relations since Colonial times. Sovereignty and wardship are recurrent themes developed in the class.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4143, SOC 4143.
    Note: Credit can only be earned in one of the following: AIS 4143, ANTH 4143, SOC 4143. GC
  • ANTH 4153 - Archaeology of North America #

    CIP Code:

    Description: The archaeology of native North America, with emphasis on major phases of prehistory, from passage across the Bering Straits theory, to early protohistoric horizons. Emphasis on material culture and life ways through ethnographic analogy. The course begins with the history of American archaeology. Topics include: introduction to archaeology; history of North American archaeology: Paleo-Indians; the Archaic period; the Southwest; Woodland traditions.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4153, SOC 4153.
    Note: Credit can only be earned in one of the following: AIS 4153, ANTH 4153, SOC 4153. GC
  • ANTH 4163 - The Magical Worldview #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A cross-cultural and comparative exploration of religion, magic, and supernatural belief systems. Emphasis is also placed on indigenous religions of the Western hemisphere. The course examines how religion permeates other aspects of society and culture. Topics include: the anthropology of religion; symbolism, myth, ritual, and taboo; shamans, priests, and prophets; the religious use of drugs; witchcraft, sorcery, and evil; demons, exorcism, divination, and magic, ghosts, souls, and ancestors-power of the dead; crisis cults.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4163, SOC 4163.
    Note: Credit can only be earned in one of the following: AIS 4163, ANTH 4163, SOC 4163.
  • ANTH 4173 - Indians of the Plains #

    CIP Code:

    Description: The course, an examination of the Great Plains from the earliest human occupation to present, focuses on the pre-Columbian Plains from an archaeological perspective, and the post-contact period, from an ethnological perspective.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4173, SOC 4173.
    Note: Credit can only be earned in one of the following: AIS 4173, ANTH 4173, SOC 4173. GC
  • ANTH 4183 - Ancient Mesoamerica#

    CIP Code:

    Description: The archaeology and ethnography of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, which includes present-day Mexico and Central America. An examination of the major civilizations: Olemec, Maya, Teotihuacan, Toltec, and Aztec. Time periods covered from earliest inhabitants to early contact with Europeans after 1502.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4183, SOC 4183.
    Note: Credit can only be earned in one of the following: AIS 4183, ANTH 4183, SOC 4183. GC
  • ANTH 4223 - Culture and Personality #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A study of the social development of the individual and the influence of the cultural environment on the development of the human personality, which is considered as both the product and the carrier of culture.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ANTH 4253 - Anthropology and Medicine #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A study of human biological development, culture, and evolution based on relationships to infectious disease; the examination of indigenous, traditional, and Western medical systems; and applied anthropology in clinical settings.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4253.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 4253 and ANTH 4253.
  • ANTH 4373 - American Indian Spirituality #

    CIP Code:

    Description: An exploration of spirituality and the religious traditions of the Indigenous peoples of North and Central America. Topics include: American Indian religions; creation myths; cosmography and power; the acquisition and maintenance of power; the manifestation of power; new religions.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 4373, SOC 4373.
    Note: Credit can only be earned in one of the following: AIS 4373, ANTH 4373, SOC 4373. GC
  • ANTH 4833 - Aging in Other Cultures #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A comparative overview of human aging in societies around the world. Particular attention is given to aging in the American Indian, Black, Hispanic subcultures in modern America.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: SOC 4833.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ANTH 4833 and SOC 4833.
  • ANTH 4910 - Independent Study #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Individual research or reading project. Content of course will vary with needs and interest of those who enroll.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of three credit hours.


  • ART 1100 - Special Topics in Art #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Supervised field study in art history or studio work on location. Involves travel to museums, art centers, and/or artistic sites, as well as seminars or special projects in art.

    Credit Hours: 1-2
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of three credit hours.
  • ART 1173 - Computer Applications in Art #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to computer programs used by artists and graphic designers. Training in use of professional software and hardware.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 1203 - Fundamentals of Art I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to design. Emphasis on composition with line, shape, texture, and value. Supervised studio training in basic principles with experimentation in different media.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 1213 - Drawing I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to basic drawing skills and techniques through the use of a variety of media.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 1233 - 2D Design #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to the principles and fundamentals of two-dimensional design using various media. Emphasis placed on developing creative solutions to a series of design projects.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: VCOM 1233.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 1233 and VCOM 1233.
  • ART 1253 - Color I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to basic color theory and the use of color in design and painting. Supervised studio experimentation with color in several media.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1213 Drawing I and ART 1233 2D Design.
  • ART 1273 - Graphic Design I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: An overview of graphic design history, visual principles, and tools used by graphic designers. Analysis and production of designs for varying media.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art, Art 1233 2D Design, and ART 1253 Color I.
    Cross-listed: VCOM 1273.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 1273 and VCOM 1273.
  • ART 2003 - Drawing II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Expanded exploration of drawing techniques using a variety of media.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1213 Drawing I, and ART 1233 2D Design.
  • ART 2023 - Art Appreciation #

    CIP Code: 500701

    Description: Students will learn how to evaluate art and appreciate and understand the special characteristics of key artistic movements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: HUM 2333.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 2023 and HUM 2333.
  • ART 2033 - Native American Art #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to some of the prehistoric and historic artistic traditions (in a multitude of media) of various North American cultural regions, including the Southeast, the Pueblo Southwest, California, the Northwest Coast, the Far North, and the Plains. Slide lecture and discussion.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 2033.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 2033 and ART 2033.
  • ART 2103 - Crafts I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Information, methods, activities and materials appropriate for craftsmen and teachers of crafts. Study of craft history, studio safety, sources, and appropriate uses of materials and tools. Problems in creative design and production in various craft media.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 2173 - Graphic Design II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced production of designs for varying media using professional graphics software. Problems dealing with traditional print design as well as introduction to web and motion-based design.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art, ART 1233 2D Design, ART 1253 Color I and, ART 1273 Graphic Design I.
  • ART 2333 - 3D Design #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to the principles and fundamentals of three-dimensional design using various media and techniques. Emphasis placed on developing creative solutions to a series of design projects.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 2413 - Watercolor I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to watercolor techniques, composition and creative applications.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 1213 Drawing I, ART 1233 2D Design, and ART 1253 Color I.
  • ART 2423 - Art Materials #

    CIP Code:

    Description: An introduction to techniques and processes. Supervised study using a variety of natural and fabricated materials in projects of original design.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 2443 - Sculpture I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Creative approach to sculpture techniques and form exploration in a variety of media with studio supervision.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 2333 3D Design.
  • ART 2510 - Applied Design

    CIP Code:

    Description: Supervised studio units selected from various media.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated with different topics for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • ART 3003 - Jewelry I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Basic techniques of jewelry and metal design. Techniques cover materials, tools, metals and equipment. Work executed by modeling, cutting, soldering and casting.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3013 - Native American Arts and Crafts #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of and projects in traditional Native American Arts and Crafts.  Utilizing appropriate techniques and materials.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: AIS 3013.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both AIS 3013 and ART 3013.
  • ART 3103 - Introduction to Photography #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to fine art photography. Students will learn how and why photography works as they understand basic camera operation, the principals of composition, the materials and processes used in photography, and exposure and developing techniques.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: VCOM 3103.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 3103 and VCOM 3103.
  • ART 3123 - Figure Drawing I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to fundamental skills and techniques of figure drawing from a live model.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1213 Drawing I, ART 1233 2D Design, and ART 2003 Drawing II with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3173 - Illustration #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to the basic visual principles, tools and techniques used by professional illustrators. Analysis and production of illustrations using a variety of media. Emphasis on design, craftsmanship, originality and suitability for the intended audience.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1213 Drawing I, and ART 1233 2D Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3213 - Art History Survey I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: The history and development of art, architecture, sculpture and other visual arts from prehistoric to Renaissance.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: HUM 3213.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 3213 and HUM 3213.
  • ART 3223 - Art History Survey II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Survey of Art History from Renaissance to mid-nineteenth century.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: HUM 3223.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 3223 and HUM 3223.
  • ART 3243 - Figure Drawing II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Extended exploration of figure drawing with increased emphasis on creativity and expression.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3123 Figure Drawing I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3273 - Identity Systems #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced problems in the design process and concept development of corporate identity, collateral design and branding theories.  Course also surveys case studies of major brand developments and failures.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3353 Typography and ART 3853 Publication Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3323 - Painting I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to the use of oil or acrylic paint.   Supervised studio development of individual expression in form and color.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1213 Drawing I, ART 1233 2D Design, and ART 1253 Color I with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Junior standing or above.
  • ART 3353 - Typography #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to typography - the art of designing with type. Study of the general history and aesthetics of type and letterforms. Introduction to digital typesetting on the computer.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art and ART 1233 2D Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3401 - Honors Research I

    CIP Code:

    Description: Topic identification and literature review for scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above.
  • ART 3402 - Honors Research II

    CIP Code:

    Description: Research and development of scholarly activity.

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3401 Honors Research I.
    Restrictions: Honors student with junior standing or above.
  • ART 3413 - Painting II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Extended exploration of painting skills and techniques with increased emphasis on creativity and expression.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3323 Painting I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3423 - Ceramics I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Supervised work with clay in several building processes. Experimentation in glazing and kiln firing.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3433 - Ceramics II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continuation of ART 3423, Ceramics I, with an emphasis on advanced wheel thrown techniques and handbuilding processes. Experimentation in advanced glazing procedures.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3423 Ceramics I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3443 - Sculpture II#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continuation of ART 2443, Sculpture I, with an emphasis on advanced skills and techniques of sculpture using a variety of materials.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 2333 3D Design and ART 2443 Sculpture I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3533 - Watercolor II#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continued study of watercolor techniques with an increased emphasis on individual expression.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 2413 Watercolor I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3542 - Elementary Art Education

    CIP Code:

    Description: Information, methods, activities, materials, and tools appropriate for teachers of arts and crafts at the elementary (K-6) level.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3563 - Printmaking #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to design and processes using relief and intaglio printmaking techniques. Study of the history of printmaking and its relation to current graphic design practices.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 1213 Drawing I and ART 1233 2D Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3573 - Photoshop #

    CIP Code:

    Description: In-depth, hands-on training using the image editing software package Adobe Photoshop. This course will cover all the major professional uses of Photoshop, including color manipulation and correction, compositing of multiple images, and the preparation of image files for multiple uses such as print and web design.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3583 - Silkscreen #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Supervised projects in the fine art applications of silkscreen printing. Experimentation with a variety of techniques and design approaches.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3663 - Mural Painting #

    CIP Code:

    Description: An introduction to the history of mural painting and the design and execution of a large scale mural project.  An emphasis will be placed on practical issues and application including the materials, equipment, business practices, funding and promotion associated with the creation of a mural. Students will assist in the painting of the mural.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1213 Drawing I, ART 1233 2D Design, and ART 1253 Color I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3673 - History of Graphic Design #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Comprehensive survey of graphic design from ancient history to the current.  Course will cover important milestones from the invention of moveable type, creation of the Bauhaus and the effects of the internet.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3853 - Publication Design #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced production of multi-page documents, such as books and periodicals. Problems dealing with page flow and information layout, and advanced study of page layout software.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art, ART 1233 2D Design, ART 1273 Graphic Design I, ART 2173 Graphic Design II, and ART  3353 Typography with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 3873 - Design Theory #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Lecture course in current trends and design psychology.  Course surveys psychological aspects of basic design aesthetics such as gestalt, semiotics, color as well as cultural shifts towards specific aesthetic trends.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 3973 - Advertising Campaign #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced studio projects exploring advertising design, concepts, aesthetics and utilizing contemporary advertising media formats.  Course also surveys case studies of both major and cutting-edge advertising campaigns.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3353 Typography and ART 3853 Publication Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4010 - Special Media #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Experimentation in special media and creative expression in innovative art forms.

    Credit Hours: 1-3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Any combination of courses in this series may be repeated, using different media, for a maximum of six credit hours.
  • ART 4033 - Figure Drawing III #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced development of the skills and techniques of objective drawing from a human model.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3243 Figure Drawing II with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4073 - Multimedia Design #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Introduction to designing interactive and time-based media for delivery on internet, television and other media. Analysis and production of designs for multiple media delivery systems. Study and development of navigation systems, information flow and interactivity.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art, ART 1233 2D Design, ART 1273 Graphic Design I,  and ART 3353 Typography with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4083 - Multimedia Design II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced production of designs for varying media using professional graphics software.  Problems dealing with traditional print design as well as introduction to web and motion-based design. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art, ART 1233 2D Design , ART 1273 Graphic Design I,  and ART 3353 Typography with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4123 - Painting III #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Supervised advanced study of materials, techniques, and composition with an emphasis on creativity and expression.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3323 Painting I, and ART 3413 Painting II with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4133 - Painting IV #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced study of concepts, materials and techniques in oils, acrylic or other contemporary painting materials.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 4123 Painting III with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4173 - Web Graphics I #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Basic design and web aesthetic concepts, nomenclature, software, and processes used in the design and creation of websites.  Includes introduction to HTML, CSS and optimization issues.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 1173 Computer Applications in Art and ART 1233 2D Design with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4203 - Advanced Photography

    CIP Code:

    Description: A course designed to familiarize students with advanced photographic techniques and to develop photo skills comparable to that of the professional photographer. Student must furnish a 35mm single lens reflex camera or equivalent plus film and photographic paper.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 4233 - Secondary Art Education

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of the functions of art in secondary (7-12) schools; curricula in art education; supervised experimentation in media and teaching methods.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3542 Elementary Art Education with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Junior standing or above.
  • ART 4273 - Web Graphics II #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced exercises and problem solving in creating information architecture, user navigation and graphic layouts along with an introduction to motion graphics and the motion editing software Adobe Flash.  The course includes a survey of common flash formats which include web banners, web site creation, slide shows and kiosk interfaces.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 4173 Web Graphics I with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4283 - History of American Art #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A comprehensive survey of North American painting, sculpture, architecture and minor arts from the Colonial Period to the present. Ethnic influences, European foundations, and uniquely American traditions in the arts will be emphasized.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 4303 - Individual Studio: Painting

    CIP Code:

    Description: Opportunity for advanced and graduate art majors to continue the study of painting after completing Painting I-III. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 4123 Painting III with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Instructor permission.
  • ART 4323 - Individual Studio: 2D Design

    CIP Code:

    Description: Advanced study in the student’s choice of pictorial media after completing a basic course in that specific area.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: One course in the area with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Instructor permission.
  • ART 4401 - Honors Research IV

    CIP Code:

    Description: All enrolled students will present their scholarly activity.  All other students are expected to attend.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 4402 Honors Research III.
    Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing.
  • ART 4402 - Honors Research III

    CIP Code:

    Description: Completion of honors thesis, artistic composition or other scholarly activity. 

    Credit Hours: 2
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3402 Honors Research II.
    Restrictions: Honors student with senior standing.
  • ART 4403 - Lithography #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Supervised hand processes, technique and design in the fine art medium of plate and stone lithography. Studies involve artistic design preparations, lithographic stone processes, press operations and editioning.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 1213 Drawing I and ART 3563 Printmaking with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4423 - Individual Studio: Ceramics

    CIP Code:

    Description: Provides for advanced and graduate art majors to continue study in ceramics after completing the required course.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 3423 Ceramics I with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Instructor permission.
  • ART 4443 - Individual Studio: Sculpture

    CIP Code:

    Description: Independent projects to further the skill of advanced and graduate students after having completed a first course in the medium.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: Art 2443 Sculpture I with a minimum grade of C.
    Restrictions: Instructor permission.
  • ART 4453 - Contemporary Art History #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Continuation of ART 3213 Art History Survey I and ART 3223 Art History Survey II. From late nineteenth century to the present.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Cross-listed: HUM 4453.
    Note: Credit cannot be earned in both ART 4453 and HUM 4453.
  • ART 4463 - Sculpture III #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Experimentation and creative design in sculpture media. Study and production of sculptural works using advanced techniques and processes.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3443 Sculpture II with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4473 - Ceramics III #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Exploration of form and function of the potter’s wheel.  Emphasis on surface design, focus on sups, englobes, glazes, overglazes, and luster used as a painting medium on ceramic form.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 3423 Ceramics I and ART 3433 Ceramics II with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4513 - Asian Art #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Study of the major artistic traditions and achievements in one or more Asian Countries-including China, Japan, Korea, and/or India - with a focus on the art’s styles, functions, themes, and iconography within its cultural, historical, philosophical, and religious contexts.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 4563 - Sculpture IV #

    CIP Code:

    Description: A continuation of ART 4463, Sculpture III, with advanced exploration of form.  Advanced art criticism and development of a personal style, advanced modeling, casting, carving, and assembling.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 4463 Sculpture III with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4573 - Ceramics IV #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Ceramics IV is a continuation of Ceramics III with advanced exploration of form, finish, glazing, firing, and portfolio presentation.  Glazing process to include raku, low fire salt, sup resist, sagear firing, and oxidation/reduction stoneware.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART 4473 Ceramics III with a minimum grade of C.
  • ART 4801 - Capstone Senior Exhibition

    CIP Code:

    Description: Guided planning, preparations, and production for Capstone experiences of senior exhibition, professional portfolio and resume for the graduating art student.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Senior Art or Art Education major.
  • ART 4803 - Senior Exhibition

    CIP Code:

    Description: A capstone course for studio art majors highlighting professional business practices and self-promotion and culminating in the preparation and production of a gallery exhibition comprised of the student’s work.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • ART 4913 - Graphic Design Internship

    CIP Code:

    Description: A working internship with actual clients, projects and deadlines. Designed to provide the graphic design major an opportunity to work side by side with design professionals.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Restrictions: Instructor permission.
  • ART 4973 - Portfolio

    CIP Code:

    Description: Designed to prepare students for entrance into the art-related job market. Projects include résumé writing, organizing a traditional and digital portfolio, and designing a website of personal work.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: ART  1173 Computer Applications in Art, ART 1273 Graphic Design I and ART 4173 Web Graphics I with a minimum grade of C.


  • BIOL 1011 - Introductory Biology I Laboratory#

    CIP Code: 260101.

    Description: Students will learn how to conduct scientific inquiry, including hypothesis development, experimental design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation through a series of exercises investigating biological phenomena at the molecular and cellular level.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1013 Introductory Biology I or concurrent enrollment.
  • BIOL 1013 - Introductory Biology I#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students who are interested in pursuing a major in the Natural Sciences can prepare themselves by learning about the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, classical and molecular genetics, the molecular basis of evolution, and development.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

  • BIOL 1021 - Introductory Biology II Laboratory#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will investigate the diversity of life, plant form and function, animal form and function, ecology, and behavior.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1023 Introductory Biology II or concurrent enrollment.
  • BIOL 1023 - Introductory Biology II#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will learn about the diversity of life within an evolutionary framework, plant form and function, animal form and function, ecology, and behavior.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1013 Introductory Biology I.
  • BIOL 1111 - General Biological Science Lab#

    CIP Code: 260101

    Description: This laboratory course focuses on the processes of scientific investigations and the nature of scientific explanations in the Biological Sciences. 

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours: 2

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1113 General Biological Science (Lecture) or concurrent enrollment.
    Note: No major or minor credit. This course taken with BIOL 1113 satisfies the general education requirement in the Biological Sciences, including the laboratory requirement. Two hours of lab per week. Students cannot receive credit for BIOL 1114 and BIOL 1111.
  • BIOL 1113 - General Biological Science (Lecture)#

    CIP Code:

    Description: An introductory course concerned with fundamental biological principles, including form, function, and diversity of living things; genetics; evolution; and ecology.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: No major or minor credit. This course satisfies the general education requirement in Biological Sciences, except for the lab requirement. General education requirements include on laboratory course in either Physical or Biological Sciences. Students cannot receive credit for BIOL 1114 and BIOL 1113. Three hours of lecture per week.
  • BIOL 1114 - General Biological Science #

    CIP Code:

    Description: An introductory course concerned with fundamental biological principles, including form, function, and diversity of living things; genetics; evolution and ecology.  The laboratory component focuses on the processes of scientific investigations and the nature of scientific explanations in the Biological Sciences.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Contact Hours:

    Note: No major or minor credit. This course satisfies the general education requirement in Biological Sciences, including the lab requirement. Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week. Students cannot receive credit for BIOL 1114 and BIOL 1113 or BIOL 1111.
  • BIOL 1123 - Evolution and Diversity#

    CIP Code:

    Description: An introduction to the origins of living organisms and the mechanisms of evolution that gave rise to the current diversity of species.  Includes coverage of the origins and characteristics of major groups in the three domains of living organisms.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Note: Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1123 General Chemistry I (Lecture) recommended.
  • BIOL 1131 - Investigative Laboratory#

    CIP Code:

    Description: A practical introduction to scientific inquiry, including hypothesis development, experimental design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: MATH 1513 College Algebra, a Math ACT score of 23 or higher, or concurrent enrollment.
  • BIOL 1500 - Selected Topics in Biology #

    CIP Code: 260210

    Description: Students will explore topics in any of the various areas of biology. Specific content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants.

    Credit Hours: 1-6
    Contact Hours:

    Note: May be repeated for credit provided the topic is different each time.
  • BIOL 2154 - Human Anatomy#

    CIP Code: 260101

    Description: Students explore the structure of the human body with emphasis on terminology and organ systems.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1013 Introductory Biology I and BIOL 1011 Introductory Biology I Lab.
    Co-requisite: BIOL 2154L Human Anatomy Lab.
    Note: Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week.
  • BIOL 2500 - Selected Topics in Biology #

    CIP Code: 240210

    Description: Students will explore topics in any of the various areas of biology. Specific content and format will be determined by the specific course offered and the needs and interests of the participants.

    Credit Hours: 1-6
    Contact Hours:

    Note: May be repeated for credit provided the topic is different each time.
  • BIOL 3003 - Plant Biology#

    CIP Code: 260101

    Description: Students explore plant growth and development including cellular organization, metabolism, and responses to the environment.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1023 Introductory Biology II and BIOL 1021 Introductory Biology II Lab.
    Co-requisite: BIOL 3003L Plant Biology Lab.
    Note: Lecture and laboratory.
  • BIOL 3013 - Animal Biology#

    CIP Code: 260101

    Description: Students explore the physiology of homeostasis, reproduction, growth, and development in different groups of animals.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1023 Introductory Biology II and BIOL 1021 Introductory Biology II Lab.
    Co-requisite: BIOL 3013L Animal Biology Lab.
    Note: Lecture and laboratory.
  • BIOL 3114 - Genetics #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will investigate basic principles of genetics including classical transmission, molecular, and population genetics.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1013/1011 Introductory Biology I Lecture and Lab and CHEM 1123/1131 General Chemistry I Lecture and Lab.
    Co-requisite: BIOL 3114L Genetics Lab.
  • BIOL 3124 - Cell Biology #

    CIP Code:

    Description: Students will investigate basic principles of cell biology including metabolism, macromolecular structure and function, and cellular structure and function.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1013/1011 /Introductory Biology I Lecture and Lab and CHEM 1223/1231 General Chemistry II Lecture and Lab.
    Co-requisite: BIOL 3124L Cell Biology Lab.
  • BIOL 3133 - Evolution of Land Plants#

    CIP Code:

    Description: Evolutionary history of land plants illustrated with vegetative and reproductive morphology, beginning with a description of the major algal division.  Includes some extinct plants, but emphasizes extant forms. 

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 3003 Plant Biology.
    Co-requisite: BIOL 3133L Evolution of Land Plants Lab.
    Note: Lecture, laboratory, and field.
  • BIOL 3153 - Evolutionary Biology#

    CIP Code: 261303

    Description: Students will explore the processes that lead to the evolution of natural systems and review current ideas on the principles governing biological evolution.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Contact Hours:

    Prerequisite: BIOL 1023 Introductory Biology II, BIOL 1021 Introductory Biology II Lab, and BIOL 3114 Genetics.

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